C25k Week 5 Day 3 --- Say what?

So yesterday I completed Week 5, Day 1. Which is intervals of walking 3 minutes and running 5 minutes.
This morning I looked ahead and I see:

Week 5 Day 2 - intervals of walking 5 minutes and running 8 minutes.
Week 5 Day 3- Running the entire 20 minutes (not including the warm up/cool down time) :noway:

Say what? Is this for real? That seems like a huge jump. And then going into Week 6, we are going back into running/walking intervals. With Week 6 Day ` having 8 minutes being the longest running interval.
Sooo, is there a glitch in my app??! :laugh:
If not, I'm going to need to do a serious pep talk with myself before hand. And make sure I have plenty of energy that morning.


  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I had to repeat day one and two a couple of times before I could do day 3. It doesn't seem to make sense but when you are in week 6 you have to keep reminding yourself you ran 20 minutes only a week ago.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Ok yeah just seems crazy.
    I will definitely attempt it. And if I can't do it, keep at it til I can.
  • atenin10
    atenin10 Posts: 22 Member
    I felt the *exact* same way when I did C25K. That was a shocker! I was able to do the run with ease! I was so surprised at how far I had come. Try it and see how you do, you might surprise yourself.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I found it a bit weird, and to be honest when it jumped back to intervals, I struggled, so I missed that week and jumped up a week and done that 2 weeks running, am on D2 of W8 now, you do get into it honest.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    You may surprise yourself with that day 3 workout, it did for me and was my "ah-ha" moment for running!
  • thelibear
    I'm on the same week! I just finished Week 5 Day 2. It actually felt great and I'm excited for the next one. It does seem like a huge jump, though. Other message boards I've read suggest that you take the 20 minute run very slowly. Good luck, you can do it!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Yes it is crazy but lets you push yourself and see how far you have come, I hit 5/3 and did not look to see the layout and started running, hit 10 minutes and thought did stop the counter by accident and realized nope, pushed as long as I could then caught my breathe and pushed on to complete 2 miles.

    The important thing is you keep your feet moveing and do not allow your mind to defeat your body.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I am doing my second run of week 8 tomorrow--28 minutes of non-stop running pleasure. When I hit that first 20 minute run, I didn't think I'd be able to do it. I was terrified. I thought I was gonna quit. I did it and felt great afterwards. Finishing the run in it's entirety is more important than going fast. Just do your runs, speed will come on it's own in time. PACE YOURSELF. Run, but run easy. Try not to look at your timer constantly, just get into an easy stride and take in the scenery. Concentrate on your breathing. Nice and easy, if you start hyperventilating too soon, you'll feel panicky and tire easily. You can do this. If for some reason you can't, just keep repeating this week until you're done. For me, I didn't give myself the option. It hurt, I hated it, I wanted to stop and flop down on the ground but I just kept going and when I was done, I felt amazed and proud of myself in a way I hadn't in a long time. Good luck.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I remember feeling the same way - but I just went for it, and totally surprised myself in completing it the first try. I felt so accomplished! Don't be intimidated - you can do it! :bigsmile:
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Everyone gets intimidated by W5D3 but you will be ready, I promise :)

    That said for me I thought Week 6 had two 10 minute runs on day 2 but I could be wrong, it's been a bit since I finished week 6.
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    If all goes to plan, I'll get to W5 D3 next Sunday. A bit nervous, but feeling better about it having survived week 4. I kind of think that if I've managed to keep up with the progress rate so far, then I should (hopefully!) be able to keep up then too... No worries about me taking it slowly - the dog just trots along next to me when I'm running, without ever breaking into a run!
  • HarlowS
    HarlowS Posts: 287 Member
    So yesterday I completed Week 5, Day 1. Which is intervals of walking 3 minutes and running 5 minutes.
    This morning I looked ahead and I see:

    Week 5 Day 2 - intervals of walking 5 minutes and running 8 minutes.
    Week 5 Day 3- Running the entire 20 minutes (not including the warm up/cool down time) :noway:

    Say what? Is this for real? That seems like a huge jump. And then going into Week 6, we are going back into running/walking intervals. With Week 6 Day ` having 8 minutes being the longest running interval.
    Sooo, is there a glitch in my app??! :laugh:
    If not, I'm going to need to do a serious pep talk with myself before hand. And make sure I have plenty of energy that morning.

    I didn't even look ahead with Day 3. I headed out and when it popped up, I about fell down in the road :laugh:

    To my surprise I ran the whole bloody 20 minutes and felt like a warrior when I was done! I am on W6D2 now and after that 20 minute jaunt, I can do anything.

    Good luck :bigsmile:
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    I am approaching the same run and have been nervous about it as well. Every now and then I deviate from C25K and just run until I feel like stopping just to track my progress in my own way. Last week I was able to run 12 straight minutes, walk 2, then run 8 more and it felt fine (I couldn't believe it). After about 8 I got into a rhythm and it felt much easier so I'm thinking the same thing will carry us to 20. Good luck!
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    You can do it! I liken it to a variation on long-distance training.

    I started C25k back in June, and a couple of weeks ago started a half marathon training. You run 4 days a week, right? 2 miles, 3 miles, 2 miles, 4 miles. Always extending your last run of the week. So the next week it might be like 2, 3, 2.5, 4.5 or something (there's lots of variations on programs).

    C25K essentially also does one "long" run a week for a couple weeks. It seems like it's crazy (and believe me, I remember finishing week 5 in the flipping middle of July in the awful southern heat), but YOU CAN DO IT! :)

    Start it with a mindset of completion. Then rejoice in the fact that W6D1 goes back to intervals :)

    ETA: You run 4 days a week for half training, I realize that C25K is only 3 days/week.
  • Kristawesomesauce
    I'm halfway through week 4 right now, and amazed I can run for 5 minutes without collapsing. I'm nervous enough about running for 8 minutes next week, let alone 20! I'm gonna die, haha.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Jog. I mean slowly. Concentrate on your breathing, take your time, and before you know it, that sweet voice will tell you you''re halfway there. Then you know you can finish.

    I think I'm the only one with an app that didn't have the 20 minute run until week 6. Then it just adds a couple of minutes to each run. I just did 25 & 28 minutes in brutal heat and wish I had a light day next. I may go off schedule & give myself a light run.

    Good luck with your 20!
  • antarcticallan
    I just finished day 2 week 5 last night.
    but there was an unfortunate glitch in the c25k, kept waiting for laura to say "you are half way there" so I ran through song after song after song, eventually i flagged and thought "i've not managed 8 minutes" and set to walking.

    I looked at the phone and it had 4.25 left! no way! so i pulled the tape off the treadmill timer (so i don't clockwatch) and i had ran for 17 minutes! i was kind of mad at first, did the walk and the second "8 minutes" went well, but afterwards was shocked i hadn't given in way before that! - So thanks to the glitch i am not too apprehensive about fridays run.

    i'm 42, and very overweight so suprised myself even getting this far!
    i cannot believe i can even run for 8 minutes, totally support this app (even with the 1 glitch) and looking forward to running on the summer evenings. keep at it!
    BBFLUG Posts: 1
    I'm so greatful for the positive posts on this subject all over the fitnesspal site. I just did day 2 of week 5 and after the last run thought I would die on the 20 minute. I read all the posts saying "go slow and you can do it" or "it was so easy I couldn't believe it" and they are right. I'm 44 and a former athlete but I never ran as an adult for any reason other than during a softball or basketball game and that was about 7 years ago so I have been worried about distance running. Today is the 8 min run, 5 min walk, 8 min run and I just thought I'm going to run it all and see how I feel. If I needed to walk, I would. I ran the entire 21 minutes and when I hit the 2 mile marker on the trail before the cool down walk I was doing the Rocky arm pump in the air. Now I can concentrate on speed by continuing the endurance but I know I've got this! My sister challenged me to run a 5K on the 4th of July in honor of our dad who died from ALS as a result of Agent Orange exposure in Viet Nam. He was a runner and this means so much that we will be able to finish this together. Day 1 was the hard day. That was the day I made myself get out of bed at 4:30 am. Now that's no problem.
  • dmayer123
    dmayer123 Posts: 4 Member
    totally agree. I had the same experience with the extreme jumps. I did what some others have done and just repeated days until I felt ready.
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    I am bumping this for motivation when I get to that point! :)