Type 1 diabetes



  • piggynugget
    piggynugget Posts: 4 Member
    Hey ktd1987, I used to be just like that! I was diagnosed at 13 though so already in the teenage rebellion stage, haha. I would skip insulin as much as I could when I realised it was making me gain weight. Discovered a few years after doing that, that it's actually an eating disorder, diabulimia. That made me realise what an idiot I was being... I thought I was being clever beating the system...

    Was glad to hear you had a healthy baby! That bit scares the **** out of me! Especially as I'm at the age where I've got to start doing it or not have them at all :-/ How did you get your HbA1c down to 5-6%? Mine's never dropped below 9% even after trying to be sensible :-( Although now I've got a pump I'm hoping it'll be 7-8%, one month more of good control before the blood test :-)

    Just wondering, has any other type 1s here had ketoacidosis (DKA)? I've had it quite a few times as a result of my stupidness (hospitalised 5 times with it, self treated at home about 10 times), and I felt even more stupid when I discovered that only 1 other diabetic on my carb counting course has had it and that was only when they were diagnosed. I was honestly surprised when I realised it wasn't a common thing. Just wondered if it's the same for any of you?
  • ealr1
    ealr1 Posts: 7
    HI there
    While I haven't yet managed to record anything on here, I too am sure that the little bits of food here and there that wouldn't be a big problem if I wasn't diabetic, are in fact, contributing a lot to my carb intake and majorly impacting on glucose control. Just need to work out how to start.....as in, motivation!
  • ealr1
    ealr1 Posts: 7
    HI piggynugget
    I've had diabetes (Type 1) 25 years and haven't had any episodes of DKA. I don't have excellent control at moment (HbA1c are in the 8-9% range) but when my blood sugars get up in those teens I just feel so yuk that I take extra insulin.
    On a positive note, I have 2 healthy children and managed to get my blood sugar control to that of a non-diabetic when I was pregnant - amazing what motivation being pregnant is!! I'm sure you too will manage that when you absolutely need to.
  • Chandra_W
    Chandra_W Posts: 9 Member

    Chandra_W: I’m sorry to hear your feelings about being a diabetic. When I was first told seven years ago that I would have to give myself insulin injections for the rest of my life, I was ticked off. Big time. Why me? But then I watched two of my friends lose their battles with cancer, and another friend become paralyzed from the waist down following a car accident, and I adopted the attitude that at least my disease is treatable. And it forces me to be more attentive to my food intake (which is actually a good thing). So the attitude I have adopted is that everyone has their crosses to bear, and mine is diabetes, which isn’t so bad in the grand scheme of things.

    I know it sounds like "pity me" - so I really don't talk about how I feel about my diabetes a lot. I know there's always someone out there with something worse, and when I do talk about it, I usually get a response like yours. I get a lot of "well, my __(insert relation here)__ would have loved to have diabetes instead of __(cancer, death, addiction, etc)__". I guess my thing is it's just aggravating, since I've had it since I was young, I feel like it's been the controlling factor in my life and I have no choice or control in the matter, everything is dictated through my diabetes. I'm going to therapy for it now (because apparently my problem is extremely common), so maybe I can re work my brain to feel like it needs to about the whole situation.
  • Hi piggynugget,
    A good way to monitor your ketones is to get a blood ketone monitor. I have Precision Xtra blood glucose and ketone monitoring system. It lets you know if you have ketones in your blood rather than checking ketones in your urine. I do not use it to check my blood glucose since I have another brand of meter for that. I hope this information helps you out.