Uggg, I am so stupid! - Lesson learned!!!



  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I wouldn't burn near that many calories with a 30 minute brisk walk either but we may have a difference in fitness. I also try to over-estimate my calories in and under estimate my exercise calories just to be safe.
  • GENERALLY (varies somewhat depending on weight, etc), one mile = 100cals. If you run faster, you are running the distance in a quicker time therefore not exercising for as long. If you run (walk) slower, you are spending more time at it. One mile at a say, a10 minute pace burns approximately the same cals as walking the same mile at a 20 min pace because you've only exercised for 10 min vs 20...
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    For the past year I have been underestimating the calories in salmon.....Just found that out this week :-/

    Happens to the best of us. Still lost 40lbs though!
  • So, if I walked 2.5 miles and generally 1 mile equals 100 cals, than that seems right. My GPS gave me the same total as MFP too. Who knows. I'm so freakin confused..and discouraged now. Disappointed with some of negative vibes about how wrong I am about everything..just trying to learn.
  • Wow good information from all of you. Now here is the funny thing. I have been on this diet for a week. My biggest problem before was that I never actually ate enough food but I was consuming huge amounts of calories from Starbucks. So even now its a struggle for me to eat the whole 1250 calories per day that I need too. Any ideas?

  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    So, if I walked 2.5 miles and generally 1 mile equals 100 cals, than that seems right. My GPS gave me the same total as MFP too. Who knows. I'm so freakin confused..and discouraged now. Disappointed with some of negative vibes about how wrong I am about everything..just trying to learn.

    Everyone is different so they expend different energy and food calories are also estimates so don't worry about the small discrepencies. I think as long as you're consistent with your estimates you can adjust them if you're not getting the outcome you expect.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Wow good information from all of you. Now here is the funny thing. I have been on this diet for a week. My biggest problem before was that I never actually ate enough food but I was consuming huge amounts of calories from Starbucks. So even now its a struggle for me to eat the whole 1250 calories per day that I need too. Any ideas?


    Caloried dense foods: nuts, peanut butter, olive oil, avacado...............
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Things very between the States and Canada as well. It's always best to pre-check the website before you hit up the restaruant
  • Another thing is don't assume that a certain food has a certain number of calories. I once ordered Beijing Beef at Panda Express thinking it wasn't THAT bad. Turns out it has more calories than a Big Mac!

  • Yikes!! I am for sure going to be double checking everything I have when I order out now.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    I always check the website of the restaurants. A lot of them have the option to build your sandwich or entree and it'll give you calorie counts. I only use MFPs numbers if the site doesn't have the nutrition information!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    wow.... now im afraid to check out the calorie count in MOE's

    It's actually not as bad as you might think....well, at least not all things. Their website is amazing at being able to pick and choice what you actually add to it :happy:
  • The most important thing is not to get discouraged! I have been using MFP for 90 days and lost 13 lbs. Many days I will go over my calorie count for the day. I do eat really healthy, whole foods, almost never processed. However, when I'm out and about I have already researched fast/restaurant food that I can eat without worry. For example, Panera Bread 1/2 salads with an apple side come in at around 340 cal. Also, Taco Time southwest chopped salad without dressing is only 220 cal. If you do a little research you can go anywhere and eat most places. Even MacDonald's has a few low calorie options. But the best way to control portion and content is to make it yourself - sounds like you are already doing that!