Making The Cut - Jillian Michaels

I started Jillian's "Making The Cut" 30 day program on February 1st (after finishing the 30 Day Shred), and I'm loving it! The workout's intense, but it feels amazing and eating such clean, healthy foods has helped me lower my blood pressure (and lose weight!) I've never felt healthier. I was wondering if anyone else has tried it or is interested in trying it and talking about it!

Check out my blog to see how the first half has gone:


  • Racleeyou
    Racleeyou Posts: 39 Member
    I am starting the 30 Day shred on Monday. Did you get good results with that?
  • MrsG1
    MrsG1 Posts: 2
    Hi there,

    How did the 30 day shred go for you? Yesterday was my day 1 & today I'm dreading my date with her because I'm sore LOL!!

    Let me know if you got results from it. I am dieting right now (5 days in) so I thought her shred DVD might work for me...

  • cmurphy04722
    Mrs. G-it was my first time on the Shred yesterday too! And I'm sore too hehe. I plan on doing it again when I get home from work, but it's looking like I have to stay a little late at the office so I know I will want to just bum when I get home.

    But it's just half an hour, we can figh through it and keep going!
  • AmberMcDowell
    I was wondering about the 30 Day Shred. I have heard that its terrible on your knee's. Has anyone had that problem?
  • mokabean82
    I lost 1.5 inches around my waist, an inch around my hips, 2 inches around the biggest part of my stomach, half an inch around each thigh and half an inch around each arm! I didn't really change my eating habits, so I didn't lose any weight, but all those inches count for something! I also improved how long I can do a wall sit and how many push ups I could do! See my whole reflection on the Shred at

    I didn't have problems with my knees that much... Making the Cut is a little hard on my knees, though. One thing I liked about the Shred is that there's usually a modification that's lower impact, which is really helpful if you have knee problems.

    At halfway through Making the Cut I had lost 4 pounds. (Cutting out salt and wine really helps!) And I'll weigh myself again tomorrow. I'm loving it even though it's really hard! The results are totally worth it.