Massive fail :(



  • scorej
    scorej Posts: 1
    I love my beer n pizza (in proper protions)....haven't caved yet but there'll be a day! Just gotta give your body the variety it needs and stick with the diet the rest of the time/best that you opinion is if you don't have some "fun" food once in a while, in the proper'll revert back in a heavy way at the end by gorging to make up for the food lost. Heed caution with the fried chicken & big macs...grab a 6" sub instead...and no I don't work for Subway!
  • keni88
    keni88 Posts: 22
    gotta have the odd off day, else your body goes into starvation mode, making the weight loss harder anyway. I always like to think that on one really bad (nice) meal your body can only absorb a certain amount of the fats/carbs in the time its passing through your body anyway so out of the 800cal you put in maybe only 650-700 will be absorbed/digested anyway? I know this is true with Protein per meal anyway.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    you were 800 guess is that's not 800 over your TDEE but whatever MFP set, so you were really only over by about 300....which is less than 10% of 1lb of true weight gain.

    What does TDEE mean?
    Total Daily Energy Expenditure. That's the amount of calories you burn in a day just existing, plus walking around, doing stuff, digesting food etc, plus any exercise. (Although just to confuse you, MFP doesn't count extra exercise, that's why it asks you to log that separately and eat back those calories; if you calculate your TDEE on another website, it will usually include all your exercise.)

    So, TDEE is the number of calories you need to eat to maintain your weight without losing or gaining. MFP gives you a deficit from that depending on how much you told it you want to lose. Say you said you want to lose 1 lb a week, MFP gives you a deficit of 500 calories a day. (So, your TDEE - 500 calories) If you eat 500 cals over your goal, you wipe out the deficit and shouldn't gain or lose for that day. But, if you think about it, if you overate by 800 cals, it would only wipe out the deficit for that day and part of the next. You would still be at an overall deficit for the week, and should still lose fat.

    If you told MFP you wanted to lose 2 lbs a week, your daily deficit would be up to 1000 cals (but no lower than 1200 because MFP won't go lower than that). So, say your TDEE was 2000 cals a day, MFP gave you a deficit of 800 cals (so it didn't go lower than 1200), if you then overate by 800 calories for one day, that one day would be at maintenance and you shouldn't lose or gain fat on that day. The rest of the week, you could still be at a deficit.

    Remember, none of that includes your additional, planned exercise, and MFP is designed so that you log that exercise and eat back those calories.

    Hope that makes some sense!
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I went out for dinner last night and skipped training....resulting in me being over my daily calories by over 800! So annoyed at myself now, but at the same time it was nice to have a break! I have only been on the Insanity program for 2 weeks, but it eats up all my free time in the evenings. Even though I ruined my whole day yesterday...I can't decide whether it was worth it. Probably not.

    Thats not a massive fail. A massive fail is if you have a nice night out like that then just keep eating rubbish and never going back to your new routine. :-)
  • Michellereducf
    Michellereducf Posts: 168 Member
    Going over one day isn't going to make or break anything.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    you were 800 guess is that's not 800 over your TDEE but whatever MFP set, so you were really only over by about 300....which is less than 10% of 1lb of true weight gain.

    Never thought of it like that!! You are right.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    you were 800 guess is that's not 800 over your TDEE but whatever MFP set, so you were really only over by about 300....which is less than 10% of 1lb of true weight gain.

    Exactly what I was going to say! It's not the end of the world and if you were within your limits the previous day it still works out to a 200 cal deficit over 48 hrs. (or a 2700 cal deficit over a week rather than than 3500, you're still good!)
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    It was absolutely not a failure. I make sure that once a week I have a "slack day",. This is where I eat and drink what I want. You have done well to do what you have done and will be surprised to see how on track you really are.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    As long as those days don't become routine, then it's no where near a failure.. Just a one day break.
  • fdemita
    fdemita Posts: 1 Member
    I've been using mfp since the spring and the genius of using this program - for me, anyway - is that it eliminates the guilt. It's okay to enjoy 'bad' food on occasion. What matters is becoming conscious of what kinds of food you eat and how much of them you eat, how active you are, and over time your behaviour is modified without having to believe in diet magic or voodoo. Weight gain isn't some thing that 'happens' to you. *You* are in control of your body. After losing weight through tracking food and activity, I actually enjoy eating cake once in awhile because I know that it isn't like committing some heinous sin. It's just cake, and no, I'm not going to re-gain 25 lbs because I had a big calorie day. They're just calories. It's the long term average of your intake that matters - per week, say - not what you do on one exceptional day.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    I think you're using the term 'massive fail' wrong. A massive fail would be going out, eating poorly, and then saying eff it and stop tracking entirely because you erroneously thought you 'blew' your 'diet'.

    However, what you did was have a well-deserved indulgence, with the plan of getting back to living your life tomorrow. That's not a fail at all dear.
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I have so been's so hard for me to go out to eat and not go over. I suppose if I were on my own, went to a place that listed the calories of everything...I'd be ok. But, that's not reality. I try to make the best choices I can, but the truth is, sometimes I mess up :)...and that's the world we live in. I'm not striving for perfection...just trying my best.

  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Not a massive fail in my book. I couldn't do the Insanity workout if I wanted to. The fact that you're right back at it tells me that you're doing GREAT! So you had a spike day and kept your body guessing. I see that as a GOOD thing! Keep up the good work. You will see your weight be the figure you want.