P90x advise....not doing it EVERY day



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    The way I look at exercise is this:

    Rest is more important than actual exercising!


    Because when you're resting is the only time you're actually repairing your muscles/getting stronger. Every time you work out, you're damaging all your muscles (including your heart), making little microscopic tears in it. By working out every single day, you're not giving your body adequate time to heal itself completely before you're damaging it again.

    I've noticed this in the past, when I used to ride my bike frequently - when I wasn't able to ride for a few days, I was always faster the day after 2-3 days of rest than when I was riding every other day. I felt a heck of a lot better as well.

    Now, I strength train twice a week. I don't do cardio-specific exercises because of poor joints and not having enough strength to hold them together. Don't bother making suggestions, I've already looked at all my currently available options. I can't change this until I get stronger or make more money.

    Anyway, that's my opinion, it's what I do. I'm making HUGE progress every week, even though I only work each muscle group once a week. Take it or leave it. I'm not going to argue it.

  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    I'm finishing my first round of P90x this month. I am very happy with the results. When I finish, I'm going to start over doing exactly what you plan on doing. I'm going to substitute running (C25K) for kenpo/yoga/plyo. However, I will still try to squeeze in the occasional yoga and plyo workouts because I think they have value beyond the cardio benefits. Core Synergistics is another one that I think shouldn't be completely left out.
  • Tiberius707
    Tiberius707 Posts: 9 Member
    You don't have to do anything "by the book" but that's the way all of the test groups and people who got the best results did it...I followed the classic version for 6 months and lost 30 lbs and dropped from 25% body fat to 9% cause I stuck with the plan. I think the cardio workouts are much more challenging than running, but if your a runner and that's why you want to do then substitute it or just add it if you have enough energy. The one thing I will say is do not skip the yoga - so many people including the bunch who said they have skipped it here don't like the yoga because it's hard and challenging and your not moving around a lot, and you have to calm your mind - pretty much the exact opposite of society today. But that is exactly why it is so important, everyone needs that balance in their life and if you spent that 90 mins on yoga (or get one of the other p90x yoga ones that are shorter so time isnt an excuse) your entire week will be better. Plus what I consider the most important thing with yoga is that it will absolutely prevent injury because your stretching out your entire body. And people don't realize that benefit until they get hurt, so if you want AVOID injuries and have a clamer mind and build balance and strength so you can perform better in everything DO THE YOGA! Otherwise if those things don't sound good to you then just skip it...
  • What is the best way to go about logging p90x? Really wishing that it automatically brought up the cal burned for each cd workout!!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I did p90x one time straight through and one time as the OP mentioned, with running days mixed in. I also found that switching out some DVDs for other DVDs I owned was fun and helpful too. I'm a bit hyperactive so I lose my drive and motivation and attention span with repeating workouts. The second round of p90x was much harder for me. I think that as long as you're moving, you're splitting up leg / arm days (not doing a week with running, legs, running, legs, running, legs, etc.) then you should be golden. Keep active, work hard and just keep pushing play!
  • scm122
    scm122 Posts: 6
    I am on Week 8 of P90X lean. I don't like Kenpo X very much, but I have to say I sweat a lot. I did a round of P90X in 2010 and didn't. I think the difference is that I push myself now. I make sure my hips and feet are moving when they're supposed to - and my breaks are not really breaks.. I think that's when my heart rate really increases. Anyway.. I found aa awesome P90X/Insanity hybrid and I'm going to start after this recovery week is over. While the P90X cardio is fine with me, I'm ready to push myself more. This will be P90X weight days and Insanity Cardio Days. I'm scared! :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I did running instead of the cardio, and man, it completely ruined my life. LOL. j/k yeah, but, the secret service and IRS and CIA did pay me a visit and tell me to knock it off. LOL
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    What is the best way to go about logging p90x? Really wishing that it automatically brought up the cal burned for each cd workout!!

    Any workout that calculates kcal on any site is average. We could be doing same routine at same intensity, and one of us will end up burning more than other. All depends on age, weight, level of fitness. To get an accurate amount get a HR monitor, they usually count calories as well. It's the best way to keep track and then just create a "p90x" exercise here, type in the minutes and calories every time and you are done.
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    I am on Week 8 of P90X lean. I don't like Kenpo X very much, but I have to say I sweat a lot. I did a round of P90X in 2010 and didn't. I think the difference is that I push myself now. I make sure my hips and feet are moving when they're supposed to - and my breaks are not really breaks.. I think that's when my heart rate really increases. Anyway.. I found aa awesome P90X/Insanity hybrid and I'm going to start after this recovery week is over. While the P90X cardio is fine with me, I'm ready to push myself more. This will be P90X weight days and Insanity Cardio Days. I'm scared! :)

    To a novice in martial arts, punching and kicking air in Kenpo X could really be challenging, cause at first you have to coordinate your movement to get the punching sequence down, then figure out how to engage your hips and feet, but I've done boxing for 4 years and have gone through the combinations thousands of times before. I know for sure how to properly engage muscles and joints to throw a good punch. Trust me, I was working almost twice as fast as Tony in the videos, but my heart rate just would not climb, only during "breaks" when I was doing star jumps, I was reaching 140 bpm for few seconds, and as soon as I started punching and kicking HR would drop down to 120 and below.

    My Kenpo X punching and kicking air

    My Kenpo X punching and kicking air with 2,2 lbs weights

    My Kenpo X punching and kicking pads

    As you can see the intensity is really high when I have to hit targets.

    And as for your hybrid of P90X/Insanity, if you feel ready, then go for it! It's always great to see someone pushing their limits, just be safe and maintain good form! :)
  • scm122
    scm122 Posts: 6
    That's great, I've got to get a Polar! Thanks. :wink:
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    That's great, I've got to get a Polar! Thanks. :wink:

    Yeah, polar is awesome, but choose wisely before purchase, not every model shows the HR zones in the same way. I got FT7 initially and all it showed was this kind of chart


    still basic results, but I like more detailed overview, so I gave my FT7 to my friend and got FT80 instead.
  • jonilynn70
    jonilynn70 Posts: 145 Member
    That's great, I've got to get a Polar! Thanks. :wink:

    Yeah, polar is awesome, but choose wisely before purchase, not every model shows the HR zones in the same way. I got FT7 initially and all it showed was this kind of chart


    still basic results, but I like more detailed overview, so I gave my FT7 to my friend and got FT80 instead.

    For your basis user like me who just wants better accuracy on my calorie burn it seems the chart shown on your link for the FT7 would suffice. Do you agree?
  • tenkesh
    tenkesh Posts: 81
    For your basis user like me who just wants better accuracy on my calorie burn it seems the chart shown on your link for the FT7 would suffice. Do you agree?

    Yeah sure it is enough, I just wanted to point out that before purchasing it is better to check out what exactly your chosen product shows you and how, just to avoid disappointment.