Type 2 diabetes

Hello i'm a type 2 diabetic. I joined this program to help me keep track of my meals and exercise.. I was wondering if there's any others who are Type 2 diabetic who uses this program.


  • Hi there,
    I'm also a type 2 diabetic, having had gestional diabetes with both my pregnancies and a long line of diabetics on my mother's side. At the beginning of August my boys had an "intervention" of sorts as I wasn't eating properly at all, not exercise, not enough rest and a "I don't give a crap" attitude about my health. It was a very emotional time for the boys and I and I took their love and concern to heart as I WOULD like to be around for them and any future grandchildren. :smile:

    A friend told me about MFP and I joined in September. I love the program as it helps me to make better choices about the amount of food I eat. I generally follow along with my diabetic plan that the dietician set out for me, minus the amount of carbs she wants me to eat because they just make me feel awlful. However, I try to eat healthy, log and account for everything and there are days I'm planning ahead and realize that hold on, I'm way over my calories even on healthy food, and redo my food plan for the day. Or I will log in something I think isn't too bad and think, no way I'm going to use that many calories or carbs for that piece of food. It is wonderful to keep me focused and I use it on a daily basis.

    I also walk alot lately, and log that as well. I have premapped out walking routes wearing a pedometer so I know when I take this route at work, I have 1 mile, or this route on the weekend, I have 3.5 miles. The ONLY problem I am having is that my sugars have been cut down well below half of what they were before I started watching what I am doing and I have to take my sugar before I walk because I am having issues with sugar lows, especially in the afternoons. I have had to eat more then in order to balance out my sugars. Or I will eat part of my lunch, do my 15 minute mile, and then eat the other half just to balance things out. Without the walking I think my sugars would still be a little high but the tools here on MFP as invaluable to what I am doing. My significant other jokes about me eating something, or about to eat something, and run to check it out or log it. Too funny.

    If you would like to add me as a friend we can guide each other through a more complicated weight loss journey.

  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I am diabetic but due to genetic problems I have to take shots. I have found a great book to cook from and all my family likes the food, which is crazy considering 3 are teens and 2 are under 8.
  • That's the same reason I am on here. Could use some friends.. it's gonna be a long journey to get healthy!
  • Gevian
    Gevian Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a couple of years ago. I signed up with this program a few months ago but haven't used it like I should. Today I'm changing that. I've lost over 25 lbs since March of this year. My HgbA1c have been in 6 - 6.5 range. My goal is to get under 6% with the help of medication and then stay there without it.

    The biggest contributor to my weight loss has been a change in diet. My wife have been participating a number of programs and we just learned that the foods we eat have so many toxins in them that our bodies create and maintain fat to protect us from them. This means you could be exercising diligently but you won't see the true fruit of your efforts because of the toxic foods we put in our bodies.

    My goal now is to exercise more and get control over my emotional eating so I am going to use this program to hold me accountable. Next week, I'm joining an Overeaters Anonymous group. If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to reach out. Having diabetes can be scary sometimes but it is something that we can fight and manage.

    Pleased to Meet You,

    Gevian Dargan
  • Hi there,

    I have prediabetes, which means that basically I have to take medication (metformin) and follow the diet and exercise routine of a type two diabetic person. The lucky difference that this condition can be reversed.

    I also joined myfitnesspal for this reason.

    I can recommend a pretty useful book for everyone, who is experimenting with diets.


    I actually ordered three books on the topic, but the other two were not really good.

    Cheer up, and look at the good side of it: probably it will mean loosing weight, and becoming fitter. :-)

    And we are lucky, because supermarkets are really full with things that we can eat and enjoy. This was not the case with our parents generation.
  • Malozing0809
    Malozing0809 Posts: 71 Member
    I don't have type 2, but my mum does. I am trying to avoid becoming prediabetic.
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    I was diagnosed type 2 about 6 months ago and it was the best thing to happen to me in ages, since diagnosis I have lost 35lbs and cycle 200 miles a week to get fit, before diagnosis I weighed over 250lbs and ate nothing but junk food causing me to get a fatty liver which is now well on the way to being fixed, sometimes you need a little boot up the backside to realise how much better things could be by making a few lifestyle changes, good luck with your journey and welcome to mfp, you will get plenty of advice and support here :)
  • Even I am a type 2 diabetec. I've been following a type 2 diabetes diet for almost a year now, and it helped me lose weight without hurting my sugar level.
  • amazed336
    amazed336 Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last year. I’ve been very up & down about managing it and would like to be more consistent and stable.
  • PeachHibiscus
    PeachHibiscus Posts: 163 Member
    amazed336 wrote: »
    I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last year. I’ve been very up & down about managing it and would like to be more consistent and stable.

    Welcome! I was diagnosed a few months ago and came back here to MFP so it would be easier to track my carbs. So far it's been successful. I wish you the best!
  • I have just been diagnosed type 2. I have used this app years ago with success. I hope it helps me figure out my diet to manage my diabetes.