Anyone have trouble with rest days?

Overall I have been doing well, but I do find it hard to make my calorie limits on rest days. Probably because I am used to having the luxury of the extra calories from exercise.

However, the rest days for me are really important - I am 40 and I find my body just needs 1 day a week where I lay off activity. (It really helps my body recoup) I do strength training 3x a week and cardio most days.

The other thing that can be really tough is eating out. For instance I had some lentil soup today in a restaurant and then a turkey sandwich... both of these things would have been fine, but they put a lot of other ingredients I didn't realize were going to be there. Before I knew it I had racked up an almost 800 calorie lunch.

I think my metabolism is just where I feel like I need to eat a lot during the day - I usually have two meals before lunch (I get up very early).

What do you guys do on your rest days? And if you're like me do you just make your snacks smaller?

I have lost about 25 pounds since April and these are the types of things I am trying to figure out to keep things sustainable.


  • RellaBelle
    RellaBelle Posts: 70 Member
    Im interested in this question as well. I just recently started working out again and today is my first rest day. I actually did good with my calories today, even had enough leftover to indulge in a cookie today. I've worked out every day for the past 8 days and it definitely feels strange to not pop that dvd in. I did find myself watching what I had a bit more than I usually do, more picky about my snacks. The program Im doing is only 30 mins, 6 days a week so I dont want to go buck wild on my rest day and have everything go out the window.
  • cherrytulips
    I eat so much on rest days too, it's tough. Not sure how to combat it either :/
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I have trouble doing rest days...I am either walking 4 miles or doing zumba...then I think I'll rest and I am going stir crazy if I'm not hitting the pavement. I really think I'm becoming an exercise addict.
    And I know at 50 I'm going to have to make myself take them or I'm going to end up getting hurt and that's gonna suck.
    As far as food I guess I've been lucky so far I really don't feel like eating anymore when I'm trying to do an off day..and haven't had one of those so called cheat days yet.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I've been exercising since January, mostly the elliptical machine we purchased. I continued to take a rest day just like when I was walking up until April.

    Rest days were full of anxiety, tiredness, and overall cranky feelings. So, I started working out harder during the week (6-8 miles per day/7.0 mph pace), one 10-12 mile day (6.5 mph pace), and one 4 mile day for a rest--this one at about a 5 mph pace and enjoy tv shows while working out. It's really not what most would call a rest day, but for me and my family, it's as close to rest for me as any of us want to get.

    I would try different things like an afternoon walk on a rest day just to get "moving" a bit. Nothing to taxing or strenuous. Everyone is different, and what works for some (cheat days, rest days, etc.) doesn't work for others

    Kinda cool that we are all in the same boat, but have different paddles, life vests, and essential tools in case our "three-hour tour" ends up being shipwrecked on an island!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    what rest days ? Seriously it is hard for me to take rest days because I feel like I need to do some type of workout everyday....I am also curious how other handle rest days and how often do you have rest days
  • mgnmsn
    mgnmsn Posts: 133 Member
    I run five days a week and on the other two I just walk. That way I am not over exerting myself, but I am still burning a few calories!
  • lillie17
    lillie17 Posts: 6 Member
    I hate having rest days but I know my body needs rest too. I've found that the harder you work out during the week, the less trouble I've had on rest days. I've been trying to put all I can into every workout. Its worked out so far.
  • pixish
    pixish Posts: 79 Member
    I tend to skip a snack or two on my days off, but it's because I wake up later I think so there is less time to fill with eating :)
    Also, I have time to prepare a good lunch rather than having a packed one and they seem more satisfying! When I'm working, snacking helps me break up the day a bit, but usually if I know that I have eaten more than I should I will play Just Dance after dinner :) It's fun so it still feels like a relaxing activity and at least it burns some of the calories off.

    Yesterday though, I really didn't feel like exercising and had overestimated my lunch & breakfast calories and someone else made dinner that night. I still ate it and just dealt with the fact that I'd gone over my calorie 'budget'
    It doesn't happen every day, and I'm back to doing my normal thing today :)
  • StephDuffney
    StephDuffney Posts: 51 Member
    On work out day I do 1,600 on rest days i do about 1,000. However, On rest days I am cleaning our running around so not true rest days.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I work on an average on workout days mfp goal 1550 and usual exercise burn about 700 2250 total I eat around 2000 under 250 x 6 days on my rest day I eat about 2000 no exercise over about 450 I am still well under for the week about a 100 a day below
    So I eat back over half my exercise calories on workout days and have a bump on rest days
    This seems to work for me I know we are all different but I dont see how trying this for a week can hurt anything
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    My main workouts are running and lifting so I make sure I have rest days from those things. I am active every day, even if it's just walking. There's no reason why you can't do yoga, walk, take a leisurely bike ride, etc. on your days off. You'll burn some extra calories while still allowing your body to rest from your normal workouts.

    Also, look at the whole week - not just day by day. If you don't eat every single exercise calorie you burn, you can go over on your rest day and still be at your target for the week.
  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    I've been exercising since January, mostly the elliptical machine we purchased. I continued to take a rest day just like when I was walking up until April.

    Rest days were full of anxiety, tiredness, and overall cranky feelings. So, I started working out harder during the week (6-8 miles per day/7.0 mph pace), one 10-12 mile day (6.5 mph pace), and one 4 mile day for a rest--this one at about a 5 mph pace and enjoy tv shows while working out. It's really not what most would call a rest day, but for me and my family, it's as close to rest for me as any of us want to get.

    I would try different things like an afternoon walk on a rest day just to get "moving" a bit. Nothing to taxing or strenuous. Everyone is different, and what works for some (cheat days, rest days, etc.) doesn't work for others

    Kinda cool that we are all in the same boat, but have different paddles, life vests, and essential tools in case our "three-hour tour" ends up being shipwrecked on an island!

    What she said! :D

    Usually on my rest day, I still get some sort of exercise, it's just light. Like a 25-30 min brisk walk, or yoga. And that has usually been enough for me to stay under my calorie limit.

    I also really don't like taking a day off. Weird to be one of those people.
  • BeantownSooner
    Overall I have been doing well, but I do find it hard to make my calorie limits on rest days. Probably because I am used to having the luxury of the extra calories from exercise.

    However, the rest days for me are really important - I am 40 and I find my body just needs 1 day a week where I lay off activity. (It really helps my body recoup) I do strength training 3x a week and cardio most days.

    The other thing that can be really tough is eating out. For instance I had some lentil soup today in a restaurant and then a turkey sandwich... both of these things would have been fine, but they put a lot of other ingredients I didn't realize were going to be there. Before I knew it I had racked up an almost 800 calorie lunch.

    I think my metabolism is just where I feel like I need to eat a lot during the day - I usually have two meals before lunch (I get up very early).

    What do you guys do on your rest days? And if you're like me do you just make your snacks smaller?

    I have lost about 25 pounds since April and these are the types of things I am trying to figure out to keep things sustainable.

    This is exactly why I try to not to eat my exercise calories on a daily basis. Admittedly I need to dip into some of the exercise calories daily but it allows more flexibility on my rest day as well as for the occasional night out. If you always eat them by rule it takes away some of your flexibility. At the end of the week it all seems to work itself out. Perhaps that's a minor adjustment you can try out.
  • jwk979
    jwk979 Posts: 3 Member
    I have the same issue. I am a group fitness instructor and a runner...currently training for my 3rd half marathon. I eat 6 or more times a day at least. I am ravenous by 3:00 in the afternoon even on rest days. I typically only take 1 rest day a week. I almost never hit calorie goal or under on those days...I am almost always over. Like you said our bodies are accustomed to eating more. I try to not worry about that day. I've lost almost 80lbs (a lot before MFP) and am currently on maintenance so I must be doing something right even if my calories are over those days:)
  • kayla1125
    I have a hard time taking a rest day from working out, but when I do it is usually a day where I just do less exercise. I don't particularly like rest days so I just do less on the days I need a break.
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    I exercise 5 to 6 days a week. On three of those days I run and CrossFit. I have so many calories left over from these days I add half of my leftover calories to my rest days because after months of eating a healthier diet I don't crave the calorie laden stuff to make up for those extra calories. I always meet or exceed my macros (esp. protein) and I still lose consistently.

    If for some reason I don't have enough calories I do something that's low impact like walking and then I eat those calories back.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i'm taking a discipline during rest days, so not to worry about not having a workout.
  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    reposted by mistake
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    What's a rest day ?????

    I go to the gym 5-6 days a week, but even on a rest day, will walk around the supermarket or mall a few times before buying anything ...... at the sportsbar on Sunday, I'll take a walk at half time of the football game ...... I do 10-20 minutes of yoga each morning to get the kinks out ...... can walk to the post office or deli instead of driving ...... and I count housecleaning & laundry if there's enough of it ...... there's plenty of stairs in my house !

    Today I didn't go to the gym, but walked around a farmers' market for 45 minutes before buying anything ...... that's good for at least a couple "extra" calories ......

    Now my husband ...... that's another story ...... his rest day is 12 hours on the couch :laugh:
  • oberpfalz
    I make sure that on the end of the week I don't go over the weekly calories. My calories are set at 1450 cal. So some days I eat 1200 calories so I have 250 calories on my rest day to indulge in those leftover for the week. It's kinda like the WW Programm but without the points.