Hypothyroidism diet?

Hi, I have hypothyroidism and have seen several sites about different diets/ways to help you lose weight. I was wondering if anyone would share any success plans or foods that has helped you if you have hypothyrodism. Thanks everyone!


  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Honestly, I don't know that a special diet while help with weight loss but it will get easier once the meds are adjusted to the proper dosage. Over the years, I've learned that I can't eat processed foods (especially my beloved sugar!) and lose weight. It's not healthy either so I try to cut it way back and stick with more fruits and veggies. This is going to sound strange, but drinking a mug of hot green tea and doing some yoga tends to help my weight loss. Weird, huh?:laugh:
  • For me, exercise is key. Without it, the weight loss is very slow. Also staying away from simple or refined (white) carbs. Lots of veggies and whole grains and determination.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Leslie's right-exercise is the key to losing weight, especially with thyroid issues! A mix of cardio, weight training, and yoga is nice but any movement is great!
    I wish you the best of luck with weight loss. It can be tough going at time but totally doable too! Take care!
  • Cyncham
    Cyncham Posts: 39
    Thank you so much! I will definetly try to up my exercise cause I know I haven't been pushing myself enough. I haven't tried yoga before...does it count as cardio or strength training?
  • dawnerika
    dawnerika Posts: 22 Member
    I've had hypothyroidism for over 20 years. I've researched everything on it and there really is no magic bullet/special foods to help. I take a mix of vitamins/supplements, but they are pretty basic ones. I've read about the benefits of kelp/seaweed (high in iodine)...coconut oil, you name it. There is no solid evidence that it changes anything. For me personally, if I don't exercise, I gain weight rapidly, which is why I'm here now lol You mentioned yoga, which is my mainstay and go-to option, 3-5x a week. There are a ton of really good books out there to show you postures, so you can perfect your form. Videos, too...or take a class. Unless I am missing something or not doing it properly, the strength training portion seems to just enable you to record your progress but does not seem to serve the function of giving you calories back from doing a workout. I record all exercise under cardio, because depending upon what you do and for how long, it gives you calories, carbs, etc, back...and I think one of the ongoing debates here is whether to eat back your calories or not. I try not to, unless I'm truly hungry...I don't see the point in working off cals just to eat them all back! But that's just my opinion and if you are doing high intensity workouts, you're probobly going to work up an appetite, so therefore, those extra cals come in handy. Hope this helps some and good luck! Add me if you like :)
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and I am able to lose weight just fine with diet and exercise of course! It might come off slower than other people but keep doing the right things and it will come off! I have lost 111 lbs before I had my kids doing weight watchers (diet) and goign to the gym and spinning/running etc to having Hypothyroidsim should not be an excuse for not losing weight. I am not on any special diet but I do recommend doing some kind of weight training mixed in with your cardio because your metabolism needs all the help it can get!

    Add me as a freidn if you want :)
  • I have just started my own struggle with hypothyroidism and can share the advice given to me by my physician.
    Stay away from processed foods, eat organic meats & veggies, limit dairy and add 1 hour of cardio 4-5 times a week.

    Best of luck!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I wouldn't say there's specific diet, but I've learned some tricks that seem to help
    - focus on fat and protein, which naturally limits carbs. You don't need to go low-carb crazy, but limiting them is a good idea
    - avoid soy (again, you don't need to be crazy about it, but choose almond milk or coconut or dairy milk instead of soy, don't eat veggie burgers every day, that kind of thing.)
    -Try switiching out some of your cooking oil with coconut oil
    - allow a couple hours, if possible, between taking your meds and food. Save calcium (dairy), any vitamin pills with calcium, and high fiber food for later in the day
    - use iodized salt. Don't go crazy limiting salt in your diet unless you have to (High BP or other reason) the iodine is important
    -If you do have to limit salt, try adding iodine-rich seaweed
    -Look up other goitrogens and keep an eye out. I actually don't do this but if for some reason other things stop working I will start watching- they include a lot of raw food- raw broccoli, raw strawberries- stuff I don't want to limit unless I have to.

    #1 Rule- Exercise.
    #2 Rule- Don't compare your results to someone with a healthy thyroid. You CAN lose weight, but the road to get there may be more difficult for you than for a healthy person. It's not a reaon to get discouraged, but I would highly avoid comparing yourself to other people's success stories, as it can mess with your head.
  • Look into the type of medication your on. Few people do well, feel great on Synthroid/T4 meds. Most do best on a T4/T3 combination or T3 only. Myself included. Visit www.stopthethyroidmadness.com LOTS of great info. There is also a Facebook group that you can join. I've seen a lot of people be able to lose weight, feel great, healthy and reverse so many hypo symptons just by changing their meds.
  • lisaann1061
    lisaann1061 Posts: 24 Member
    I have Hashimotos disease. It is so hard keeping weight off!! I was taking synthroid for years, but never felt better. Switched to Armour thyroid , which seemed to help my energy levels. I work out like crazy and count calories when the pounds get too high. I gain weight in the blink of an eye!