Please help me

So i know this is a lot different from the advice your used to giving....but i'm recovering from an EXTREME diet (0-200 calories a day.) that left me light headed and weak, and almost underweight. ('m currently 1 pound from underweight.) I lost 25 pounds in two/three months and am worrying family/friends.


I promised my mom i would start to try and eat healthy again........but it feels impossible. I wake up thinking i'll eat a normal amount and end up at 400-900kal without taking into account soccer practice/hour or two of walking!

How do i eat more? What can i eat that i wont feel fat? My bmr is supposedly 1300 (the amount i burn laying in bed all day.) but it doesn't take into account my high activity level or the fact that i just finished starving myself for three months..................HELP!


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  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    I would say u need to see a good Nutritionist and a Doctor and a Therapist because it sounds like PB that extreme diet u may have caused some damage not just to your body but your psyche;(
  • OY!

    ok, generally people need around 1200 cals a day. Extreme dieting is NOT healthy and comes with a lot of risks. Why did you do it in the first place?

    Eating clean and exercising, that's the way to go. One more ingredient you need is PATIENCE! It will take time, there is no magic pill.

    Hope it helps.
  • im trying......but weight is already coming back at 800kal a day! its scary gaining.............
  • tlheppler
    tlheppler Posts: 52 Member
    I have been thru this with my daughter. It is so difficult, I know. You have to STOP listening to that voice in your head that says its too much. YOU NEEN MORE. The only way we were able to make a difference was to come to an agreement that she would not prepare her own meals and eat what we prepared for her. SHE HATED IT, but SHE DID IT, and its working. It was so hard, but so worth it. Find someone that you love to help you, and know that at times you will not like that person. I read you post last night and couldn't stop thinking about you. I know you can do it, you have too. There are so many people that love you. Please understand that your brain says one thing, but your body needs another.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    You are replacing the large amount of weight you quickly lost after 2-3 months of severe calorie restriction - so of course you're going to gain weight. After all, it's your body's natural response to such behavior. Consuming a mere 0-200 calories plus engaging in soccer and 2 hours of additional cardio activity is pretty extreme. In most semi-starvation studies, subjects are on 600 calorie diets without your degree of physical activity and the results are quite profound in their cases.

    Once you get back to your original weight, you may end up with less lean body mass and higher body fat compared to what you had prior to engaging in this behavior. Additionally, although your resting metabolic rate has likely declined, it won't take long for that to return to optimal levels. The only endocrinological alteration that may take a while to reset is your serum leptin concentration levels - leptin is your satiety hormone. When low, the signaling to alert satiety is altered so you feel full on much less calories despite the body needing far more energy. This is why you find it's so difficult to eat more. Once leptin levels are increased by upping calories, your natural hunger response will return and you'll start to get the appropriate messages to eat more.

    However, I have to ask the question: Do you really need to lose weight? You may have BDD, body dysmorphic disorder, and think you are fat when you really are not. What's your height, original weight and present weight?
  • I'm like 111 pounds and 5'4
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    In all seriousness, I normally hate everything about the medical community, but you need a therapist more than you need advice on a diet forum. You have essentially traumatized your body's metabolic activities, and it's going to be a slow and mentally painful process to fix it. From what you have said so far, I have a feeling that you will not be able to accomplish this on your own, no offense intended.
  • cgale8
    cgale8 Posts: 34 Member
    You did not get here overnight and you will not get to the proper place overnight. You need to seek the advice of a good counselor that specializes in eating disorders if possible. For now concentrate on eating every two hours and force yourself not to look at the calories. Incorporate the help of trusted family members and close friends to help you. Walking that much each day and to add soccer practice on top of it is not helping your body.

    Please reach out to whomever you can to get you the help that you need.
  • 50kaz
    50kaz Posts: 4
    Hi abt oct 2009 my 6ft 18 yr old son weighed 65 kegs. I had tried being less bossy ant this but Decided at the time i could not continue to watch him fade away so informed him I was either taking him to a psych Or he had to follow a recommended health plan to put on weight. He chose the later and last week hit 80kgs and is a HAPPY and confident young man for the first time in his life loving the idea of having such a long life still to live all ahead of him. Way back in the beginning we worked out how much he needed to eat each day to put on weight. It took abt 6 myths to put on 4 kgs because he just could not eat all that food then as his body changed he started to actually feel hungry .. Something he said e'd never felt before . In fact he said to me once " I can't imagine what would motivate anyone to get off the chair and to get something to eat. .. Anything!! .. And as he started to meet the needs of his body he wanted to get fit as sell. Anyway my point is i'm confident in mfp as a quality product including the calarie counting and the incredible mentoring and support others give. Finally I would say the other critical facto forming the foundation of my sons progress has been accurate information. Do your own research or seek professional advise but just make sure is scientifically based and tested. Good luck sweet pea You Can Do This ... Xx
  • So i know this is a lot different from the advice your used to giving....but i'm recovering from an EXTREME diet (0-200 calories a day.) that left me light headed and weak, and almost underweight. ('m currently 1 pound from underweight.) I lost 25 pounds in two/three months and am worrying family/friends.


    I promised my mom i would start to try and eat healthy again........but it feels impossible. I wake up thinking i'll eat a normal amount and end up at 400-900kal without taking into account soccer practice/hour or two of walking!

    How do i eat more? What can i eat that i wont feel fat? My bmr is supposedly 1300 (the amount i burn laying in bed all day.) but it doesn't take into account my high activity level or the fact that i just finished starving myself for three months..................HELP!

    If it is the "amount" you eat that is the tripping stone : I would suggest peanut butter = 94 calories ( 1 tablespoon ), dark chocolate > One hundred grams of pure baking chocolate will provide 501 calories< before soccer or paced walking. Or even 1 Med Banana (150g) = 142 cals.

    That way you can have the energy ( but not the bloat ) for high activity and still have room for more organised portioned meals...

    Listen if you need a nudge or lift just add me and I will try my best to, support you when it is needed the most

    Pete ;)
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I'm glad we have civil people giving sound advice, that is much appreciated. Sounds like the people who have commented site way more qualified to give advice than me. So i have a question: Can the reverse happen, meaning, your body is so use to eating, it makes it near impossible, and or seem impossible to lower your calorie intake? Hearing some of your responses males me think my body had been so use to eating anything i felt like, it might be making it more difficult then it should be. I am brand new on here, and just stayed exercising last month, so maybe ok just jumping the gun. I will say my body doors seen tu l to be changing, slightly, painfully so, but for the better.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    Sorry for typo's, its dark, im in bed, and have suggestivespelling on, so much for that
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    So i know this is a lot different from the advice your used to giving....but i'm recovering from an EXTREME diet (0-200 calories a day.) that left me light headed and weak, and almost underweight. ('m currently 1 pound from underweight.) I lost 25 pounds in two/three months and am worrying family/friends.


    I promised my mom i would start to try and eat healthy again........but it feels impossible. I wake up thinking i'll eat a normal amount and end up at 400-900kal without taking into account soccer practice/hour or two of walking!

    How do i eat more? What can i eat that i wont feel fat? My bmr is supposedly 1300 (the amount i burn laying in bed all day.) but it doesn't take into account my high activity level or the fact that i just finished starving myself for three months..................HELP!

    If it is the "amount" you eat that is the tripping stone : I would suggest peanut butter = 94 calories ( 1 tablespoon ), dark chocolate > One hundred grams of pure baking chocolate will provide 501 calories< before soccer or paced walking. Or even 1 Med Banana (150g) = 142 cals.

    That way you can have the energy ( but not the bloat ) for high activity and still have room for more organised portioned meals...

    Listen if you need a nudge or lift just add me and I will try my best to, support you when it is needed the most

    Pete ;)

    THIS /\ just try adding in 1 new/extra thing in a week if you are finding it hard,you will get there :flowerforyou:
  • keni88
    keni88 Posts: 22
    as anyone that has changed the amount of food they eat one way or another will know, your stomach shrinks or grows to meet the new amount after some time, so you are going to feel like your eating alot, even at 800cal! plus on top of that you body is trying to help you survive! by storing as much of the food as it possibly can whilst you ARE feeding it a decent level, you weight is going to skyrocket for the first few weeks/months until it realizes that this 'new' diet is a permanent thing, at which stage the accumulated 'storage' fat will melt away and lean muscle will start to build again!

    Can i ask how long you were on this extreme diet? i cant imagine a meal being less than 200cal, let alone a day!? to give you credit where due (and no one shoot me) you must have some amazing will power to push you body to that extreme, so harness that same power to gain the healthy weight back!
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Get help from a professional, you wont find it here OR on any of the pro-ana websites that "inspire" you. You're not recovering from an extreme diet, you have an eating disorder. and probably BDD as well. Sorry to be so blunt, but trying to overcome bulimia by becoming anorexic isnt the answer, and its not healthy either (I say that because you state on your profile that you wanted to lose weight the healthy way).
  • Hey I was on an extreme diet and would exercise like 2 hours a day. I was losing weight and hair fast... luckily I stopped before it got to late... I was obsessed with the scale and my mind was completely messed up. I'll friend you and you can message me! I know what you are going through! I finally won. I did gain weight, but I am slowly losing it again! You will be okay! I healed myself and I swear you will make it through :):)