
So today is my first day trying Cymbalta

After a long run with Lexapro, which made me gain 30 pounds rapidly, and not having much success with relieving my depression and anxiety my doctor recommended Cymbalta as he felt a combination of serotonin and norepinephrine would help me in the long run.

I just wanted to know what peoples experiences were with Cymbalta and if they had success with it.
Did you have any adverse side affects? Or did you gain/lose weight?

I am just interested :)

Thanks for sharing!


  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Mine probably wont be the most popular post, but I've been in the position when doctors were prescribing drugs to treat symptoms. I found the underlying cause. I got rid of things in my environment that were unhealthy for my body and I no longer have a need for medications. I still take thyroid meds but that's it.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Mine probably wont be the most popular post, but I've been in the position when doctors were prescribing drugs to treat symptoms. I found the underlying cause. I got rid of things in my environment that were unhealthy for my body and I no longer have a need for medications. I still take thyroid meds but that's it.

    I am hoping with a healthy lifestyle I can help my Bipolar along side with medication.
    One day maybe, if I can reach the discipline, I can maintain balance.
    But right now in my life, it's something thats needed.
  • Owsla135
    Owsla135 Posts: 350 Member
    I am currently on Cymbalta and Abilify and they have worked wonders. I was on Wellbutrin and have also tried Paxil and Prozac but Cymbalta has worked the best. I haven't noticed any weight gain on it either. If the Cymbalta alone doesn't completely even out your moods, talk to your doctor about adding Abilify. It kicks in pretty quickly and makes a big difference.
  • simnuts
    simnuts Posts: 32 Member
    I am on Cymbalta too for neuropathy and I too dont feel like it has done anything to my weight up or down. However, I can tell you from experience to remember to take it as prescribed. I know if I miss a dose the next day I absolutely know it. Dizzy, nauseous room spinning feeling.

    Keep open lines of communication with your dr about it and discuss any questions or concerns with them, thats what they're there for.

    Good luck!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    worst medication ever

    all it did for me was make me yawn all day, and if i missed it by even half an hour, i'd get withdrawal "brain zaps"

    got off that **** quick!!

    no weight gain as far as i remember
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    Agree with rudegyal. I had to quit Cymbalta after a month because I felt like the walking dead. I quit cold turkey and for several weeks after had brain zaps - had to stay in bed for three days because the were making me crazy dizzy. Not worth it. Pull up!!
  • Neeser926
    Neeser926 Posts: 100 Member
    I couldn't wait to wean myself from that nasty drug. It did not help my anxiety and has HORRID side effects if you are late or miss a day. I too was on Lexapro first. It took a long time after I finally got off that drug for the brain zaps to stop! Hard to wean off of too. I currently am drug free. Anxiety attacks were better than Brain Zaps!!
  • Deluxe97
    Deluxe97 Posts: 34 Member
    I've been on cymbalta a few years for anxiety disorder. The side effects were mostly gone for me after the first 2 weeks. It doesn't work for everyone, and each person is unique, but for me it's been life-changing. There are so many people that don't understand the realities of chemical imbalances in the brain, but used correctly, the right medication can really be great. For me, I did not gain weight as a result of this medication.

    My most important advice is as follows:

    - Eat plenty of fiber in your foods to prevent constipation (a side-effect). This is also good for you anyway (the fiber), so not a big deal.

    -NEVER quit this medication cold turkey! I ran out once and was off for 4 days and it was really bad. If you decided it isn't working for you, you need to talk to your Dr and slowly taper off. So don't make my mistake and forget to refill. Also I feel better when I take it before bed (not so sleepy during the day).
  • stinkpurty
    I took Cymbalta for about a year and a half. I didn't gain weight but I didn't lose weight either. It helped my depression very well. Yet, anti-depressants affect each person differently.

    You just started it. Give it a chance for a while.It takes a few weeks to understand how well an anti-depressant is working. However, if you find it is not working, talk to your doctor before you stop taking them. Like the other posters have stated, those brain zaps are awful. The brain zaps are not unique to Cymbalta. They happen with most anti-depressants if you stop taking them cold turkey.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Side effects I had:
    --brain zaps
    --unbelievable constipation
    --small amount of weight gain when I was really on top of my nutrition and fitness
    --cold all the time
    --feeling as if I was coming down sick but never actually did
    --Irrational thinking

    I eventually stopped taking it. The side effects weren't worth the benefits for me.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I had the brains zaps for MONTHS after I stopped taking Cymbalta and I even tapered down. Totally wasn't worth it.
  • SueBee7777
    I am on Cymbalta and have been for about 3 years now. I had a very stressful job and Health issues that were making me a very depressed person. The Cymbalta really does the job it is made to do and a bit more. It is also used for pain now, which helps in another way, it's like a bonus. Each person, I imagine , has their own feelings about it. For me it took the edge off and I was able to be a more productive and a more calm person. When I was younger I would have been totally against it, but at 60, I have learned that sometimes a little help is a good thing.

    I have no side effects, so far, from it. I have other health issues, and it has not caused any problems with the other meds I have to take. I worked for a doctor so I was able to get up to date information and be educated on what it should do for me. It does not work the same for everyone, so you will have to see how it does for you. It might help to keep a diary and see if you find any changes going on and be sure to make your Doctor aware of them.

    Some people need it to get over a bad time and do not have to take it long term and some people need it long term. You and your doctor will have to figure out which is good for you. It is great, if some day, you find you don't need them, but if you do need them, I would say to you, don't be afraid, to say you do. Everyone is different and everyone has a different reason to take this type of medication. I don't judge anyone who has to rely on certain medications to get them through the day or their life. It is not easy out here in the real world. I also would never judge someone who felt drug intervention was not for them. It is always a personal decision, to be made with your family and your Doctor or Just you and your Doctor.

    I would definitely say that I have had great success with Cymbalta and I do know a few other people who have said the same!! I hope it works for you.
  • SueBee7777
    Oh and I haven't had any brain zaps yet!!
  • donnakcraig
    donnakcraig Posts: 23 Member
    The Dr at Duke told me it will not make you gain weight. if you decide to come off it you might have to come off it slowly.

    I took it for leg pain, liked it, slept better and who can't use somthing for our mood, but decided at this time, for leg pain that I didn't want to double the dose.

    but if you need it, and it helps at least it will not make you gain weight. that is good to know
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Thanks for all the replies guys!
    I will definetly be keen on those brain zaps

    But today I felt good.
    First day I've been good in awhile

    Before I wasnt getting dressed, grooming myself, sleeping all day, and eating bad.
    But today was different.

    Anybody else out there with experience?