Weight Watchers to calorie counting



  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    Stick with us here. The support is great and you'll learn things that WW either doesn't know or doesn't want to share. I've done WW 2x and never found out that 3500 calories equals one pound. Their business is keeping you hooked, but very very slow losses. Just my personal opinion.
  • I agree. I did weight watcher and found myself overeating on fruit (0 Pts), plus using my points. Which added to lots of calories. So I am back to counting calories.When counting calories you keep a food log and you really see what is going in your mouth.
  • amadacorazon
    amadacorazon Posts: 42 Member
    I have previously been successful with WWs. I thought that their new points system would be a good change, but "my" focus has changed. Having others take charge & do the 'work' in calculating my daily food intake without a 'real' nutritional focus, doesn't cut it for me anymore. And overdoing it on zero-point foods certainly wasn't helping me.