Do you believe in avoiding "danger" foods?



  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    I don't believe I HAVE to avoid them. I choose to avoid them because, really, why put all I've accomplished at risk with a food I know is going to call to me and tempt me. It's easier for me to say "NO" entirely than to say "yeah, I can moderate that".

    So I take the easy way out and avoid them.

    Exception: In a restaurant I will sometimes have a bite of a family member's serving of a food I don't choose to have myself. That seems to work OK. Never at home, though.
  • clairecandoit11
    clairecandoit11 Posts: 62 Member
    As much as I hate eliminating anything from my diet ( I tend to feel deprived and give up when I can't have something and want it) I think it is very necessary to stay on track! If it is only going to create guilt and regret, why do it to yourself?? Maybe find something that tastes similar and isn't as high in calories??
    OR... if you want that thing, plan ahead! :)
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I can't really do that because other people live here, and they bring in food they like. I keep in mind that I am responsible for what goes into my mouth, so if something is really calling to me, I plan a serving into the next meal. It's tough sometimes; I have to go to a different part of the house or outside to keep myself from: "just one more just one more this is the last one just one more ....
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Yeah, I was slow to come around, but finally I had to admit that eating lots of sugar and carbs just leaves me wanting more sugar and carbs.

    A few days ago I decided to have a cheat treat day and loaded up on chocolate candy and a honey bun and a milkshake. After three months of eating none of that stuff, I have to say it all tasted nasty, and I'm very happy about it. I never want to develop a taste for that stuff again.

    That said, I am thinking about loading up on some carbs on heavy workout days. However, they will not be carbs from things like pastries!
  • lncgurley
    lncgurley Posts: 37 Member
    In the begining (i was on WW previously) I totally avoided, lost my 160 lbs, gained 60 back and am taking a more realistic approach where I will allow myself a tablespoon or half a serving. BUT I buy small bags/quantities, if at all, we don't keep them in the house, will go out, or buy a small one, and will not do it if I'm upset...if that is the cse. I make a point to discuss with my hubby first so I'm concious that I'm in danger of emotionally eating and he knows I'm under stress and we talk about it, as it is a process, and I pray about it, tell myself I am made for more than this. If things are going well I will allow myself a small amount, but it must fit in my calories for the day
  • randomgirlusa
    randomgirlusa Posts: 45 Member
    Yes. I wholeheartedly believe in avoiding them. Mine is chocolate. Chocolate cake, icecream, candy bars, etc. I can honestly say that I am an addict. Once I have a taste, then it's over. I can eat an entire cake, an entire box of icecream, a 2 pound bag of hershey kisses, you name it. Once I have it, it takes weeks for me to get it out of my system and not want it anymore. After I haven't had it for about a week, the cravings go away and I don't think about it that much. Once I've tasted it, that's ALL I think about. Because I know it has this effect on me, I try to avoid it at all costs.
  • dominikaro
    I don't like sweets but I'm a serious pasta monster. When I start eating it, I can't stop. But I still eat it and just cut the callories out of some other meals. I just love it too much.
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    I will avoid until I am sure I can be in control of what I eat of them. Chocolate is a problem but I am so much better - there have been 3 bars in my house for weeks and I have only eaten it one day and then only 1/5 of the bar.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm like that with chips and cookies too. Cheez Its will be the death of me one day. But I'm proud to say that when I was asked if I wanted a cookie, I took ONE and then broke off half, and threw the other half away! Turned a 200 calorie cookie into only 100! I don't keep cheez its or other crackers other than whole grain saltines in my home anymore though. I'd eat an entire box in one sitting.....
  • Tambookie
    Tambookie Posts: 20 Member
    I know I can't control myself around certain foods. Ice cream is my best friend and worst enemy. I will eat an entire pint in one sitting. I just can't have it in the house. If I want ice cream, then I go to the store or ice cream shop and get a small, single serving of it. It's time-consuming and expensive, so I don't do it often.

    When I lost weight years ago, I actually got to the point where I could keep plain vanilla ice cream in the house. I would eat one spoonful whenever I had a craving, and it was enough. I'm not back to the point yet this time though.

    I don't normally have a problem with chips or crackers, but if I'm on an emotional eating rampage, then you can be sure I'll polish off ANY snacky food I find. So we just don't keep snacky foods in the house anymore. The only thing we still have in the house is unpopped popcorn. It takes effort to make it, so I'm totally aware of what I'm doing. And it will usually satisfy "the munchies".