American men :)



  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I love an Irish or Australian accent :love:
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    My hubby prefers the darker skin ladies as a FANTASY TYPE. Esp curvy sassy ones.

    Accents? He likes most, anything that sounds feminine I guess, nothing manly.

    Me reverse, I like all sorts, Jamaican accents are so cute on men, Irish accents, French...oh my. I'm less into English myself, think I've heard it so much its less exotic to me now. Aussie can be if not over board (Steve). Latin ones can be too.
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    my (asian) husband only ever dated red-headed american girls (me included)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    this explains why i'm invisible to american men (i'm american) but euros (especially northern euros) are usually the guys who approach me.

    my theory is that many guys are attracted to what's culturally or physically exotic to them.
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    i like latino and asian men :)
    asian girls are into latinos?? wut??? this is news to me.

    that would be my parents...

    I love all women lol my favorite accents though would be Irish, Korean and Spanish.
    But here in California we are the absence of accent.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I'm in Minnesota and my favorite women to date are Canadian and Wisconsin girls.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    i like latino and asian men :)
    asian girls are into latinos?? wut??? this is news to me.

    that would be my parents...

    I love all women lol my favorite accents though would be Irish, Korean and Spanish.
    But here in California we are the absence of accent.

    thats true, but to ppl not from there its still exotic. Like I'm a southern gal, so I do talk a bit bell, and no one notices around here, but in NY or Cal I'd prob get teased for it a bit. I think Cal ppl talk clearer than a lot of other Americans. It can still be cute.
  • I do find girls from Asian countries attractive. But I think it's because I tend to like girls with really dark hair. There has been a few red heads and blondes that have struck my fancy before though. I think if I find them interesting/enjoyable to be around and talk to she could be from anywhere. Even another planet like the Quarians or Asari from mass effect. Sorry I am somewhat a geek.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I will have to agree about loving latin women and their assets so to speak.

    I also love the British accent because it makes everything sound smart and sexy.

    i swear i sound nothing like he suggests.... but.... you reminded me of this :D
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    A lot of American men do not have a preference for where women are from. That's because America has lots of different people with different heritages. There are lots of mixes of European, Latin, Asian, African, etc. We are used to lots of variety!

    That said, I know more than a few guys that get weak in the knees for a foreign accent.
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    I am an Latin American girl... and i think american men are better! I think that Latinos are more "macho" and the american men are most care and comprehensive !!

    sorry latinos!! but i dont like the macho macho mennnnnnnnnnn!!

    now...... volunteers?????????????:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    IM a Latino men and I think we are better loving, kind, and caring we have learn it from our ancestors (my mom).
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    give me a puerto rican girl with a juicy *kitten* with a little hot sauce
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Me and a friend were discussing whether American men have a preference to where their girl is from.. I know it is odd.. but because we both prefer American guys.. we were wondering what preferences you have? or any fantasy of girl? European, Asian.. etc etc ... thoughts ??
    no offense intended in this.. just curiosity :)

    I would say most [not to be confused with all] American men just want a girl they find pretty laying in their bed. Everything else is just "Icing on the cake" However, I think every man would like to score with at least 1 foreign chick.

    Why do you guys prefer American men?

    I am totally into a mens voice... and i so love American Accent,thats it :)

    aaaah yes, the American accent...

    don't mock her. of course there's an American accent when speaking another language. Whether from GA or MI, if an American-born English-speaker is speaking German, they will have an American accent. It will be very different-sounding than a Brit speaking German or a Korean speaking German. A foreign ear will likely not hear the difference between NY and TX, but they will know the accent is American (or maybe Canadian?).

    How many Americans think there is a "British" accent? Can't distinguish bt English, Scottish, Irish? Hell, they even throw in Aussie and NZers. Just like in America, there are different accents within any country, however, a non-native speaker will likely not hear them as differing from one another.

    Here's another one for you: Take 2 Italians, 1 who learns English in England and 1 who learns it in the US. When they both speak English, one will display a markedly English accent and the other, a markedly American accent, both overridden by an Italian accent.
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    I have thing for women with black hair, don’t get me wrong all women are beautiful in their own way but a light skinned women with black hair OMG, there’s just something slightly naughty about it all. Throw a true English or Austrian accent in there and you have a trifecta.
  • Me and a friend were discussing whether American men have a preference to where their girl is from.. I know it is odd.. but because we both prefer American guys.. we were wondering what preferences you have? or any fantasy of girl? European, Asian.. etc etc ... thoughts ??
    no offense intended in this.. just curiosity :)

    I would say most [not to be confused with all] American men just want a girl they find pretty laying in their bed. Everything else is just "Icing on the cake" However, I think every man would like to score with at least 1 foreign chick.

    Why do you guys prefer American men?

    I am totally into a mens voice... and i so love American Accent,thats it :)

    aaaah yes, the American accent...

    don't mock her. of course there's an American accent when speaking another language. Whether from GA or MI, if an American-born English-speaker is speaking German, they will have an American accent. It will be very different-sounding than a Brit speaking German or a Korean speaking German. A foreign ear will likely not hear the difference between NY and TX, but they will know the accent is American (or maybe Canadian?).

    How many Americans think there is a "British" accent? Can't distinguish bt English, Scottish, Irish? Hell, they even throw in Aussie and NZers. Just like in America, there are different accents within any country, however, a non-native speaker will likely not hear them as differing from one another.

    Here's another one for you: Take 2 Italians, 1 who learns English in England and 1 who learns it in the US. When they both speak English, one will display a markedly English accent and the other, a markedly American accent, both overridden by an Italian accent.

    Thanks a lot,you got me :)
    Thats what i meant... i melt,when an American speaks or try to speak German... nothing sexier... and thats why i just said "american accent" cause i dont know where the guy exactly come from,when he talks :)
    not easy for me to get the right words,my english istn that perfect
  • I agree.. to me i wouldn't know where in america they came from but.. they wouldn't know where in england i am from.. It is ALL exotic and beautiful :)
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    Irish girls make my heart melt :love:
  • lamoursuffit
    lamoursuffit Posts: 267 Member
    Always did love a good Irish accent, but it seems most women do! Also had a thing for mixed guys (half black/white, half latino/white, etc.) for a while. And then I met my lilly-white, Polish fiance :laugh: I love the way he looks though. He definitely looks Polish, but he has a Greek nose. :) LOVE his nose.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    i have a thing for accents too.

    i'm from South Africa and mediteranean European men...yummy! (Italians, Spaniards, unarrogant - French)

    :love: :love:
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    i have a thing for accents too.

    i'm from South Africa and mediteranean European men...yummy! (Italians, Spaniards, unarrogant - French)

    :love: :love:

    there are unarrogant French?