Night time eating help



  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    I know what you mean! sometimes a hot drink helps, I like a cup of chamba chai, it's about 140 cals and takes away the sweet craving. I also found keeping my hands busy- beading, knitting, crocheting, whatever- keeps me occupied so I don't want to snack. Stay strong sweetheart- it sounds like you've been through a tough time and while food is never the answer to our problems, succumbing to late-night nibbles doesn't make you a failure, it just makes you a work in progress who is recognizing strengths and weaknesses.
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    After my eating is done for the day, I brush my teeth, then I find I'm less likely to nibble through the evening!

    THIS! I do this every night as well. If I want to eat something, I remember that I'm going to have to wash my teeth again and I get lazy.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    Really good suggestions here. It sounds like this is a problem for alot of people. I think mine is from end-of-the-day stress. I like to "indulge" in some sugar free jello - a real comfort food for me! Also I try to eat dinner as late as possible.
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Sip warm herbal tea. Leave some calories for the evening snack. Not 1000 calories though. Occupy yourself after dinner. Dont just sit in front of the TV. Go out and take a walk or something. Spend time outside if you can. Eat a balanced slightly big dinner with enough slow digesting carbs, fat and protein so that you'll not be hungry again soon after dinner. Sometimes what you eat at dinner is the reason of post dinner snacking. Fast digesting carbs at dinner cause an insulin spike and then a crash which leads you to feel hungry again after dinner. So avoid fast digesting carbs at dinner. Good luck!
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I agree that you need to eat later, if your hungry at 6 then have a small snack to keep you full till dinner maybe 8ish?? Or go for a walk at 6 then when your done you can come back and fix dinner plus you will have those extra exercise calories to have a "treat" after dinner! My current favorite dessart is fat free cool whip 4TB, 1TB of PB2 and a banana cut up. Mix it together and you have peanut butter / banana pie!! OMG so yummy and only 140 cals.....
  • karengroovy
    karengroovy Posts: 16 Member
    Great advice on this thread. I have the same problem. What works for me is a combo of what others have said: late dinner, earlier bedtime, read in bed instead of watch TV on couch, wash dinner dishes by hand (hands in the water = can't eat!), go for a walk after dinner, drink a 16oz glass of water if I feel hungry, and if I'm STILL hungry, then have a light snack, like an ounce of cheese and a couple stalks of celery; or a small handful of almonds; or a raw zucchini cut into wedges, with 1 Tbs of EVOO & apple cider vinegar dressing for dipping. Having a bit of fat in the snacks helps with satiety. Then, after the snack, brush teeth again. :-) also, the best thing I do for my self-control is not even bring stuff into the house that can lead to binging. Which is tough, because i have a toddler who eats tons of snacky foods, so all of his foods are strictly off-limits to me - I tell myself if I eat them, I am stealing from my child, and that keeps me honest. :-)
  • DCAggie
    DCAggie Posts: 2 Member
    Sometimes I can get intense late night cravings for chocolate/treats/sweets I drink a small cup of chocolate soy milk. Depending on the brand, it's about 90-120 calories, but packed with protien and really filling. I usually don't find myself going back for more after that. Trader Joe's sells their brand of chocolate soymilk in individual juicebox-type packages. This can help with protion control.
  • amh50530
    amh50530 Posts: 17 Member
    Not sure if this was already said, but I got into cross-stitching and rarely snack in the evening anymore - even if my husband is munching on chips or something else equally tasty. I don't want to get my project messy so I don't eat while I'm sewing. Plus I'm trying to get it done by December for a Christmas gift (extra motivation since I set myself a deadline). I'm always working on it. No snacking = being closer to my goal and a cute cross-stitch project to give to my mom :) So if you like crafts or sewing - I definitely second this recommendation if anyone said it before! Great boredom fighter and snack repeller!!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I've been toughing it out. I want to be a person who doesn't eat between meals. I tell myself "you can wait". And I can (most of the time)! I really think this is the best strategy for breaking that bad habit.
  • macnotes
    macnotes Posts: 210 Member
    What usually works for me is drinking chocolate flavoured Rooibos tea. It's like a chocolate treat, but with 0 calories and 0 caffeine so I don't stay up too late. Last night I did some sewing and small chores around the house while I "watched" my shows and it was a nice way to get things done while still getting caught up on the shows. It's about habits that need to be changed, and I'm still working on it. One day at a time! Every little effort to change helps :)
  • sujenwujen
    sujenwujen Posts: 43 Member
    If you have calories left over, it may be that you're not eating enough during the day, so you may be overcompensating at night. Maybe add a couple more healthy snacks during the day.

    If it's boredom/emotional eating, try adding an evening activity. I know I eat when I'm just sitting around the house just because I need something TO DO. So what do I do? I head to the fridge. So, find something ELSE to do beside head to the fridge. Take a walk around the block. Do the crossword or sudoku. Join a book club or find some girls for Bunco night (of course, book clubs & Bunco are usually just code names for wine & snacks, so be careful!). But even so, I find I'm LESS likely to eat if I'm around a bunch of people, especially if they know how hard I'm trying to cut back.

    Point is, if you're doing something active, you'll probably be less likely to head for the fridge out of boredom's sake. Bonus if your activity helps you burn more calories!
  • Bibianna2012
    Bibianna2012 Posts: 88 Member

    This is my problem too- thanks for the tips.

    If I save enough calories for a Kashi bar right before bed that really helps me and I feel satisfied and not deprived of my beloved carbs and sweets.

    My husband also suggests putting teeth whiteners in. I like the kashi bar idea better, but hes thin with white teeth to boot! LOL.

    good luck!