Do you really need rest days?

This is my first week doing strength training- ever in my life! I am a little sore but not an I want to die sore. I didn't go to the gym this morning like I usually do at 5am (I am just going to do 30 days shred tonight) but I am really sore from not using my muscles and in a really bad mood for no obvious reason.
My first rest day is Sunday but with being sore today I wonder do I really need a rest day if I am just going to feel like crap all day?????


  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Yes, your body needs a day to recover. You don't need to work out EVERY day. It won't really help that much in the long run. Take Sunday off.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    Yes. Though rest does not necessarily mean do nothing it means don't lift heavy, go for a walk, do some light cardio etc. No need to be a lump just give your muscles time to repair themselves.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    he way I look at exercise is this:

    Rest is more important than actual exercising!


    Because when you're resting is the only time you're actually repairing your muscles/getting stronger. Every time you work out, you're damaging all your muscles (including your heart), making little microscopic tears in it. By working out every single day, you're not giving your body adequate time to heal itself completely before you're damaging it again.

    I've noticed this in the past, when I used to ride my bike frequently - when I wasn't able to ride for a few days, I was always faster the day after 2-3 days of rest than when I was riding every other day. I felt a heck of a lot better as well.

    Now, I strength train twice a week. I don't do cardio-specific exercises because of poor joints and not having enough strength to hold them together. Don't bother making suggestions, I've already looked at all my currently available options. I can't change this until I get stronger or make more money.

    Anyway, that's my opinion, it's what I do. I'm making HUGE progress every week, even though I only work each muscle group once a week. Take it or leave it. I'm not going to argue it.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Yes. You need a rest day. What you are attempting leads to overuse injuries.
  • skolvikes5
    Your muscles don't grow while you are working out...they grow thru proper nutrition and rest/recovery. So yes, resting is important. Very important.
  • Hellguy76137
    Hellguy76137 Posts: 53 Member
    Short and simple:
    Yes, rest is needed to recover from strength training. About 48-72 hours per body part worked for maximum benefit. Muscle is "built" during sleep. This is when the body repairs itself. 8 hours is recommended. I would also encourage a total break from training once a week to maximize recovery.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I do strength training Tues., Thurs., and Sat., and run on Wed., Fri., and Sun., with Monday as a total rest day. Sometimes that gets slightly modified due to my work schedule but other than that it works well and allows my body time to repair/rebuild. Most fitness plans either call for days off or alternating what muscle groups get worked on specific days so your body can recuperate.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    Rest yes. And if it is not enough, lift heavier.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    YES! You need rest days!
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    I been doing 25 mins cardio and 25 strength I work different parts of the body everyday so I get a few days in between working that group again. I want to do this 6 days a week. And yes I will rest on Sundays, but can I do wii stretching to help with the fatigue?

    Also does anyone feel like they are just really irritable on rest days? This same thing happened when I was jogging alot and had a day off. I been taking my boyfriends multivitamins this week because I ran out of Womens and he seems to think that is why. But they are just vitamins not testerone or anything so I don't think thats it. I seriously just want to choke some random person or something.... lol am I weird?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    he way I look at exercise is this:

    Rest is more important than actual exercising!


    Because when you're resting is the only time you're actually repairing your muscles/getting stronger. Every time you work out, you're damaging all your muscles (including your heart), making little microscopic tears in it. By working out every single day, you're not giving your body adequate time to heal itself completely before you're damaging it again.

    I've noticed this in the past, when I used to ride my bike frequently - when I wasn't able to ride for a few days, I was always faster the day after 2-3 days of rest than when I was riding every other day. I felt a heck of a lot better as well.

    Now, I strength train twice a week. I don't do cardio-specific exercises because of poor joints and not having enough strength to hold them together. Don't bother making suggestions, I've already looked at all my currently available options. I can't change this until I get stronger or make more money.

    Anyway, that's my opinion, it's what I do. I'm making HUGE progress every week, even though I only work each muscle group once a week. Take it or leave it. I'm not going to argue it.

    Great explanation!

    And don't forget that when your muscles are repairing, you are still burning "bonus calories" that you can't really measure. It takes energy to repair your muscles!
  • marinebiologist_girl
    I do twice a week, but that's because I do historical re-enactment twice a week. Ie, ~3 hours of on-off swinging of wooden and steel weapons, holding very heavy historically accurate shields, running around a field, firing a bow, and all the training needed for the hobby. So obviously I can't lift my arms in the morning.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Yes. Sometimes I need them for my body, sometimes I need them psychologically/emotionally.

    You WILL become burnt out if you don't take a break now and then.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I been doing 25 mins cardio and 25 strength I work different parts of the body everyday so I get a few days in between working that group again. I want to do this 6 days a week. And yes I will rest on Sundays, but can I do wii stretching to help with the fatigue?

    Also does anyone feel like they are just really irritable on rest days? This same thing happened when I was jogging alot and had a day off. I been taking my boyfriends multivitamins this week because I ran out of Womens and he seems to think that is why. But they are just vitamins not testerone or anything so I don't think thats it. I seriously just want to choke some random person or something.... lol am I weird?

    the irritability may be due to lacking those endorphins. or maybe guilt tripping yourself that you aren't exercising (i do this).

    sometimes i go for a light jog, walk the dog or something to get my heart rate up and get a sweat going
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Rest is sometimes the hardest part of a fitness campaign but it is the most vital - it is when the degenerative effects of damaging your muscle through training (yes this is really what happens) are repaired making your muscle bigger than before (which is the bit I am sure you want to happen :-) )
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I been doing 25 mins cardio and 25 strength I work different parts of the body everyday so I get a few days in between working that group again. I want to do this 6 days a week. And yes I will rest on Sundays, but can I do wii stretching to help with the fatigue?

    Also does anyone feel like they are just really irritable on rest days? This same thing happened when I was jogging alot and had a day off. I been taking my boyfriends multivitamins this week because I ran out of Womens and he seems to think that is why. But they are just vitamins not testerone or anything so I don't think thats it. I seriously just want to choke some random person or something.... lol am I weird?

    I usually only workout 3-4 days per week. I spend my weekends doing chores, so that's my workout for Saturdays, then rest on Sundays. Sometimes, if my knee is bothering me, I will take an extra rest day.

    The only thing I don't like about rest days is eating less on those days.
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    Totally agree with everyone else saying yes you need rest days. With that said, I hear you on the soreness, so you may want to consider what is called an active recovery day. Rather than just sit around, go for a walk, a leisurely bike ride or my favorite, a yoga stretching class. I have a yoga studio nearby that does these in the evening and they are specifically designed to make you limber and sleep better. Around here they call it Yin Yoga. Good luck!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yes. Though rest does not necessarily mean do nothing it means don't lift heavy, go for a walk, do some light cardio etc. No need to be a lump just give your muscles time to repair themselves.


    Not sure why you're in a bad mood. Could be that you didn't get enough rest or your hormones or off or you're stressed about way for any of us to know for sure. Go do something fun!
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    I been doing 25 mins cardio and 25 strength I work different parts of the body everyday so I get a few days in between working that group again. I want to do this 6 days a week. And yes I will rest on Sundays, but can I do wii stretching to help with the fatigue?

    Also does anyone feel like they are just really irritable on rest days? This same thing happened when I was jogging alot and had a day off. I been taking my boyfriends multivitamins this week because I ran out of Womens and he seems to think that is why. But they are just vitamins not testerone or anything so I don't think thats it. I seriously just want to choke some random person or something.... lol am I weird?

    I usually only workout 3-4 days per week. I spend my weekends doing chores, so that's my workout for Saturdays, then rest on Sundays. Sometimes, if my knee is bothering me, I will take an extra rest day.

    The only thing I don't like about rest days is eating less on those days.

    YES! Eating less on those days sucks too!! But I am going to behave ya'll convinced me. and I also need to make my way to the drug store and reup on the female vites. :)
  • lmcww8
    lmcww8 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, I used to think I was superwoman and didn't need a rest day until I ended up fracturing my fibula (rookie runner mistakes). Taking one day off a week is a lot better than being sidelined for weeks, trust me!