Stuck in a Rut :/

Hi there! I can't seem to get anywhere with weight loss!! I have an amazing husband who is so supportive, but he isn't sure exactly what to say sometimes. I also have a beautiful 14 month old son who is the most incredible little boy. I want so badly to be healthy in every way for play with him, teach him, and also be a healthy example for him as well. But...all I do is eat, even when I don't want to!! I'm working through a book right now concerning overeating and it has really helped put things into perspective- I'm hoping I can cling to the things I learn in this book and really apply them! I've tried Weight Watchers before, and it probably would have been successful if I would have stopped eating :/ but, I don't have the money for that right now and someone suggested MFP. I've never really counted calories before and its difficult figuring out what to eat at times, but I'm at least more conscious of what different foods are higher in calories than others. More than anything though, I would really appreciate feeling like I'm not the only one fighting this battle...and that there are others out there attempting to change in such a way that it may not ALWAYS be a battle!!


  • Pauly187
    Pauly187 Posts: 14 Member
    This is my first time counting calories works...I am down 48 lbs. since the last week of June. Stay with it!
  • debbiekuhn123
    debbiekuhn123 Posts: 67 Member
    hi you can add me as a friend if you like
    i have a 21 month old boy & he is my main reason for changing my life to eat more healthier
    i have a lot of weight to lose, so one step at a time
    i find eating dryer foods for me tend to keep me fuller for much longer & no need to cheat
    the only exercise i do apart from being a housewife/mummy is walking 3-4 times a week

    Its a journey where you will get lots ok knowledge & make some lovely friends on the way!
  • lem_orc29
    lem_orc29 Posts: 179 Member
    Hello! Many of us here know exactly what you are going through. One of the things I love about MFP is the supportive community...Always there with an encouraging word when it gets tough. We all know how hard this journey is. The most important step is the first one. If it takes awhile to get into the groove of counting calories, that's ok. It will click eventually. The important thing is that you're trying...and if you keep at it, the effort will pay off. Get yourself some supportive friends if you don't already have some (you can add me) and you'll be on your way. You CAN do this.
  • RandomMiranda
    Counting calories is definitely an adjustment, but once you develop the habit it's not difficult. Plus MFP does so much of the work for you as far as keeping track of how much more or less you can/should eat. I'm sending you a friend request. I keep my diary open, and while I don't always make the most healthy choices, I do my best, log everything, and keep some calories available for treats. I basically eat like a real person.
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Well this is a great 1st step. Welcome to MFP and I'll send you a friend request, find other friends to add also.
    Take it one meal-one day at a time. If you feel like you need to eat all day to feel satisfied-make them small meals-keep fresh cut up veggies handy, also fruits. Make the most of your calories for the day-don't eat empty calories that really don't fill you up-still hungry after eating them, eat things high in fiber and protein.
    Remember this weight gain did not happen overnight-neither will weight loss. I have been on this path of better health since Feb of 2010 and it has taken that long for me to loose 86 llbs (I didn't join MFP until May of this year) I still am looking at loosing another 80 lbs. When you feel out of control just wait 5 minutes for the craving to pass-then grab that beautiful little guy and go outside for a little walk-it will be great for both of you. Good luck-here comes invite :heart:
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    The community here is great. You will find your fair share of trolls and know-it-alls, but for the most part, it's a great place.

    I've made this journey once before, but not by counting calories. I changed my diet and happened to have a decently active job, as well as working out when I wasn't at work. That was January of 2011, and I was within 5 pounds of my goal weight. Fast forward to now, I've had 1 child, and am pregnant with another. This will make my lovely household 6 when she's born. It's difficult to do with a family, but it can be done. If you need a friend, add me. I log in daily and try to shoot in with an encouraging word or insight when I can. This isn't my first time losing weight, but I'm hoping, since this will be my last child, that I can keep it off when I have her.

    Right now, I'm trying to establish the habit of logging my calories and moving daily. Some days I do great, others, not so much. But I'm putting in the effort, regardless.

    I'm also instilling good habits into my family. My husband is eating healthier, whether he likes it or not. And my oldest has started making better choices in the lunch line, because I've made it a point to teach him what good choices are.

    You aren't alone. We are all here for the same reason
  • drcrisos
    drcrisos Posts: 68 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. I do great somedays, horrible other days. I just don't beat myself up for it.
    I know I will never be thin, I just want to get to being healthy. It's hard when you are used to not thinking about what you are putting in your body, then you actually start paying attention....whole new way of thinking.
    I do good at work, come home and I'm exhausted, don't want to cook, send hubby for something quick....big mistake. Move on to the next day and make better choices.
    It's a slow process for me, changing habits with not just myself but for my family of 5. The best thing for me so far has been that I have really tried to drink more water. It keeps me fuller and over all I feel better.
    Exercise has been the challenge. I'm on my feet most of the day at work (I'm a nurse), so tired when I get home, some days I do a little, other days I just flop down in a chair. I also have arthritis in knees, shoulder and herniated disk in neck, so I have to be careful about what I do so I don't aggravate the problem areas.
    Certainly not easy, but logging in here every day and just seeing what you are eating and what you are lacking as far as, need more carbs, need less fat, etc, it helps me mentally. Now, just to actually put it to work.
    Good luck, don't get frustrated! Just keep going
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I'd be more than happy to help you through your weight loss challenge. I am not a nutritionist, dietitian or fitness coach. I have successfully lost 35lbs at the age of 38. I kept the weight off for over 4 years. I did have a little upheaval last year and regain a smidge..but that's almost gone again now that my life is settled back down.

    I will say; I've tried most every diet, I do know what works and what doesn't. I have the luxury of having a husband that is a nutritionist and personal trainer; although he's retired now.

    Also, I got good guidance (and I kept all my recipes and menus) from eDiets when I lost the 35lbs. I don't know what you're currently eating but I would recommend 1/2 your breakfast be fruit (low glycemic ... here's a link to a list for low glycemic foods; berries are always a good low glycemic choice for fruit --; 1/2 your lunch and 1/2 your dinner should be from vegetables. The other 1/2 should be split between lean proteins and high fiber complex carbohydrates (ie. no white flour, white rice, white bread...highly processed foods - these food spike your blood sugar, then you crash almost immediately, you are hungry again soon and you wind up eating far more calorie therefore gaining rather than losing weight). Also try to get eat 50% of your vegetables & fruits raw over the course of a week -- it may take some time to change to this if you are used to eating all processed foods. Without seeing your diary, it's hard to really identify. Are you eating enough calories? Meaning you're not cutting them too low? You should be eating above your BMR number...this is the amount required for your organs to function properly....

    Fee free to add me for motivation & support.