Calorie Deficit, but still putting on weight



  • jrmartinezb
    jrmartinezb Posts: 147 Member
    Hi my BMI fluctuates between 18.8 and 18.1.. I feel I am bulky...
    I am not allergic but yes, my stomach bloats whenever I eat. My bowel movements are irregular as well

    Are you sure your BMI is that, 18 is borderline malnourished. Are you sure you need to lose weight?
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    My daily intake in brief consists of a cup of 2% milk, a peanut butter jelly sandwich, a cup of trop-50 no puil vitamin d, white rice half a cup, lentils, vegetables, a cup of yogurt..I snack on NAture Valley crunchy bars(2/4).I eat put during weekend. I am a vegetarian. I eat pizza,pasta or ethnic food. Sometimes I skip food and sometimes I overeat(I am being honest). I started to develop an eating disorded(I am ashamed of myself ) and thats when I decided to exercise and join myfitnesspal. Now I am on the 4th day of jillian micheals 30 day shred

    If you are new you need to give this time! It' s a lifestyle not a rush to the finish line! Plus there is very little info on your profile but - you only want to lose a few pounds and in the past past you started to develop a eating disorder. I'm sorry but your post still has red flags all over it. STOP worrying about 3 pounds and start focusing on fueling your body with lot's of healthy nutritious foods!!!
    1 - up your calories to consistently stay above your BMR
    2 - as you are a vegetarian make sure you are getting enough protein at least 85 to 100 grams a day
    3 - since your goal is only 3 pound loss and you have a history of a eating disorder - IGNORE THE SCALE
    4 - strength train!! it will change the shape of your body...most likely the result you're seeking can be done with proper nutrition and proper exercise. Overkill gets you nowhere fast.

    ^^^This!!! Great advice!
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    And remember...when we suffer from eating disorders our minds are the greatest obstacle we have to beat...unfortunately. My heart goes out to you as I have been there. :flowerforyou:
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    Hi fellow veggie! If you are 5'5 and 108 you probably don't need to lose any so that's why it's not coming off. (I am 130 and 5'7 and can fit into a 4/6 so I am guessing you are probably a size 0/2?) I would exercise instead if you want to feel better (and eat back your exercise calories) and add more fiber to your diet, brown rice instead of white rice, cut the juice....fructose without fiber doesn't do us any favors. More veggies, fruits, and water if you are having irregularity problems. Milk usually doesn't help irregularity problems. Eating too little can lead to that too.

    When I was young I had obsession issues too, sometimes picking up a new hobby can help because it keeps you busy so you aren't thinking about food/calories/numbers all of the time. Hanging out with positive friends helps too! Do you like yoga classes? I find those very uplifting, especially if you have body issues. It's empowering to be able to do stuff each week that you couldn't do the previous week and it just makes you feel good on the inside too. Hugs, hang in there! I try to think of "what does this do for me nutritionally?" when I eat something. Instead of thinking of stuff as "calories" think of it as "what nutrients, vitamins, or antioxidants am I getting from this?" Makes you make good choices AND fuels your body...
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    Hi fellow veggie! If you are 5'5 and 108 you probably don't need to lose any so that's why it's not coming off. (I am 130 and 5'7 and can fit into a 4/6 so I am guessing you are probably a size 0/2?) I would exercise instead if you want to feel better (and eat back your exercise calories) and add more fiber to your diet, brown rice instead of white rice, cut the juice....fructose without fiber doesn't do us any favors. More veggies, fruits, and water if you are having irregularity problems. Milk usually doesn't help irregularity problems. Eating too little can lead to that too.

    When I was young I had obsession issues too, sometimes picking up a new hobby can help because it keeps you busy so you aren't thinking about food/calories/numbers all of the time. Hanging out with positive friends helps too! Do you like yoga classes? I find those very uplifting, especially if you have body issues. It's empowering to be able to do stuff each week that you couldn't do the previous week and it just makes you feel good on the inside too. Hugs, hang in there! I try to think of "what does this do for me nutritionally?" when I eat something. Instead of thinking of stuff as "calories" think of it as "what nutrients, vitamins, or antioxidants am I getting from this?" Makes you make good choices AND fuels your body...

    ^^^More GREAT advice :flowerforyou:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I did a little digging, and from what I found you are 5'5" and 108 pounds. It sounds like you know that you don't need to lose weight, you need to get healthy. You need the advice of a doctor, and it sounds like you are getting it. Much love to you on your journey to health.

    ^ This.
  • wishiwerefit
    You may need to do more exercise. walking is amazing! and watch out for hidden cals in sugar i know your vegetarian but i find certain foods bulk me up like legumes and watch out for white breads and fats. give it time but ensure you drink a lot of water.

    Thank you. Yes I like lentils and legues though I have a tough time digetsing them
  • wishiwerefit
    My daily intake in brief consists of a cup of 2% milk, a peanut butter jelly sandwich, a cup of trop-50 no puil vitamin d, white rice half a cup, lentils, vegetables, a cup of yogurt..I snack on NAture Valley crunchy bars(2/4).I eat put during weekend. I am a vegetarian. I eat pizza,pasta or ethnic food. Sometimes I skip food and sometimes I overeat(I am being honest). I started to develop an eating disorded(I am ashamed of myself ) and thats when I decided to exercise and join myfitnesspal. Now I am on the 4th day of jillian micheals 30 day shred

    You are probably sending your body into starvation and storage modes. Starvation mode is less than 500NET calories per day. That means you are intaking 500 MORE than your BMR... Eat more, spread small healthy meals out throughout the day. Force yourself to eat if you must. I have an issue where I don't get hungry, therefore I won't eat. IT set me in a bad way and screwed my metabolism. THEN they had to remove most of my thyroid (non-cancrous cyst)... Things went desparately wrong after that. I plateau often and HARD but I keep pushing through. My new doctor finally told me to EAT MORE, follow my diet, just intake more of the healthier, lighter calories to make my body realize it doesn't need to store the energy....

    Hi, I understand what you say.. I was eating less 2 years back. And it was extremely difficult for me to eat!...
    Even now when I see my chart in mfp, I am shocked to see there is a calorie deficit though I can't eat any more and my tummy is bulging with all the food.

    That being said, sometimes I get this mad cravings and I cannot just stop. Whenever I feel like punishing myself I eat till I am very tired.

    Sometimes I eat , thinking that I will eat healthier tomorrow...
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    You need to open your diary or we can't help you.
  • wishiwerefit
    Hi my BMI fluctuates between 18.8 and 18.1.. I feel I am bulky...
    I am not allergic but yes, my stomach bloats whenever I eat. My bowel movements are irregular as well

    gluten and/or dairy intolerance? keep diary of problems and compare to food diary. cut out all dairy and gluten for 1 month, see if symptoms resolve., then add one of them back in--evaluate. repeat.
    Great advice, but due to my history of poor eating habits, I am not allowed to diet. My family has gone to the extent of saying that , if you dont eat properly we wou;dnt wat as well. Cant blame them. I put them through hell.
  • wishiwerefit
    I think you are eating too little. I went through this same thing during my weight loss time period. The minute I bumped my NET calories for the day to 1200, it started coming off. So, this means, if I set my calorie goal to 1200 and exercised burning 300 calories, then I could eat 1500 calories of food and net to 1200. Anytime I would go into a period where I was in a deficit like you are doing, I would in my example, if I instead ate 1200 calories and exercised burning 300 calories, after a couple weeks of that, I just stopped losing weight because my body went into starvation mode and my metabolism slowed down.

    I will definitely keep that in mind
  • wishiwerefit
    Hi fellow veggie! If you are 5'5 and 108 you probably don't need to lose any so that's why it's not coming off. (I am 130 and 5'7 and can fit into a 4/6 so I am guessing you are probably a size 0/2?) I would exercise instead if you want to feel better (and eat back your exercise calories) and add more fiber to your diet, brown rice instead of white rice, cut the juice....fructose without fiber doesn't do us any favors. More veggies, fruits, and water if you are having irregularity problems. Milk usually doesn't help irregularity problems. Eating too little can lead to that too.

    When I was young I had obsession issues too, sometimes picking up a new hobby can help because it keeps you busy so you aren't thinking about food/calories/numbers all of the time. Hanging out with positive friends helps too! Do you like yoga classes? I find those very uplifting, especially if you have body issues. It's empowering to be able to do stuff each week that you couldn't do the previous week and it just makes you feel good on the inside too. Hugs, hang in there! I try to think of "what does this do for me nutritionally?" when I eat something. Instead of thinking of stuff as "calories" think of it as "what nutrients, vitamins, or antioxidants am I getting from this?" Makes you make good choices AND fuels your body...

    Hi I have been a vegetarian throughout my life and no though I am supposed to be skinny, I cant dream of fitting into a 0/2. I used to have a size 2 fit 4 merona shorts but this year I see that ithugs tightly on to my butt and thighs.

    I will definitely improve my nutrition and thanks for the hugs. Means a lot to me
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You don't need to diet or lose weight, you need to exercise and build up some strength. You are going to need to eat healthy (this means in the right amounts not just what you eat) to have the strength to work out.

    You NEED some level of fat. But this does not have to mean that you look fat or that your size will increase. Another thing to think about is that hormones are all linked to body fat % and diet. When you are not eating properly, when you lose too much weight, your hormones get screwed up. You may not care about that now but if you ever want to have babies in the future, you should think about that now.

    Listen closely to your doctors and follow what they tell you. Your family only wants the best for you. I'm pulling for you to be the absolute best and healthiest you can be. You can do it!
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    Since you just started it could be period coming up. I gain weight the week before my period. I know that I'm going to do this and just keep on trucking. After my period all the bloating associated with it disappears plus what ever weight I've worked off during that time.
  • MommaKit79
    Hi my BMI fluctuates between 18.8 and 18.1.. I feel I am bulky...
    I am not allergic but yes, my stomach bloats whenever I eat. My bowel movements are irregular as well

    I would look into the Gluten idea because of this. I had a friend whose Daughter was having these problems and went Gluten Free and has since not had them. A gluten intolerance is much different then a normal Allergic Reaction.

    Question is, are you losing "fat" and gaining muscle? Have you been taking your measurements as well? Remember, in space relations, a cubic inch of fat weighs more then a cubic inch of muscle so, you could be gaining muscle and that could be your weigh gain.

    Give it some time...your body is jsut getting used to the new "process" you are giving it. I know it can be frustrating to see the scale going in a different direction then you want but, it could be for totally different reasons then what you think.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hi my BMI fluctuates between 18.8 and 18.1.. I feel I am bulky...
    I am not allergic but yes, my stomach bloats whenever I eat. My bowel movements are irregular as well

    Do you have ibs?
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    Sounds like you do not need to lose weight,but to tone and strengthen.Your diet consists of alot of carbs which tends to make me hold water.I cut out bad carbs such as pasta/rice/breads,ate more protien carbs like beans,yogurt.If I eat any grains I will have quinoa,or brown rice.Don't get me wrong,you can treat yourself to some pasta,just don:t overdo it.Try adding in some vegetables and good fats,such as almonds,avocados,olives,coconut,salmon.Drink lots of water,this with increase in vegetables will help make you regular.You could also get some flax,or probiotic supplement.Most importantly,LOVE YOURSELF/BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Being healthy is not a number,it is about being fit and feeling good.If you want to add me as a friend,I will support you in your journey.I wish you luck and confidence in your journey.
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    I did a little digging, and from what I found you are 5'5" and 108 pounds. It sounds like you know that you don't need to lose weight, you need to get healthy. You need the advice of a doctor, and it sounds like you are getting it. Much love to you on your journey to health.

    I am a little disappointed that people still keep giving you advice about how to lose weight after the above very sensitive and wise post. I know it is not by place to preach and I also know that it wouldn't help if i did :wink:

    However, I so hope you find the support and help you need to make healthy choices and take good care of your body and, very importantly, learn to accept and love it. With the information that you have given it really doesn't seem that losing weight is the healthy choice for you.

    Much love from me too :flowerforyou:
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    Sounds like you do not need to lose weight,but to tone and strengthen.Your diet consists of alot of carbs which tends to make me hold water.I cut out bad carbs such as pasta/rice/breads,ate more protien carbs like beans,yogurt.If I eat any grains I will have quinoa,or brown rice.Don't get me wrong,you can treat yourself to some pasta,just don:t overdo it.Try adding in some vegetables and good fats,such as almonds,avocados,olives,coconut,salmon.Drink lots of water,this with increase in vegetables will help make you regular.You could also get some flax,or probiotic supplement.Most importantly,LOVE YOURSELF/BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Being healthy is not a number,it is about being fit and feeling good.If you want to add me as a friend,I will support you in your journey.I wish you luck and confidence in your journey.

    Good post! :flowerforyou:
  • healthyslim54
    Lowfat vegan, eating "real," unprocessed foods works for me. Some of my favorite recipe sites are,,,, and I was struggling with sugar cravings and got sick with a bladder infection this summer and ended up going to a local naturopathic/homeopathic doctor. She believes in the Blood Type diet and tested me for that. I am Blood Type A, but an unusual subcategory of "non-secreter/nn, which gives me a different list of "super-foods/neutral foods/foods to avoid" to follow. I had tried the Blood Type diet a few years ago (without the non-secreter/nn information, so a different food list) and didn't feel that it did a thing for me. This time I was able to cure my infection just by diet (took awhile, but it worked), and by following the food list (I choose the vegan choices on the list) my weight stays down. It hasn't been too many weeks, so I can't say for sure that I do better on the Blood Type diet than just low-fat vegan, but I go back to the "super-foods" whenever I start to gain and they work for me. I find that what I eat makes more of a difference in my weight than how much I exercise. I also feel much more like exercising when I am feeling well, and the foods I eat make a difference in whether I feel well.