Hi, I have been tracking my meals & exercise on MFP for a couple of weeks and now I would like to build my community. I have come from the world of counting points with Weight Watchers and now I am trying to recycle my thinking to the real world of calorie counting.

If you have made a similar transition and you have some helpful hints to help me along the way, I am ALL in. I lost most of my weight with WW, so I have great things to say about the program, but my wallet is telling me it's just no longer practical (especially when I can use MFP to achieve the same goal.)

I would love to hear from you if you would be interested in mutual encouragement. The world is full of people waiting in line to tear you down, I think its much better to be a cheerleader for someone else and lift them up!


  • VitalWoman
    VitalWoman Posts: 3 Member
    What I find easy for me is planning my entire day of food and entering the foods, then I adjust it
    as I go along if things change.. This helps me to stay on target.
  • I agree w/'s much easier for me to enter all meals and snacks first thing in the morning. When left to "wing" it and make decisions on the usually results in an epic fail for the day!