Not new, but starting again!

Hey, I'm Donnie. I heard about this site a few months ago and signed up, but never really did anything with it. Now I am trying to change that. I just started a 90 day challenge that I am very excited about. I dont know if I can mention it here, the rules made it seem like I cannot. My 90 days are up on January first and I can't wait to see how I have done.

I think my biggest issue I am going to have is working out. I dont really have anyone day to day that can help push me to get my bottom in gear. I move a lot at work, but i know I need to walk at home along with situps and a few other things.

Any suggestions on how to get on track with exercise and stay on?


  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Don't go all out when you start. Ease back into it. You are in it for the long term. If you have a good plan, you should see some decent changes in 90 days that motivate you to stay in it for another 90 days.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I had that same i started out walking slow..i did 10 mins , for one week, then walked 15 mins the next week and then kept increasing the time...if you do a lot the first'll hate working out the next day.
  • I am right there with you. I started earlier in the year and was doing great. Some how I got off track. Ready to try again and I hope with success this time.
  • c_manda1
    c_manda1 Posts: 11 Member
    I did the exact same thing and recently decided I'm done being unhealthy. As far as working out, like everyone else said, "ease into it!" When I first started 2 weeks ago I walked 1 mile in 30 minutes, now I walk 3 miles in the same time! Another great suggestion that gave me that extra pep in my awesome playlist lol Beyonce had me 2 seconds from running (that get me bodied song lol) Good luck :) don't give up.
  • I have no plans to rush into any workout. I use my body too much at work to wear myself out with additional exercise. I live at the end of a mile long road, so I figure if I just walk that 3 to 4 times a week to start along with some situps, I will be doing good. As far as good music to help me move, I have to find my MP3 player or that is going to be a long walk!!!
  • How do you add your pounds lost to your posts?

    Nevermind, I answered my own question!
  • c_manda1
    c_manda1 Posts: 11 Member
    @donijo23 that sounds perfect! You'll do great :) yes you'll definitely need to get that mp3 player, idk about you but when I'm without my music I notice the oddest things and get completely distracted, next thing I know I've slowed my pace. I try to cram as much walking in 30 minutes because that's all the time I have to myself.
  • c_manda1
    c_manda1 Posts: 11 Member
    How did you add pounds lost to your post???