If you didn't have work...

Goatgirl8 Posts: 57 Member
Just curious MFPers. If you could live your life anyway you wanted and didn't have to go to work EVER, how would you spend your days? Who would you spend it with and what would you accomplish or NOT accomplish. Just curious...


  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I'd spend every single day with my camera. I kind of do already but my nice one. And I'd take pictures of whatever I wanted. We'd travel all over.
    Who wants to fund this? Wanna go
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Way too many things to name. But Working out and photo's would be in there along with friends and family time.
  • dutchesse
    Going to graduate school, studying all sorts of animals (mostly primates and maybe some other species), and traveling.
  • KatKisses
    KatKisses Posts: 296 Member
    I would join Greenpeace or open up my own animal sanctuary rescue shelter. And take ALOT of vacations!
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    I'd lift from 5-6:30AM, Play basketball from 6:30-8AM, go home and shower, wait for my wife and kid(s) to get up, then take them wherever they want to go every day.
  • damedame
    damedame Posts: 113 Member
    i wouldnt be as heavy. i would work out in the morning.
    get everything i needed to get done out of the way
    relax at home with family
    do something fun
    then go for a nice evening workout
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    I would work out most of my days, and sleep for fun. =) Lol
    Honeslty, i don't know what i would do.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I would be building a self sufficient house, doing the garden, building things for the kids I don't have yet, doing stuff for the community like a communal garden, painting, scrapbooking, baking, taking photos, swimming in the river next to my house I don't have yet, learning how to make pottery, learning how to meditate then giving free classes to people. Letting backpakers stay in the barn I don't have yet in exchange for labour. Having fun! Sitting below my fairy lights with my boyfriend drinking tea and roasting marshmallows. Writing.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I'd fish all morning, hang out at the gym and do some personal training in the afternoons, and **** all night.
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    I would make glass beads all morning, and run all afternoon. Presumably I would be able to afford to have a housekeeper to do my chores in this scenario? Pretty please :smile:
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    I would homestead and homeschool my kids. Make most of our food, linens, clothes from scratch.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I'd volunteer in a museum!!! I cannot think of anything better to do all day!
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    Travel all over the world.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'd "Sleep in" with my fiance in the mornings, I'd work out about three hours a day. I'd spend a lot of time helping my kids classrooms. I'd cook fantastic dinners every night.

    THATis the life I want.
  • redstar7
    redstar7 Posts: 25 Member
    If I didn't work, my laundry would always be done, and put away where it belongs.

    I would never stress over where the time goes, or worry about completing things when I get home from work.

    It would be great!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'd be traveling, working out, and pursuing an MFA in digital media
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    At 48 years old, I am finally able to escape from the rat race of the corporate world and be what I feel fits me best and that's a housewife. I love taking care of our home and my husband. I was a stay at home mom when our son was growing up-off and on. When we needed extra money, I would work for a while & hated every day of it. The longest job I had was recently and that lasted 5 years. Now, I'm "retired" again. I love being at home and taking care of my family. It satisfies me like nothing else.

    My husband travels a lot and works from home when he's here so my days look like this (typically):
    Sleep until I feel like getting up.
    Get up, make coffee, check email and catch up on MFP and Facebook.
    Go to the beach and walk 5-7 miles some days, some days I ride my bike for exercise & I also do Zumba. I'm going to add the fitness center in here this weekend with weights etc.
    I'm not a big shopper so that's not an issue.
    Come home, swim for a bit & then shower and pick up the house...clean the kitchen etc. I have several projects going on at any given time & work on one of those after lunch then I plan activities for when my husband comes home...everything is done when he gets home so all we have to do is play. Bills are paid, meals are planned, groceries bought, errands ran etc.

    We've recently started building a house so now my spare moments are filled with that too! Pinterest!!! LOL

    I LOVE my life!
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I would be doing dog rescue every day!
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Go swimming. Get into fashion. Go on trips. Go to parties. Experiment with drugs.
    Hang out with hamsters and cats.
  • Gongfu_Life
    I'd travel around to places I like and look for bar bands playing guitar, dobro, mandolin, for fun :love: