getting frustrated :(

working out 5 days a week, have only lost 4 lbs in a month and a half! Clothes fit the same, I see no results. I'm going to keep working at it..nothing comes easy..I'm just frustrated. :(


  • cowboysfan82288
    It's easy to get frustrated at times. We all do. With you working out 5 days a week, you are probably toning up and maybe adding a little muscle. Hang in there. You can add me if you'd like to be friends. Feel free. :)
  • msgabismit
    Thanks. I will. Requested. I do cardio 45 minutes and then some weights depends on how much time or effort I have. So far, the weight started coming off well..a half a pound a week..and then it just seized..I'm hoping the muscle is what's keeping my weight up and that I will see results soon.
  • AstridParties
    AstridParties Posts: 85 Member
    It happens to the best of us....but you can't give in, hang in there...keep doing all the right things and eventually the scale has to move. Stay encouraged!
  • sharonhauptman
    sharonhauptman Posts: 60 Member
    Yup. I know what you mean. I have finished week 8 of effort, and am down 5.2 pounds. I am on a buddy diet with my aunt. together each week we try to meet the goal of staying the same or losing up to but not more than 5 pounds combining the loss of both of us together. I just finished my third week plateau. I call it the resistance diet, because I am tracking all of the things I successfully resist. I am building my mental resistance muscle. I love this approach, because each day I can be proud of all I resisted.

    Anyway, this is a fabulous self esteem building approach. I think next week I will lose a few ounces. Thanks for sharing, by the way.
  • cowboysfan82288
    You will. You're just in a few plateau right now. You will break through before long. :)
  • pamperedpenguin
    pamperedpenguin Posts: 95 Member
    I so know the feeling! This week I've only lost .8 oz!
    I know a loss is a loss but I busted my a** this week with the exercise, stayed under my calorie goals and to see .8 oz is very discouraging. I even told my husband this morning that I'm giving up.
    But then I came to my senses and thought, " just stick with it, it'll happen"
    It just is slow going right now. Hope next week is better, for both of us!
  • msgabismit
    Thank you guys. I won't give up. I'm too far along to give up now (even though I haven't lost anything)..I've made it my routine..even when I don't feel like it. :( I don't even care about the scale..I just really want to see my clothes fit differently or get into a different size pants..that would be my boost.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    some weights - like 8 pounders or?
  • msgabismit
    I bench 135, leg extend 85, leg curl 65,'s not little I'm assuming I may be gaining muscle..and I do see the toning in my legs..but no weight has come off...or better said, no inches
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    if you do deadlifts and squats that trims your middle. I added one day a week of deadlifting at the bgeinning of August (thats like 45 minutes a week- thats NOTHING) and I lost 2.5 inches on my waist and 1.5% body fat. I can get into a size 8 way easier now and in more styles as opposed to a 10 where I was before. I didnt think it would have that effect but holy nutballs.

    If you really want throw your body for a loop and shake things up- do your weight sessions with anything but the machines for a month. THERE'S A WIN! for real- i wouldnt lead you astray, I love girls. ♥
  • msgabismit
    if you do deadlifts and squats that trims your middle. I added one day a week of deadlifting at the bgeinning of August (thats like 45 minutes a week- thats NOTHING) and I lost 2.5 inches on my waist and 1.5% body fat. I can get into a size 8 way easier now and in more styles as opposed to a 10 where I was before. I didnt think it would have that effect but holy nutballs.

    If you really want throw your body for a loop and shake things up- do your weight sessions with anything but the machines for a month. THERE'S A WIN! for real- i wouldnt lead you astray, I love girls. ♥

    What do you mean anything but the machines? Like barbells and free weights?
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    There are many factors involved. What works for me in 45 min cardio each morning on empty stomack. Diet 6 small meals, three are shakes. Weights at night.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    if you do deadlifts and squats that trims your middle. I added one day a week of deadlifting at the bgeinning of August (thats like 45 minutes a week- thats NOTHING) and I lost 2.5 inches on my waist and 1.5% body fat. I can get into a size 8 way easier now and in more styles as opposed to a 10 where I was before. I didnt think it would have that effect but holy nutballs.

    If you really want throw your body for a loop and shake things up- do your weight sessions with anything but the machines for a month. THERE'S A WIN! for real- i wouldnt lead you astray, I love girls. ♥

    What do you mean anything but the machines? Like barbells and free weights?

    yes - ditch all the machines except the lat pull down and the leg press - maybe the assisted pull up machine. Instead concentrate on the big four, chest press, overhead press (or military press), squats and deadlifts.

    Ready to see a super real change in your body? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    Your diary is set to private. Nutrition is probably more of a factor than your fitness routines here, although both are very important. Make your diary public if you want people to provide advice in this thread.
  • msgabismit
    if you do deadlifts and squats that trims your middle. I added one day a week of deadlifting at the bgeinning of August (thats like 45 minutes a week- thats NOTHING) and I lost 2.5 inches on my waist and 1.5% body fat. I can get into a size 8 way easier now and in more styles as opposed to a 10 where I was before. I didnt think it would have that effect but holy nutballs.

    If you really want throw your body for a loop and shake things up- do your weight sessions with anything but the machines for a month. THERE'S A WIN! for real- i wouldnt lead you astray, I love girls. ♥

    What do you mean anything but the machines? Like barbells and free weights?

    yes - ditch all the machines except the lat pull down and the leg press - maybe the assisted pull up machine. Instead concentrate on the big four, chest press, overhead press (or military press), squats and deadlifts.

    Ready to see a super real change in your body? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    That sounds very doable. I think I shall add that to my squats will be a little more difficult because we dont have the long bars in the gym..mostly machines and barbells.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    if you do deadlifts and squats that trims your middle. I added one day a week of deadlifting at the bgeinning of August (thats like 45 minutes a week- thats NOTHING) and I lost 2.5 inches on my waist and 1.5% body fat. I can get into a size 8 way easier now and in more styles as opposed to a 10 where I was before. I didnt think it would have that effect but holy nutballs.

    If you really want throw your body for a loop and shake things up- do your weight sessions with anything but the machines for a month. THERE'S A WIN! for real- i wouldnt lead you astray, I love girls. ♥

    What do you mean anything but the machines? Like barbells and free weights?

    yes - ditch all the machines except the lat pull down and the leg press - maybe the assisted pull up machine. Instead concentrate on the big four, chest press, overhead press (or military press), squats and deadlifts.

    Ready to see a super real change in your body? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    That sounds very doable. I think I shall add that to my squats will be a little more difficult because we dont have the long bars in the gym..mostly machines and barbells.

    no worries at all - you can totally squat with a barbell or in the smith machine. you got this.

  • msgabismit
    if you do deadlifts and squats that trims your middle. I added one day a week of deadlifting at the bgeinning of August (thats like 45 minutes a week- thats NOTHING) and I lost 2.5 inches on my waist and 1.5% body fat. I can get into a size 8 way easier now and in more styles as opposed to a 10 where I was before. I didnt think it would have that effect but holy nutballs.

    If you really want throw your body for a loop and shake things up- do your weight sessions with anything but the machines for a month. THERE'S A WIN! for real- i wouldnt lead you astray, I love girls. ♥

    What do you mean anything but the machines? Like barbells and free weights?

    yes - ditch all the machines except the lat pull down and the leg press - maybe the assisted pull up machine. Instead concentrate on the big four, chest press, overhead press (or military press), squats and deadlifts.

    Ready to see a super real change in your body? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    That sounds very doable. I think I shall add that to my squats will be a little more difficult because we dont have the long bars in the gym..mostly machines and barbells.

    no worries at all - you can totally squat with a barbell or in the smith machine. you got this.


    I wish we had a smith machine..omg I'd love one..I LOVE THEM! :) Anyways, the fact that you inserted Barney into this thread, you are even more awesome. Thanks for your help. :)
  • kellyallday
    kellyallday Posts: 137 Member
    if you do deadlifts and squats that trims your middle. I added one day a week of deadlifting at the bgeinning of August (thats like 45 minutes a week- thats NOTHING) and I lost 2.5 inches on my waist and 1.5% body fat. I can get into a size 8 way easier now and in more styles as opposed to a 10 where I was before. I didnt think it would have that effect but holy nutballs.

    If you really want throw your body for a loop and shake things up- do your weight sessions with anything but the machines for a month. THERE'S A WIN! for real- i wouldnt lead you astray, I love girls. ♥

    What do you mean anything but the machines? Like barbells and free weights?

    yes - ditch all the machines except the lat pull down and the leg press - maybe the assisted pull up machine. Instead concentrate on the big four, chest press, overhead press (or military press), squats and deadlifts.

    Ready to see a super real change in your body? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    That sounds very doable. I think I shall add that to my squats will be a little more difficult because we dont have the long bars in the gym..mostly machines and barbells.

    Hmm... No weight machines? Will have to try that out... BUMP
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    How come no one is saying that 4lbs in a month is great? It is! One pound a week is a safe, healthy amount to lose and you should be rejoicing that the scale is moving for you!