Chronic pain

I am not sure where else to post this. I have not yet started my new exercise regiment. I am eating a decent diet with complex carbs, protein, fruits and veg and little refined sugar. I am having a huge issue with chronic pain. My legs, inner thigh, lower back, and feet feel as though I am being burned, shooting cramps and fatigue. I have been tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Drs don't think it is MS although I do have family with MS. My question is to those with fibromyalgia is this something you go through. It recently got cold here (like 23) and with the cold the pain seems to be increasing. Like this summer it was dull and I could deal today when the cold got bad I can barely stand clothing against my skin. The Drs I have talked to in the past dismissed me as a pill seeker. I would like to toss out there I do not take pain killers for this I just deal. Wondering if any one has the same problem and what homeopathic things they do that helps. I have liver issues and can not just pop pain killers.


  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Sorry, I can't help but I'll give your post a bump!

    p.s. really hope you're able to sort it soon, being in almost constant pain is awful :-((
  • JNC1987
    JNC1987 Posts: 35
    My mom just got diagnosed with fiber malagia and they have nine points they check alng with some other tests go se
    e your doctor to make sure.
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    I have dealt with chronic pain for YEARS...endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, and now arthritis in my lower back. I do not take pain medication either. I actually just discussed this issue with my Dr. It is so hard to lose weight when you feel bad. All you want to do is rest...which means you gain weight...which means you feel worse. It's an evil cycle.

    So, yeah, I know how you feel. And, yes, cold weather makes my back pain much worse.:cry:
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    My mother has fibromyalgia. It can be a bee otch.
    See you doc. The days are passed when doctors thought fibromyalgia was a psychological problem.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Hey, I have ME/CFS (depends where you are as to what they call it) and I deal with chronic pain too. I can take pills but try not to and only do if it's unbearable. Cold will make it worse so try to wrap up as much as possible. Take hot baths as this can help too. As for exercise, I've found that easy yoga or pilates can really help. I've found some kundalini yoga lately and it's not really traditional yoga but some yoga moves mixed in with meditation. I got it on the recommendation of another friend with chronic pain and she said it helped her massively as it helps you focus and deal with the pain. I haven't been doing it for too long but it seems to be helping me. Maybe it's psychological, I don't know, but whatever works! If you're going to exercise the most important thing is to listen to your body as it WILL tell you when it's had enough. I've had the flu recently and have basically had to go back to the beginning, starting off slowly again with 5-10 minute walks and building up. If you can't exercisde then just watch your diet. Be strict about sticking to your calories and eat lots of protein as that will helps with the muscles too. If any of this helps then feel free to add me or message me. Good luck!
  • imalexgirl
    I have Fibromyalgia. The cold really makes me feel worse. Artificial sweetners in too large of a quantity will also make me feel worse. Ask your Dr if Glocosamine /Chondroitin is safe for you to take. It supposedly helps with joint pain. As for the other pain(skin/nerve) I am not sure what a good answer is. I do find, that watching my sodium is really helpful. Any area that holds water in the tissues will have more pain. Hope this helps!
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia. The cold really makes me feel worse. Artificial sweetners in too large of a quantity will also make me feel worse. Ask your Dr if Glocosamine /Chondroitin is safe for you to take. It supposedly helps with joint pain. As for the other pain(skin/nerve) I am not sure what a good answer is. I do find, that watching my sodium is really helpful. Any area that holds water in the tissues will have more pain. Hope this helps!

    Do you find with the fibromyalgia that you have the textile sensitivity? It has been awful since the cold snap hit for me. I am still going to exercise as planned. I just am tired of the hurt. As for my sodium it is always low. I learned that a while ago.

    THANK YOU ALL for your responses. The pain sucks. Most days I can beat it and mentally push through. Chronic pain for 10 plus years and you learn a whole new level. Yesterday was bad enough for me to say oh **** something is wrong. :( I will try the hot bath!
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and arthritis. 20+ yrs. Yes the cold makes both worse. My fibromyalgia makes me feel achy all the time, like the flu. I am also sensitive to touch. I have tried the gamet of meds/ therapies. None worked for me and I didn't like the side effects. I now take ibuprofen for the arthritis. Sleep is most important for fibromalgia. I don't function as well unless I'm rested, but finding a comfortable position is difficult. There are so many factors that make it worse, sleep,stress,weather.
    I finally decided that I am going to hurt regardless of excercising or being overweight, so why not just try and see. Yes excercise made me hurt, but what didn't? So Ive gradually built up my excercising and am sticking w/ diet. Don't let it stop you.
    I am also a nurse, ( not a doctor), so take this advise with a grain of salt. What you describe to me is neuropathic pain - source of it is unknown sounds like, but MS and fibro are possibility. MS is diagnosed with an MRI., fibro is process of elimination. A good doctor will listen to your symptoms. Some anti-depressants, neurology meds help with neuropathic pain. Good luck!!
  • BrownEyedGrrl
    Have you ever been tested for gluten intolerance/celiac disease? Just asking because I used to be in a lot of pain all the time and felt like I had a flu everyday. I tried eating gluten free and now I feel 95% better all the time. Much less inflammation in my body. It's a small possibility but thought I would share on the off chance it could help you.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Have your thyroid tested. Look at free T3, free T4, and TSH. Get the numbers from your labs and do some research into what they should be. If you have a problem and get medicated, demand natural dessicated thyroid hormone. You can order it from Canada if you live in the US. Just a warning, it's sometimes extremely difficult to get properly diagnosed and treated if you do have it. (Check out to see what I mean.) I lived with fibromyalgia for years. The only thing that's ever really helped with the pain and fatigue is thyroid hormone.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Have you ever been tested for gluten intolerance/celiac disease? Just asking because I used to be in a lot of pain all the time and felt like I had a flu everyday. I tried eating gluten free and now I feel 95% better all the time. Much less inflammation in my body. It's a small possibility but thought I would share on the off chance it could help you.

    ^^^ An extremely good idea.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I have fibromyalgia, and i am also sensitive to touch, however not to clothing. That sounds more like a nerve ending issue. Lymes disease? Shingles?

    I do take pain medication for my fibro and have for about two years now. It helps very much. I am now able to exercise, which in turn ALSO helps with the pain. I wish more doctors would see that if they give you the pain medication, you could move.. if you could move.. you would hurt less.. *sigh* but,, all these damn dope heads ruin it for those of us who need the stuff!

    I hope you feel better... in the mean time... move as much as you can! It really DOES help!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia. The cold really makes me feel worse. Artificial sweetners in too large of a quantity will also make me feel worse. Ask your Dr if Glocosamine /Chondroitin is safe for you to take. It supposedly helps with joint pain. As for the other pain(skin/nerve) I am not sure what a good answer is. I do find, that watching my sodium is really helpful. Any area that holds water in the tissues will have more pain. Hope this helps!

    Do you find with the fibromyalgia that you have the textile sensitivity? It has been awful since the cold snap hit for me. I am still going to exercise as planned. I just am tired of the hurt. As for my sodium it is always low. I learned that a while ago.

    THANK YOU ALL for your responses. The pain sucks. Most days I can beat it and mentally push through. Chronic pain for 10 plus years and you learn a whole new level. Yesterday was bad enough for me to say oh **** something is wrong. :( I will try the hot bath!

    Yes. The other night my sweet darling accidentally hit one my tender points. OMG, that hurt. :frown: (Not to mention it made him feel really bad.) Exercise does help some.
  • karabff
    karabff Posts: 98
    I to have fibro-an yes the cold effects mine & I live in a cold area-I started this on the 12th of September & went from being pretty much bed ridden to moving-I will be honest & say for me the pain has trippled-I do not take med's anymore as I hated the side effects-so my motto was...(like others) I hurt anyway might as well get healthy-I have been told by others with fibro that exercise does help in the end-I have started a journal as when my pain spikes it makes me very sick an I shake really bad-an I cannot stand to be touched! The pain is still here but...I have not been sick since Saturday when I had a major flare that is a victory for me-I refuse to allow this thing to beat me...have your doctor check the trigger points-I know I personally had to go through 2years of awful testing before the diagnosis-& all of them wanted to put me on anti-depressents (which I took & then got depressed! For me personally they did not work, but I am not speaking for anyone else other then myself) so now everyday I just make myself move-I have a sleep disorder on top of it...but I really believe if I stay with it things will get better!!! Add me if you like..but just want you to know YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I know for a fact I have hemachromitosis which is a condition where iron poisons my liver along with a host of other fun. My thyroid is checked regularly and as long as my iron is in check the thyroid is normal. I had hypothyroid which is a misdiagnosis because hemochromitosis can masquerade as thyroid.
    So what I am hearing is stay warm, eat right and exercise. I have not been tested for celiecs and I eat fairly low carb low gluten any way as with all the other issues a high carb diet means immediate weight gain.
    UGH. Thank you all for your responses. When insurance kicks in again sounds like I will be headed to the DR. Although all they do when I tell them about this is test me for rheumatoid. Guess what always comes back negative :)
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I to have fibro-an yes the cold effects mine & I live in a cold area-I started this on the 12th of September & went from being pretty much bed ridden to moving-I will be honest & say for me the pain has trippled-I do not take med's anymore as I hated the side effects-so my motto was...(like others) I hurt anyway might as well get healthy-I have been told by others with fibro that exercise does help in the end-I have started a journal as when my pain spikes it makes me very sick an I shake really bad-an I cannot stand to be touched! The pain is still here but...I have not been sick since Saturday when I had a major flare that is a victory for me-I refuse to allow this thing to beat me...have your doctor check the trigger points-I know I personally had to go through 2years of awful testing before the diagnosis-& all of them wanted to put me on anti-depressents (which I took & then got depressed! For me personally they did not work, but I am not speaking for anyone else other then myself) so now everyday I just make myself move-I have a sleep disorder on top of it...but I really believe if I stay with it things will get better!!! Add me if you like..but just want you to know YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

    Yes I get the shakes awful and yesterday the pain about had me passed out. I am still exercising and dieting. I am on an anti depressant. UGH. Also good to know when you are not alone. Yesterday it got down to 23 here and I live in a cold region too. I find now that I am thinner I am cold SUPER easy which means I hurt that much faster.