OFF topic--killer kitty

I hope someone has a suggestion for my loveable mouse/rat killing boy kitty. He has been bringing me one almost everyday for the past month, leaving it in various stages of death & dismemberment on my floor :grumble: He has occasionally done this in the past, but there has never been a killing streak like this one!

He does wear a collar with a bell, are these mice around here deaf? Really slow?? I don't get it. Anything else I can do?


  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I hope someone has a suggestion for my loveable mouse/rat killing boy kitty. He has been bringing me one almost everyday for the past month, leaving it in various stages of death & dismemberment on my floor :grumble: He has occasionally done this in the past, but there has never been a killing streak like this one!

    He does wear a collar with a bell, are these mice around here deaf? Really slow?? I don't get it. Anything else I can do?
  • jsmalla
    jsmalla Posts: 140 Member
    May your rodent killing kitty have many offspring who are as gifted as he!!!
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    :laugh: At least ur kitty knows what to do... mine just watch the mice play and when I say something to them they look at me like I'm from outter space or something. "You want me to do what with that thing?" :laugh:
  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    Well, he's being a kitty! Be proud of him! :smile: It's only natural for him to hunt and keep our rodent numbers at a tolerable level. He should be appreciated for it.
  • timisw
    timisw Posts: 391 Member
    We had a Killer Kitty that took on all kinds of wild pray

    He would sneak them in the house occasionally.

    Picture this... Thanksgiving Dinner 1986.

    Everyone is gathering around the table and Aunt Janice pulls out her chair only to find a headless rabbit on her seat (all kinds of blood)! The screams will haunt me for the rest of my life! I was the one that had to get a garbage bag and put it out in the garage. Only the Killer Kitty was upset that I had taken its prize prey away and had subsequently went to the garage, tore thru the bag and brought the rabbit BACK into the house! Its next locations was in Uncle Jerry's bed!

    My mom almost KILLED the cat! I dont think he was allowed back into the house until Spring!

  • kerikitkat
    kerikitkat Posts: 352 Member

    The two cats I have now are either too fat or too uncoordinated to catch anything. Back in college, however, I had this insane cat for a while named Hazey. She was about 4 months old when my husband (then boyfriend) moved far far away and I moved into this typical run-down college house with 5 of my friends. First day there while we're all unpacking, we start seeing mice. LOTS of mice. A few calls to the landlord later and he promises to get it taken care of right away.

    More than a month later, he still hadn't done a damn thing about those mice.

    Tiny little Hazey, however, had killed 14 mice and deposited them in our living room one by one. Either she got them all or finally scared the rest away, because after that first month we never saw a mouse again. :laugh:
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    My Mother's cat "Turbo" was a killer Tom....this may sound crazy, but I believe my Mother...she says that when they hunt and bring their prey back to you, it is a gift, for they feel that they are much better hunters than you and that they need to provide for you...Mom says to always praise your cat when he brings you his prey and not to let them see you dispose of it.
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    Maybe he thinks you look hungry. Seriously, he's bringing you your due as the master of the household. If you really love the little mousies, you can have him de-clawed and keep him indoors. Not my choice, but it is something that can be done. I'd rather let them be cats.
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    All the cats Ive had since being tiny have been great mousers. maybe it was the living behind a farm... anyway, theyd kill anything, crows and blue jays, moles and mice, wood chucks and raccoons, even a few bats... But it is true that they are supposedly bringing you a present. A nice bloody dismembered present. On occasion they'd bring a still live animal into the house, merely maimed or bruised, which was always fun trying to catch them and put them back outside.
    Just think of it as them showing you affection. You also dont have to worry about calling any exterminators usually. If your cats are killing mice, odds are they might be in your house or near enough to get in. Would you rather have your cats killing the mice or an infestation? The mice will learn after a few more dead comrades to not mess with kitty!
  • Pamy
    Pamy Posts: 148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cats will be cats!!! They do this to say thanks to their owners!!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Thanks everybody! I guess I will just be cool with the status quo. Unfortunately I broke one of the "rules" and let them see me get rid of the critter, right from under their nose. But usually it's waiting for me after I've been out of the house so I can "secretly" get rid of them. I've had a couple of live rats brought in, that was freaky, esp in the wee hours. I heard them racing back & forth trying to get it. I'm glad there have been no dead bunnies!!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    OH, BTW, the pic in my ticker is Astrid, the tame girl cat. :wink:
  • beautifulbay
    beautifulbay Posts: 159
    Cute! How many do you have??
    I have a snowshoe---he is always bringing me dead critters, thankfully he leaves them outside....he got a rat the other day and I was soooo proud of him! I lavished him with praise, and he brought it right to was still alive, but since he already gave it to me, he wouldn't go back to it to kill it, so it got handed over to hubby who had to do the deed.... :sick: gross...but we can't have rats in our barn.
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Have you ever seen that episode of Family Guy?

    Brian (the dog - talking about leaving a dead bird in the house): "THAT WAS A GIFT FOR THE FAMILY!" :laugh:

    We don't have mice, but my cats will stalk crickets out in our storage closet on the deck, bring them inside to show us, then gobble them up and go back for more!
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    We had a Killer Kitty that took on all kinds of wild pray

    He would sneak them in the house occasionally.

    Picture this... Thanksgiving Dinner 1986.

    Everyone is gathering around the table and Aunt Janice pulls out her chair only to find a headless rabbit on her seat (all kinds of blood)! The screams will haunt me for the rest of my life! I was the one that had to get a garbage bag and put it out in the garage. Only the Killer Kitty was upset that I had taken its prize prey away and had subsequently went to the garage, tore thru the bag and brought the rabbit BACK into the house! Its next locations was in Uncle Jerry's bed!

    My mom almost KILLED the cat! I dont think he was allowed back into the house until Spring!

    LOL that's to funny:laugh:
  • delanahub
    delanahub Posts: 56
    I heard some where that our cats bring us their kill because they are trying to teach us to hunt, so basically the think we are just big dumb kittens who need to learn how to hunt! My 2 kitties only catch bugs since they can't go outside, but nothing is grosser than kitty puke with a dead fly in it. ewe.
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    Could he come and visit at my house???? :happy: We seem to be having an issue with rats around here lately and they are just soooo gross.....
  • travelbug
    travelbug Posts: 153
    My cat is named Spazz for a reason. Little did I know what that name would bring in the years to come. Great hunter for sure, she can instantly jump straight up 4 feet to catch anything flying by and pounce on any critter passing by all while on a leash. And because I feed her well, she doesn't need to kill her prey, just toss the around till she gets bored and they're left slightly mangled (breaks my heart) I've rescued many other animals from her wrath. Some of the live friends she has brought me (inside) include several birds and mice, moles, dragon flies, moths oh but the bat that ended up flying through my apartment was the best. I eventually caught them all I and will never forgiver her for that.
    But I love her to bits!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I got another present this morning!! :blushing: :laugh: I praised him this time.
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    Bats are the worst to have in the house, mainly because they hide during the day rather than freak out like a rabbit or mouse would!
    Luckily, my new cat is indoors only now (live in the city)
    But my mom says the old cats are still up to their shenanigans.