Carrying weight around tummy section...advice

Ok so I know it is probably the most common area to carry weight but I'm just wondering if theres anyone out there who feels the same....I'm 20, female, 5ft3 and 126 pounds, all my life I have been quite happy with my weight, was never something that concerned me until last year noticed my tummy was bigger than I was used too.

I joined this site with a focus to eat healthier and eat properly, I did go through a period where I was eating a lot of biscuits I suppose and sugary foods when I was in my finals last year and I think this is what set me i'm stuck, I know you can't spot reduction fat on your body but this has really been getting me down lately, I hate the way my tummy bulges when I sit down, seem to be carrying upper fat and it makes me feel really self-conciouss.

I will admit I haven't been as strict on myself as late but is there really anyway I can make this go away, is simply calorie reduction and an exercise plan enough?...Any advice from people who are/have gone through the same would be appreciated.


  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    Try Jillian Michael's six weeks 6 pack dvd. You can purchase it for $10 at Walmart or Target. That dvd along with some of her other dvd's should help with your problem.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I have the same problem. Feel like if I could just skim about 5 pounds of fat off my belly, my body would look perfect. I think it's genetic, and I'm not sure what to do except keep on keepin on...eating healthy and exercising.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm a huge advocate for lifting weights and/or circuit training, plus continuing to work on reducing your high sugar foods. Good luck!
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    I have the same problem!

    This is where I carry most of my weight, I am hoping that when I reach my goal weight it will have significantly disappeared but for now I think personally I look odd. Skinny wee legs and arms, with a chunky belly and large boobs!

    Urgh my worst nightmare... others have seen a difference in my stomach but I haven't, it's the one place on my body where I have it stuck in my head I will never lose any weight on...

    Fingers crossed though!

    Hope you find something that works for you!

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Bumping because I have a bit of an issue there too.
  • I struggle w/ this same problem. Everything that I have read says that diet is the key to belly fat. From my experience, counting calories isn't as important as eating healthy foods (low carbs, no processed foods). I also found that doing cardio is the best for getting rid of belly fat over sit-ups, etc. I've done 6-wk 6 pack and it's a great workout but running on the treadmill worked the best for me in flattening my belly. Hope this helps!
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    that's where I first started putting on the weight was on my tummy. First on, last off?
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    i;m not sure if this is the case for you, but perhaps you are an apple shape?

    i've always put on weight around my middle - even when i was a lightweight 40kgs! (about 88lbs)

    i lose weight everywhere else BUT my tummy it seems...
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member can't spot reduce, but if that is where your only extra weight is, I would imagine fat burned would burn from there. Also, ab work outs are fine and all, but don't expect them to do much for the flab over the muscle. Ab work outs primarily work the ab muscles, but you need cardio (and better food choices) to burn the fat on top of the muscle.
  • jolynyk
    jolynyk Posts: 12 Member
    I read a book recently that talked a lot about how the stress hormone cortisol promotes the accumulation of abdominal fat. So, if you are eating healthy and exercising, it could be stress that is preventing the loss of fat from your waist. Maybe adding some yoga to your workout routine, or coming up with other solutions to combat stress will be helpful.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    You have very similar stats to me, so I understand your struggle.

    Here's the deal- you can't spot reduce fat. Your body will lose weight from wherever it wants. I will always have a big booty and thighs because that's where my body likes to keep it. Just how it is.
    That being said, you're already at a healthy weight, but are probably just looking to get that long a lean look yes? So here's my advice- lift heavy. Get a tape measure and start taking measurements, and forget the scale, because you'll likely gain weight lifting heavy- but it will be lean muscle! Eat at a moderate deficit or at maintenance and throw some fat burning cardio in there. And no, you won't get bulky.

    Trust me. I couldn't get below 130lbs until I started lifting heavy and eating more, and even though my weight started leveling out, I was getting thinner. Now that I can't lift anymore (no more access to a gym) I'm getting less happy with my body because even though my weight, eating, and cardio routine is still similar, I'm losing muscle mass and that sucks.
  • lady_jessi
    lady_jessi Posts: 77 Member
    Yea, me too. My tummy looks lumpy. :( I guess part of it is having two babies and another that I'm apple shaped so it'll be the last to go. I'm 10 lbs lower than my initial goal weight, and still trucking trying to get that belly to go down. I hope that by weight training I won't look like a stick figure with a big belly by the end. I guess if i do start looking gaunt, I'd rather have a lumpy tummy. I am starting 6 week 6 pack now that I've finished 30 day shred.
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    I have two bits of advice.

    First, make sure you have good posture. While this won't get rid of the fat, it will help you look better. Even without belly fat, bad posture can make people look flabby (and can give you back problems and such down the road).

    Second, work on building core strength (I'd recommend working the rest of your muscles too). This won't spot-remove fat, but it will improve the look of your body as you lose the fat. Poor muscle tone can make you look flabby, even if you don't have much fat (which is what I'm going through). Also, strong core muscles will make it easier to keep good posture.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    this lifting heavy sounds like a winner to me. I'm going to take this advice myself soon. I bought the book "the new Rules of Lifting for Women" and plan to put that to work on my body soon!
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    I am a guy, so take it or leave it, and I find it's just a gradual process, but I think strength training goes a long way. There are also a lot of different parts to the abs - and the area of (at least on men) fat behind the hip bones - I have noticed it all happens very gradually -

    Mixing cardio and strength training has given me the most results - but it's definitely a process...

    And I also think the types of calories you are having can make a difference -- if you are eating healthy, "natural" foods I have to believe that that will lead to better results too.

    My trainer also reiterated it's generally the last place to "go".

    My nutritionist also told me to engage your core even just walking around the street -- making a habit out of it may also yield some results.

    Good luck!
  • bumped. I have an issue with this too and haven't really seems to fixed it with cardio and weights although they have helped a bit, its still noticeable.
  • balancedbrunette
    balancedbrunette Posts: 530 Member
    Thanks so much everyone that replied, your advice was so helpful especially to hear the experiences of others on here. :)

    Second, work on building core strength (I'd recommend working the rest of your muscles too). This won't spot-remove fat, but it will improve the look of your body as you lose the fat. Poor muscle tone can make you look flabby, even if you don't have much fat (which is what I'm going through). Also, strong core muscles will make it easier to keep good posture.

    This, I've heard it before about building core strength and muscles.
    And even a lot of others above suggested strength training along with cardio, think it is something I may try to corporate with my exercise routine to mix it up a bit. I guess I was afraid of bulking up too much, like I'm happy with my arms and legs the way they are now but if it will help firm my up may as well give it a go.

    Also to anyone that mentioned it, guess I would consider myself apple shaped, I was never entirely sure but I do seem to be carrying weight on my upper tummy, this is the problem area for me moreso than the bottom.

    Thanks again guys for your suggestions and everything, good luck to anyone else with the same goals. :D
  • Just keep running that healthy deficit
    (I would recommend a 50/30/20 diet)
    Lifting weights will increase protein synthesis in your body and cardio will further your daily calorie deficit in a way that isn't harmful like extended fasting
    Also, hormones (mainly cortisol) usually are responsible for the fat being stored on your stomach area
    Working the abs isn't a waste but it will not show unless there is a minimal amount of fat there
    So my opinion in a nutshell is to do a healthy diet and monitor sodium intake to prevent water weight being stored (bloating) to make it seem like there is more fat then there actually is
    Keep it up!
  • 02tods
    02tods Posts: 126 Member
    bump :smile: