Don't let loose skin stop you from losing weight!!

As a Mother of five with 2 csections and a set of twins, you can imagine what my tummy looks like. It is not the best and I have what I lovingly call tiger stripes. Losing weight is a journey, I have done it over and over and there is no quick fix formulas. My doctor and I have gone rounds on a tummy tuck and such but the biggest thing I have noticed is even if it takes years at your maintaince weight your body can return to a normal shape. Don't let sagging skin or the fear of sagging skin dictate your weightloss efforts. I have lost over and gained 300 plus pounds and yes the skin is saggy and yes I am working on another 100 pound loss after my 5th child but I know that with strength training, moisterizing and maintaining for 2 plus years my skin will go back to normal. This is a life time journey and not a quick fix. If you think in those terms then you will be able to accomplish anything with your weightloss and the sagging skin will be an after thought.
for those who have reached goal with saggy skin and wish to share there aaccomplishments in this topic please do, let's change the mind set of those just starting out.


  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    wow thanks for this as l have been thinking what to do with the saggy skin thatl have got right now and l have never had sagging skin before in my life. I am glad to hear that over time it will get better.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    It does, I knew a Mother that had 10 kids and was genetically predispositioned to having saggy skin and she was able to get it to go back after a few years. 1 Mother it took 4 years at goal but it did eventually all go back.
  • primalkiwi
    primalkiwi Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Very inspiring to hear a positive story on this subject. I have to admit it's one of my biggest fears but you've given me a more positive outlook and hope that things will return to normal. Thanks :-)
  • RachelMinAus
    RachelMinAus Posts: 12 Member
    I have had several pregnancies (including twins as well) and lost all my weight after and even with lots of exercise / weight training / moisturising there is no way my stomach will ever go back with no loose skin. So I am destined to have a tummy tuck in the future, and I have been to see several doctors who all confirmed this after seeing the sorry state of my mid-section. The rest of my body will go back perfectly lean but it's just my stomach :(. Unfortunately not everyones skin will go back the way it was before even with lots of hard work (i am a prime example unfortunately :().
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I really have to wonder if fear of loose skin is truly what's keeping people from losing weight. Kinda right up there with being too busy to exercise . . . .
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Although some may have success and overtime regain there previous form, others are just not that lucky. This ultimately comes down to an individual basis and what works for one may not work for another. There is tons of variables that come into play..... Age, genetics, how heavy you was and for how long, how many times did you lose and regain and lose weight again, etc, etc.. I have lost and regained hundreds of pounds over my lifetime and the last battle I tipped the scales at 560 lbs. I knew even at that time my skin had been stretched out one to many time and I would need help if and when I ever lost the weight. I spent the next 39 months losing my weight (311 lbs.) as slow as possible, I did all the tips.... Drank plenty of weight, Lost it slow, Used lotions, did weight training, and no matter what I tried the skin was not going back to where it once was... My weight loss finally slowed down over 6 months and I met with a Plastic Surgeon (after doing extensive research) and 13 days ago I under went a circumferential body lift surgery... I started a blog : for others to follow so that they can see the process and make up there own mind if surgery may be an option for them.. So even though I agree some can and will be successful in regaining there former self. Some of us are just not going to be that fortunate.

    Best of Luck to you all.........
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I have seen lots of posts that people are worried about the loose skin. I have talked to several doctors as well and my own obgyn said that doctors make a lot of money on tummy tucks and he said unless you were so grously over weight that your skin is beyond repair then it will go back..he said 400 to 500 isn't a quick fix and can take years to see a difference. I want a tummy tuck to but the more I do pilates and moisterize with firming lotion it is tightening up. I have talked to and seen some amzing woman that have lost up to 200 pounds and lift weights and work those problem areas and they have amazing results.
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    I have seen lots of posts that people are worried about the loose skin. I have talked to several doctors as well and my own obgyn said that doctors make a lot of money on tummy tucks and he said unless you were so grously over weight that your skin is beyond repair then it will go back..he said 400 to 500 isn't a quick fix and can take years to see a difference. I want a tummy tuck to but the more I do pilates and moisterize with firming lotion it is tightening up. I have talked to and seen some amzing woman that have lost up to 200 pounds and lift weights and work those problem areas and they have amazing results.

    I have never heard of using firming cream on the stomach. Please can you recommend a good moisturizer firming cream? Which one do you use? Or anyone uses that reads this?
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I just want people to know that although they have lots to lose that doesn't mean everyone is going to have a grossly amount of loose skin. It doesn't mean everyone falls into this catagory it just shouldn't be your deciding factor to not lose weight or to be scared of the loose skin as you are losing weight. I think EdDavenPort is right, sometimes the only thing out there is surgery but don't let that stop you.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I have used and still use Jergins firming cream. It works for me.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Thank you for sharing that at least for some people, the loose skin that remains after reaching goal can go away. I'm about halfway there, having lost a lot already, and am noticing wrinkly/loose skin on my upper arms and my belly. I exfoliate, moisturize a lot, and drink plenty, as well as exercise 6 days a week. I've recently begun to use weights as well as body weight exercises to help restore muscle strength and tone, which I hope will perhaps speed up the process of the improvement of my loose skin.

    I also have had 5 children. When all has been said and done, and I finally reach my goal, I will have lost a grand whopping total of 115lbs since being my absolute heaviest weight. I had dropped the initial 30 lbs in the first few years after my "baby" was born (she's 14.5 now), but had been yo-yoing up and down ever since then. I have about 38lbs left to lose. My goal is in sight!
  • Thank you for the encouraging words! I have lost a total of about 135 pounds, and my skin is gross. I've kept at the exercising, moisturizing, drinking water, taking fish oil and consuming a lot of vitamin c -- all things that I believe help. I think that it has made a difference. My doctor has just told me to hang in there and keep doing what I'm doing. She has told me, "your doing everything right." I'm going to hold her to it!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I just want to say I've lost 60 lbs at age 50, I'm almost 52. I had a lot of sagging skin, It took about eight months for some of it to adjust but I still have it, also I keep lifting weights so it's "filling in". I was able to pose in my pictures so it looks better, but you really see it when I'm sitting if I wear a a bathing suit (which I really don't do often). You can't see it under tank tops and shorts. Anyway I'm having the time of my life and I don't really care about the lose skin. I'd rather have my shape with lose skin than to ever be fat again. It's still healthier. So, I hope I encouraged people to not worry about it. --> My story with pics --> and
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I just want to say I've lost 60 lbs at age 50, I'm almost 52. I had a lot of sagging skin, It took about eight months for some of it to adjust but I still have it, also I keep lifting weights so it's "filling in". I was able to pose in my pictures so it looks better, but you really see it when I'm sitting if I wear a a bathing suit (which I really don't do often). You can't see it under tank tops and shorts. Anyway I'm having the time of my life and I don't really care about the lose skin. I'd rather have my shape with lose skin than to ever be fat again. It's still healthier. So, I hope I encouraged people to not worry about it. --> My story with pics --> and
    thank you
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I have used and still use Jergins firming cream. It works for me.
    I don't know why I keep saying jergins it is palmers, you would think after 5 yrs I would get it right, having 5 kids does things to your brain.
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story and for your encouragement. Its also nice to know that not every doctor is out to make all the money they can at our expense... I understand that we are each different individually so not everyone's body responds the same; but we live in a society where we're taught to give in to instant/immediate gratification and to take pills or get surgery as the answer to everything physical instead of the hard work that will lead to better results in every way long term. Congratulations on all your accomplishments and on hanging in there!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I would rather be a size 10-12 with saggy loose skin then a size 24+ any day.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am trying to avoid loose skin by losing slowly and incorporating strength training.
  • emmabrackpool
    emmabrackpool Posts: 61 Member
    thank you so much for your post! I had so much saggy skin when I lost loads that my neck looked a turkey and when my daughter saw my tummy she said it looked as if I'd been mauled by a dog! Over the years the weight has crept back on and my attempts at dieting have only ever been half hearted mainly due to the fear of the baggy skin returning - you have given me a new determination and for that I cant thank you enough!
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    thank you so much for your post! I had so much saggy skin when I lost loads that my neck looked a turkey and when my daughter saw my tummy she said it looked as if I'd been mauled by a dog! Over the years the weight has crept back on and my attempts at dieting have only ever been half hearted mainly due to the fear of the baggy skin returning - you have given me a new determination and for that I cant thank you enough!

    I used to feel the same way. I tried 3 different firming lotions because the firming lotion is what works not just moisterizing before I found what worked for my skin type..try a bottle and if it doesn't work then try a different kind.