cave man/ paleo

anyone doing the caveman diet? id love to hear about your progress or any advice. thanks!


  • adphillips06
    adphillips06 Posts: 8 Member
    I am also learning about the paleo diet. My trainer at bootcamp has recommended that I look into it. It's very healthy eating! She also referred me to the Whole30 Program which is a commitment for 30days.
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    look up the primal - paleo group. you will find a lot of support there... people like to bash here.
  • oncedaily
    oh thanks :) yeah i was hesitant making a message because people just judge these sorts of things
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    let them bash. if it works, it works.
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    On the internet, especially here, people are going to judge you no matter what you say (or don't say). There are going to be those that are vicious about it, because it's a lot easier to be mean with the anonymity of the internet, you never have to look the person you are being mean to in the eyes. There are people that thrive off of causing drama (trolls/sharks). You are trying to do something healthy for yourself. It is something that some people will agree with, and other's won't. If it works well for you, you'll keep using it, if it doesn't, you'll quit. Give it some time to get used to. It takes 4-6 weeks to create a new habit, and if you want this kind of eating to become natural to you, you have to give it a good try. Eating like this (or like any other way) for a day or two won't tell you if it will work or not.

    Good luck, I hope this is the answer for you. Ignore the jerks, share your opinion, and be like the duck, water off a ducks back, nothing anyone says here matters unless you let it matter. If someone is going to start harassing you, remind yourself that they likely really have nothing better to do with their time, and if they treat people like this away from the internet, they are likely very very lonely people.