Starting the Warrior Diet Tomorrow!

I've been experimenting with Intermittent fasting for the past week and am pleased with results. So tomorrow I think I'm going officially start the warrior diet. I feel like I have more energy, endurance, and I am less stressed about what and when I'm going to eat when I spend a majority of the day fasting. I havent found myself hungry or lethargic even when I do my turbo fire or insanity work out.

Has anyone else tried the warrior diet and if so what was your experience with it?


  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Win. 100% approve of this.
  • kriss213

    Well then, I'm going to assume you've tried or are currently using the warrior diet. I'm aiming for my eating window to be between 3-7pm. Do/did you work out your schedule so you were eating after your workouts? This is what I would like to do but I may not all ways be able to. In your opinion would eating before my workout or hours after it have any significant impact on my performance or results?
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Currently no, during competition prep I return to the 5-6 meal style although I kinda hate it now that I'm so used to fasting.

    Here's my daily schedule (roughly, my work hour flex):
    0600 - Wake
    0800-1600 - Work
    1800 - 1st meal
    1900-2030 - Workout
    2030-2200 - Consume remaining calories (Kind of one big meal spread across an hour or so)
    2300 - Sleep

    Training fasted/unfasted doesnt matter but most people on the Warrior protocol do so fasted with about 10g BCAA's proir to as to not kill themselves. I choose not to because I'm trying to sleep by 2300 so I want a few hours to let insulin settle down and I can benefit from a GH/IGF release during REM sleep therefore eat a little bit ahead of time. What's most important is that the vast majority of your calories come post workout to benefit from the AMPK release and insulin sensitivity brought on by resistance training.

    I could eat this way the rest of my life... and probably plan to with those 4-week competition exceptions.
  • Dont_Eat_Me
    Dont_Eat_Me Posts: 36 Member
    Done this before and restarting tomorrow. Really enjoyed the 20/4