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  • ismiseciara
    ismiseciara Posts: 211 Member
    feel free to add me too :)
  • ch2125k
    ch2125k Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome, I just joined yesterday. I am also as yo yo dieter. I don't just drop a few pounds, I drop 60,85, the last time I dropped 100 pounds. I gained 90 of it back. I am tired of beating myself up over it. I just have to motivate myself to lose 1 pound at a time. Good luck.
  • sarkazm
    sarkazm Posts: 104
    i am sorry, i didnt mean to hijack anyones post. i was just posting where it says introduce yourself.. was i suppose to put it somewhere else?? i can delete it.. i think.. now i feel bad.. I AM SORRY EMILY..

    I didn't mean to make you feel bad, it's all cool. I was being sarcastic hence my MFP name.
  • Hi all! I am hoping that this website will help me in my journey to fit back into my wardrobe. A little about my struggles. I am now 48 years old and was thin my whole life. When I hit 43 I started gaining weight for no reason. I went to the doctor and had blood work which all came back fine. I was 110 lbs and went to have lipo done when I got to 116 lbs because all the weight gain was in my stomach. I went from a 24" waist to 29" waist and my clothes were very uncomfortable. What a waste of money. He only took out like an ounce. I had no weight loss and when I complained he said to start exercising. I am now at 127 lbs and my waist is 34" and I am only 5'3 1/2" tall. I went to a weight loss clinic earlier this year and they give you appetite suppresants and vitamin B shots and I was on a low carb diet of like 600 calories a day. After 2 weeks I had zero weight loss. The doctor said I wasn't eating enough. So I stopped going. Now for the last month I have been taking the Dr. Oz recommended Green Coffee Bean Extract and have lost nothing in 4 weeks. I did my calorie chart for today and wasn't too off. Just ate a little less (1000 calories) and right amount of everything else. I don't know why but I ordered a different brand of green coffee bean extract and will take that along with tracking on this website. I hope something happens soon as this has gotten me very depressed. I would be happen to get any advise or imput from anyone that knows more than I do or has been in my situation. Thanks for reading. P.S. I don't know where to post this as I have never posted on a message board before. Please give instructions so I don't mess up again.
  • Feel free to add me a well!
    I am always willing to try and motivate others!
    I'm also always posting.