Need friends that have the same problems as I do ):



  • BRANN80
    BRANN80 Posts: 46 Member
    I can definitely relate to that! That is the hardest part of dieting, your body is used to you eating more and different foods. They say you will get used to it, but I have been on my 1,000 calorie diet for 2 months and I STILL have those pesky hunger pains! I would suggest incorporating low cal low fat snacks into your diet so when you are feeling hungry, you will have healthy snacks on hand. If you have any more concerns dont hesitate to message me. Hope this helped!

    I'm pretty sure for you it's your calorie intake. That is wayyyyyyyyy too low for a woman. I know that for sure.
  • sweetkeys
    sweetkeys Posts: 81 Member
    water is always a good idea - chewing sugar free gum helps sometimes - fruit is your friend - I've found that it helps to have some protein with my fruit, i.e. almonds, string cheese, fat free/sugar free yogurt - space your food out to be 5 small meals vs. 3 - I'm an evening muncher so I eat 4 small meals through the day and then enjoy dinner and acceptable snacks in the evening. Add me if you'd like me to keep tabs on you. Would be glad to do that!
  • mlam7409
    If I can do it ANYBODY can do it. Eat foods that keep you full longer, or stay active to forget about the hunger. I used to eat a lot out of bordem and food just being there. Now when I track my food especially for all my friends to see, it makes u think about what you put in your mouth. Dont give up, u can do it!!!!
  • Brianna72994
    Lots of water helps and it makes cravings go away (supposedly)
    And when you do eat, usually eating slower helps you eat less :)
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    protein and fiber are your friends.

    also pickles help with cravings and are only 5-10 calories
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    I recently have been having Lipton cup of soup, a "chicken" variety, only 50 calories. It is high in sodium which is not my main focus to cut down right now. It is warm and satisfying 1 minute and 30 seconds to prepare.
  • jamimari777
    jamimari777 Posts: 101 Member
    protein and fiber are your friends.

    also pickles help with cravings and are only 5-10 calories

    I agree with the protein and fiber. I keep natural raw almonds with me at all times.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    protein and fiber are your friends.

    also pickles help with cravings and are only 5-10 calories

    This. A high protein diet,eating .5-1 gram of protein per pound of weight, actually aids in weight loss because since it's harder to digest, your body works harder, using more calories. Also the reason why it makes you feel fuller. High fiber foods also make you feel fuller and it's recommended women get around 25 grams a day. I actually aim for 30. Just makes sure your calories count and makes you feel satisfied.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Protein, it keeps you feeling full longer. Check out my diary, I eat alot of Special K and Slim Fast. Protein is also in meat, healthy choices are chicken and fish. And also water helps you as well. Good Luck
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Im one of those people who have a hard time eating my calories, but on occasion i do have those days where all i want to do is eat.. and this is what i do..

    i get a head of lettuce and chop it. i eat lettuce with vinegar sprinkled on it until i cant eat anymore (sometimes, close to half a head of lettuce) before i eat..

    it fills you up and iits like 50 calories.. then, if i MUST still eat.. i do, but i dont eat out of boredom anymore, because i simply CANT.

    If you just want to EAT, fill up on lettuce, beans, carrots, celery, sauteed squash is another good one...

    slice squash thin & sautee in a pam sprayed pan seasoned with onion, garlic and mrs dash table blend. you cannot eat 2 whole squash and its like 60 calories... blah. too full. lol
  • taytaylynn3
    Feel free to add me as well!
    I'm always posting.
  • ShannonLavelleTate
    add me i know exactly how you feel!
  • MikesterAZ
    MikesterAZ Posts: 67 Member
    OMG I made a "crushed ice over lettuce" joke the other day and now I feel bad. Do you really use lettuce as a technique for avoiding real food? I'm not sure that's healthy, it doesn't have very much nutritional value does it?!?! Add me and I will encourage you to eat!! I have no problem rejoicing in the goodness of flavor. :-) Refreshing to see all types of eaters on the site!!
  • InderT
    InderT Posts: 4
    it sucked for the first week,but you get used to it!!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    suggestion: find friends who DON'T have that problem instead.
  • lisatjanda
    Hi everyone...I haven't started my life change as of yet. I'm due November 2nd so after that is when I'll stgart. I have 100lbs to lose. I've done it before a couple of years ago. Was in a terrible marriage and at my highest weighed 260 lbs at 4'11" and now weigh 205. My ultimate goal is 105 to 120. I know I need to take baby steps. I just need support and movtovation. My self esteem is no where to be found as of yet. I want to be able to go out with my 3 boys and run around with them once again.
    PHYLLISALEXIS Posts: 55 Member
    Me too. Its been hard lately. I have been eating the wrong type of foods like ice cream and donoughts and not exercising, Am going to do my best to get back on track as of this moment. Hope to have an excellent report today
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    OMG I made a "crushed ice over lettuce" joke the other day and now I feel bad. Do you really use lettuce as a technique for avoiding real food? I'm not sure that's healthy, it doesn't have very much nutritional value does it?!?! Add me and I will encourage you to eat!! I have no problem rejoicing in the goodness of flavor. :-) Refreshing to see all types of eaters on the site!!

    Try reading what i said.. no i dont use lettuce as a technique to avoid real food.. i said when i have those days where i just want to eat and eat and eat just because.. i fill up first.. i eat things like lettuce, and beans and squash, veggies, ect, FIRST... then if i am still hungry, which i usually am NOT, then i eat my meal. I eat lots of foods that are low in calories (and not foods that are high in sodium, like others suggested) to fill me up so i dont stuff myself with mcdonalds or whatever else that isnt good for me,so dont be so damn over dramatic.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    I looked at your diary and I think you are doing a GREAT job with food choices. It's OK to have a cookie once in awhile, for instance.

    HOWEVER, since you are having issues with hunger, my only real suggestion is to replace the cookies with some meat or protein of some sort. You could snack on a couple slices of lean meat, a boiled egg, or leftover meat from last night's dinner, for instance, instead of carbohydrate type snacks. I think even peanut butter and bread might help satiate better than a cookie.

    But all in all, it looks like you are hanging in there! Most days you are under your calorie goal though, so you could use those on your "hungry" days. You shouldn't feel too guilty for going over a couple hundred calories on a hungry day, especially if you had 300 calories yesterday or the day before that you didn't eat.
  • squirmmonster
    squirmmonster Posts: 98 Member
    This was a problem for me at first too. I HATED feeling hungry. To combat the hungry feeling, I would eat raw vegetables, eat one piece of light toast, or have some tea. Your stomach is used to eating a lot more food than you are eating on mfp. In time, your stomach will shrink, and you won't have that feeling anymore.
    I welcome that hungry feeling now. Because it means that my body is utilizing the fat stores I have built up...and I am losing weight.
    Let yourself get used to only eating when you are really truly hungry. You aren't going to melt.

    This is not true. Your stomach never physically shrinks in a significant way. Your hormones do adjust to eating less, though, and send a fullness signal more quickly. So it's kind of the same effect. Just wanted to let you know, though... stomach? Never actually shrinks. If it did, people wouldn't need lap band surgeries, they'd just need to diet really hard for a few months.