"diet plan" from a German health book

Hi :).

I read a German book on getting to your healthiest weight by eating a certain way. It was written by several doctors and dieticians and said you should eat the amount of calories your body would need at your healthiest weight (1850 cals for 67kg for me) and that you should eat the following to get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you would need:

at least 75gr / 2.5oz raw green leaf vegetables
at least 200gr / 7oz other vegetables
150-250gr / 5.5-9oz fruit
1 tbsp of oil
min 1.5 liters / 6 cups of water
250ml / 1 cup of milk and 40gr / 1.5oz cheese
5 slices of whole wheat bread or 150gr / 5.5oz of oats, rice or whole wheat pasta (or combination).

one or two 100-150gr / 3.5-5oz portions of meat
one or two 100-150gr / 3.5-5oz portions of fish
three or four 200gr / 7oz portions of legumes and beans or 40gr / 1.5oz portions of nuts
max two eggs.

I like that there only three days with meat or fish, because that cuts back on animal fat a lot and instead you get your protein from beans, legumes and nuts. The book said that that is how people used to eat (meat was a luxury) and that now people eat too much animal fat and that it's detrimental to our health.
I am lactose intolerant, so I will need to drink soy, almond or oat milk, but that should be fine.

I am thinking of following this plan, because it makes sense to me. But I would like to know what others think of it and if anyone would change something.


  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I think the diet has too much starch and not enough fat. Saturated fat is good for you by the way.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It sounds like a sesible, healthy diet to me, and not overly restrictive. It pretty much follows recommendations given by more medical nutrition experts, though it may not match those of some journalists.
  • Keltinator
    I think it sounds pretty good! It looks pretty similar to what I eat. I'm not a big meat eater (not a dieting thing, or a vegetarian thing, I just prefer eating other things), which I think is fine. Unless of course you're trying to bulk up your muscles.
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    I'd replace the 5 slices of bread/pasta/ etc with meat and that would make it much healthier. And the 2-3 eggs a week thing is total hogwash. But all this is just one man's opinion verified by a couple cronies, just like every other diet guru around.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I think it sounds pretty good, all in all. One thing to note though is that German breads are typically much denser and richer in nutrients and protein than your average American bread.

    As for the eggs, 2-3 a week seems low. Unless you have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol you would probably be fine eating as many as 10 eggs a week.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I think it sounds pretty good, all in all. One thing to note though is that German breads are typically much denser and richer in nutrients and protein than your average American bread.

    As for the eggs, 2-3 a week seems low. Unless you have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol you would probably be fine eating as many as 10 eggs a week.

    I live in the Netherlands and in London. The bread there is pretty much the same as the German bread, so it should be fine.
    I am actually gonna have to get used to just two eggs a week. I rarely eat eggs, because I just don't like them that much.