What to eat when there is nothing to eat

Pretty much everything my parents have stocking the cupboards right now is going to put me over on my calories for the day. I have 250 calls left and I just want one decent meal. Any advice?


  • nose6
    nose6 Posts: 39 Member
    Are there any fruits or vegetables around at all? Canned tuna? Canned tuna mixed with some vegetable can be decent, maybe with a small amount of pasta too. Is there any soup? What about eating something you would normally have for a different meal? You could make "breakfast for dinner" with eggs or oatmeal. (Or is it so bad that all the breakfast food they have is pastries?)

    It's frustrating to take control over your health when you're not doing the shopping, but maybe you can take pride in being creative despite the limited options.
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    I've been in that situation sooo many times. It's frustrating. Even though it sounds like you live at your parents, you can still do your own grocery shopping. Will they be offended if you buy your own food? Or are you afraid that they will criticize your choices?

    the breakfast idea is a good one.

    eggs, or a pancake

    Some things you can try to find now..

    rice, which can be topped with soups, such as tomato, butternut squash, or mushroom.

    is there a frozen or canned vegetable of any kind at all?

    canned beans? a corn tortilla? add a little hot sauce, a pinch of cheese, or diced tomatoes
  • Jes_ika
    Jes_ika Posts: 72 Member
    Eggs are great. Protein fills you up for longer. Also water will help you eat less and make you feel full
  • bub_snig
    I know exactly how you feel. I still live at home with my parents and had the same situation. But I found that I spoke with my mum and dad and told them what i was doing. I buy my own groceries now and even have a shelf on the fridge dedicated to my food. I was worried about offending them and that they would mock me for what I was doing. I sat down and spoke to them. They were happy with me buying my one food as it saved them money and time. I did get mocked a lot by my mother for what I was eating and buying and yeah it hurts but she soon stopped after I lost a bit of weight and started to fit into her clothes (not that I would wear them YUK!!!! lol but my results soon shut her up). Its hard but you will appreciate it so much more when you work for it.

    P.S. just a bit of background my mother and I don't usually get along too well ... personalty differences and what not.
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    A cup of milk with a scrambled egg?
  • 256Sept12
    For 250 calories, I would eat 2 eggs with salsa and apple

    apple and penut butter

    english muffin with turkey slices or cheese


    chicken pieces with bbq sause and veggies

    whole fruit with cheese or penut butter

    english muffin pizza

    and i'd grocery shop for my own things if my parents weren't buying it
  • DaveCollinsgsy
    DaveCollinsgsy Posts: 6 Member
    try some skinless chicken breast with chopped up lettuce and cucumber maybe add just a few crutons should come up to about 200cals good luck
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    3 eggs (210 cal) if you have some frozen veggies you can toss a little of those in and not need any oil. Else use a teeny shot of nonstick spray. Throw in some Salsa (chunky is nice because it has veggies already) and you will be very close to your 250 and super full ;)

    You can also have egg salad with 2 eggs and a tbsp of mayo. Toss in some pickle and onion, a dab of mustard (if you like) and just eat it like that..or make 1 egg and have some bread with it.

    If you don't have eggs can do tuna salad, or oatmeal with some fruit. I don't know what you have but it's highly possible to have a meal for 250 cal - my dinner last night.. salmon, rice with veggies and broccoli came to 252. Just try to avoid anything in a package and you can make it work.