The evening always gets me.....

I do so good the whole day but by late afternoon to evening its like my body says, "your starving eat everything!" Anyone else go through this?


  • I know exactly what you mean. I am the type of person who CANNOT go to bed hungry, or feeling like I haven't eaten enough. That being said, I am also a bored snacker. My solution is to plan out my meals. I usually eat the same thing, or close to it, for breakfast and lunch. Then I have a dinner with relatively the same amount of cals each day. That way I can allow myself to have snacks at night. My usual snacks are Orville Redenbacker's 100 calorie popcorn bags, 80 calorie cupcakes (store bought cake mix, just adding diet soda instead of the oil eggs and/or butter), just little snacks like this help me out. Also, if there's a snack you like eating, but don't think you can... account for that, and maybe do a little extra cardio... I LOVE pretzel M&Ms, so I run a little extra so I can get the 150 cal bag. All this helps me out, also a couple cups of coffee during the morning/early afternoon will surpress hunger so you won't want a big breakfast/lunch...which means more cals for night time.

    Hope this helps, its just my system of doing things :-)

    P.S. Having high protein for dinner will help, I eat a lot of boneless skinless chicken breast because its very filling and good cal ratio.
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    Yes, I have that problem as well. Just like Ashley I can't go to bed hungry and I'm a bored snacker. PopSecret Homestyle is my best friend, lol. It makes for a good nightime snack. I also sometimes eat my son's Chewy 90 calorie granola bars.
  • Thanks guys! I will try some of those suggestions :) Have a great day!
  • Yes I also experience this ... plus add to that a husband who constantly SNACKS and loves CANDY. How do you not join in? It's almost like that has become "our time" alone and enjoyment. Our daughter is getting her last 4 molars ... so sleep is not sleep it has become almost like having a young baby again. How do you not eat in the evenings when you finally have a moment to yourself to enjoy ... I totally understand this struggle.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Yes, and that's why I eat a light dinner (salad with some protein) every night so I can enjoy some sweet treats while watching TV with hubby at night. It works for me.. :)
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Sorry but I do like a cup of ice-cream after the kids are in bed. :(
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I have this same problem, usually when I get home from work and especially if I don't go straight from work to the gym. I find in the time between getting home and dinner being ready I am starving (or even if I'm not) and I want to snack on bad things especially carbs like bread and crackers. I usually try to eat a healthy snack before at work before going home to reduce the temptation when I do get home.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    It happens if you're not eating enough or don't eat a good afternoon snack. An apple around 4-4:30 and dinner around 6:15 or so helps A LOT.
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    Oh Yeah! This is a BIG problem for me, especially lately. I've tried to compensate by running every day - but I didn't run today, &so I'm almost 300 cal. over for the day. I'm going to bed right after posting this - very early for me... so that I won't eat any more!!

    Good night.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    I try to keep my hands busy by knitting, and am really working on distinguishing between "mouth hungry" and "belly hungry".

    Also, a nice cup of fruit tea seems to help in the evenings, too.
  • MercuryDomini
    MercuryDomini Posts: 8 Member
    I think a LOT of people have this problem. I try to save my daily protein shake for evening times. I'm supposed to drink it anyway so it's not necessarily extra calories, and it's thick so it's filling like a milkshake would be. If that doesn't solve my problem I have a few of those 50 calorie individual bags of pretzels and 90 cal. snack bars in the cabinet for cravings.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I do so good the whole day but by late afternoon to evening its like my body says, "your starving eat everything!" Anyone else go through this?

    It's like this for everyone. Having to eat at a calorie deficit is not fun. Think of it as a mortgage payment. The fat you accumulated on your body is your debt. The bigger your debt the longer it takes to pay it off. It's better to (maintain) just make interest payments than it is to go further into debt when you need to take a break from the deficit (interest and principle payments).

    The reason why someone who is overweight must eat less than the person next to them who is the same height but not over weight is because the person not overweight is debt free.

    It's hard to pay off debt. It makes you never want to go into debt again.
  • emilygh1974
    emilygh1974 Posts: 65 Member
    I have a SERIOUS problem with this. My biggest problem is wine in the evening. I love my wine, and there just aren't enough calories in the day for it. So, so sad... :( So very sad :(
  • I know exactly what you mean. Every morning I wake up so positive and do great throughout the day because I stay busy, when I'm done with my exercise and its time to relax or if I'm bored I just want to eat..
  • Leassa
    Leassa Posts: 7
    I used to be a night time snacker. I find having a cup of tea in the evening then after i am done that i brush my teeth. Cause everything tastes gross after. But i admit sometimes i have a taffy candy in bed...
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    It's like this for everyone. Having to eat at a calorie deficit is not fun. Think of it as a mortgage payment. The fat you accumulated on your body is your debt. The bigger your debt the longer it takes to pay it off. It's better to (maintain) just make interest payments than it is to go further into debt when you need to take a break from the deficit (interest and principle payments).

    The reason why someone who is overweight must eat less than the person next to them who is the same height but not over weight is because the person not overweight is debt free.

    It's hard to pay off debt. It makes you never want to go into debt again.

    ~good comparison!
  • holly1007
    holly1007 Posts: 102 Member
    I totally get where you are coming from, I'm the exact same way and in the same situation. I haven't yet found the right thing for me yet...but there are a lot of good suggestions so far above...gonna try them too. But nope, not alone, right there with ya!
  • I stilll think of myself as the Binger. But I have been in a good place lately. I do love my 100 calorie Pop Corn as well. Tonight it didn't do the trick, so I got into some nuts 1/4 cup and a small handful of banana chips. good thing I was able to stop after that. I am out of apples out of Hummus. Definately need to go buy some tommorow
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I try to keep my hands busy by knitting, and am really working on distinguishing between "mouth hungry" and "belly hungry".

    Also, a nice cup of fruit tea seems to help in the evenings, too.
    ^This. My emotional eating really seems to kick it up a notch in the evenings. I've by no means won this fight yet, but keeping busy helps a lot. Tea is also nice, both the act of preparing it and drinking it. I go for the spicy chai-type teas, so the smell is really rich and it just feels more satisfying to my senses. I also allocate some of my daily calories to the evening munchies, and I rarely go a day without a few squares of dark chocolate (or, now that the Christmas candy is out, dark chocolate peppermint truffles!). But I could still happily eat a couple bowls of cereal, or Mac & cheese...I obviously have a ways to go to defeat the evening cravings.
  • smittysk
    smittysk Posts: 2 Member
    Nighttime, after the kids are in bed, is my downfall. Keeping busy helps me, but if I have to eat I try to eat healthier things. Instead of chips or chocolate, I'll have popcorn or even a small bowl of cereal. Fruit is always good, but it doesn't satisfy my crunchy salty cravings.