Daily Food Diary Logging



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I log as I go, usually as I'm eating, too. When hubby and I can firmly agree on our shared meal, I'll log that early.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    If I know what I'll be eating ahead of time, I log it once I know and as soon as I have time so I don't forget the portions I've already measured out or am planning on. Otherwise I typically do snacks and water as I go.
  • HoneyIShrunktheMom
    If I went with the "log as I go" approach, I would grab junk most of the time. It's not something I'm proud of but the reality is, I know myself, and I know myself well AND I have learned what it takes for me to succeed. Planning my day gives me something to use as a guideline. I don't always stick to it to the T; I may substitute little things here and there but usually what I plan for is what I eat. Often times I will leave 200-300 calories for the end of the day and allow myself a little "splurge", but sometimes I know I'm craving XXX and go ahead plan that for my night time snack.
  • MsJayeKaye
    MsJayeKaye Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks to you all for your comments. It helps to know what others are doing that's working for them. I wasn't much of a pre-planner but I'm getting better at it. I may try logging in advance next week to see how closely I can stick to it. I like that MFP gives us the option to change or delete food items if necessary. Have a great day all!
  • olerolls
    olerolls Posts: 70 Member
    I agree that what matters most is that it works for you, not what the specifics are. I know that I cannot pre-plan. I would feel overly restricted and too much like I was on a diet, rather than living a new lifestyle. For me, it's totally mental. I need to retrain myself to make good choices throughout day when I'm faced with them, rather than relying on choices I've already made for myself. Otherwise, I know that I'm would regain down the line when I finally hit my goal and go into a maintenance mode with less structure around food. I need to know I can trust myself to make good choices on the fly. To train myself to do that permanently, not just when I'm focused on losing, I need to be making those choices all day, every day. For me, that means no preplanning. Make sense?

    But again, that's all based on ME and what I know about myself. Everyone should make their choices based on their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member

    I log in the morning before leaving for work what I plan to eat or what I'm taking with me for breakfast, lunch, etc.
    I keep the webpage pulled up and minimized at my desk and alter as needed through the day.

    I never finalize my diary until right before bed though. I change it too much to do that too early.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Lately, I've been doing this since I'm watching my carb & sodium intake due to me & my FH high blood pressure issue. Normally, I was doing it as I went along. Now our lunch consist of low carb meals & desserts that've been prepared over the weekend due to our work schedule. We get home too late & suffered from eating after 9pm then going straight to bed (which may have added to our weight issues). So, I've been trying to switch things up by being more predictable with what we eat & I add everything earlier on so if/when I'm over I simply don't eat it or measure out an appropriate amount and save the rest for another day. Now that I know how much food and what order I'm gon' eat it I plug it into my Food Diary and complete the goal for the day. My menu is limited for now so this is also helping keep me keep track of my goals. I hope this made sense.
  • MsJayeKaye
    MsJayeKaye Posts: 155 Member
    I agree that what matters most is that it works for you, not what the specifics are. I know that I cannot pre-plan. I would feel overly restricted and too much like I was on a diet, rather than living a new lifestyle. For me, it's totally mental. I need to retrain myself to make good choices throughout day when I'm faced with them, rather than relying on choices I've already made for myself. Otherwise, I know that I'm would regain down the line when I finally hit my goal and go into a maintenance mode with less structure around food. I need to know I can trust myself to make good choices on the fly. To train myself to do that permanently, not just when I'm focused on losing, I need to be making those choices all day, every day. For me, that means no preplanning. Make sense?

    But again, that's all based on ME and what I know about myself. Everyone should make their choices based on their own strengths and weaknesses.

    This sounds like me to a tee! Thanks for the post.
  • MsJayeKaye
    MsJayeKaye Posts: 155 Member
    Lately, I've been doing this since I'm watching my carb & sodium intake due to me & my FH high blood pressure issue. Normally, I was doing it as I went along. Now our lunch consist of low carb meals & desserts that've been prepared over the weekend due to our work schedule. We get home too late & suffered from eating after 9pm then going straight to bed (which may have added to our weight issues). So, I've been trying to switch things up by being more predictable with what we eat & I add everything earlier on so if/when I'm over I simply don't eat it or measure out an appropriate amount and save the rest for another day. Now that I know how much food and what order I'm gon' eat it I plug it into my Food Diary and complete the goal for the day. My menu is limited for now so this is also helping keep me keep track of my goals. I hope this made sense.

    Makes perfect sense to me. I see on your diary that you do homemade recipes for your entrees and desserts. Care to share?
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    I usually log as I go but on days I have school and have to stay the whole day, I try to pre-log it. But most of the time, I log right after I consume the meal or make it so its there and I don't forget :) I have some MFP friends that pre-log and I think thats great!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Question: Does it help you to log everything you plan to eat at the beginning of the day or add as you eat throughout the day? I'm noticing some of my pals complete their food diaries early in the morning. I log as I go throughout the day. How do you do it? Any particular reason for your preference?

    I always plan my day when i start - sometimes not supper though because I have to see what the woman wants lol. I log everything to begin with so i know how much protien, etc, i will get during the day, so i can plan to eat more or differant! Helps with 'cheat' meals as well!
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    I have always logged as I go. once you get a sense of serving size and the general nature of calories in your most common foods, you develop a sense of what is working for (or against you).
  • 256Sept12
    I log as I go. I don't like the idea of logging everything at once, wouldn't want to have to go back and make changes if I don't eat what I logged.
  • 256Sept12
    It's really a matter of personal preference. Do what works for you!

    I use both methods. I find that when I pack my lunch and snacks for the day, I log them all when I am packing them up in the morning. This gives me a good idea of where I stand throughout the day and makes it easier for me to either accept a piece of banana bread a co-worker brought in, or politely decline because I know I'm already tight on calories for the day.
    On days I don't pack lunch/snacks, I have no choice but to log as I go.

    Again, do what works best for you!

    VERY GOOD point about the banana bread. I log as I go because I work from home..but if I worked away from home, I would log my packed lunch as I pack it as well.