What counts as "cheating" for you?

Is it eating over your goal, or can you be within your target calories but have something "bad" and still consider it cheating? Just curious, since so many talk about cheating on here. For me, as long as it's within my calorie goal, it's not cheating, even if it's something unhealthy like chocolate or a cheeseburger.


  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    My definition of "cheating" is when people don't honestly log what they actually eat. Otherwise it isn't cheating - it's making good or bad decisions about what you eat.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Cheating for me is caloric intake without logging it. Eatting fastfood is unhealthy, when done on a regular basis. You need to monitor the complete spectrum {fats; sodium; sugars}. All good things in moderation.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Eating between meals.
    Second helpings.

    As long as I stay within my planned meals and calorie range, I can eat anything if I really want it. Most of all, I want good health and vitality, and my food choices reflect that. I do, however, have small treats nearly every day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I dont 'cheat'... Never have. Its a lifestyle change, so I still have nice food! I just fit it around eating healthy and exercising.
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    if i counted anything unhealthy as cheating i would be "cheating" every single day. and daily cheating would mean i'd never lose weight, which is not the case.

    my cheat days are when i not only go above my caloric limit but when i basically say "**** it. i'm eating whatever and not logging it."
  • elfpearl
    elfpearl Posts: 191
    I agree that the only way to "cheat" is to not be honest about your eating and exercise...as long as I am under my goal (including exercise calories...I chow those right down lol) I'm good. I also allow myself 5 days a month that I can go over as much as I want without having to feel like I'm totally off the wagon. So far I have been pretty successful with this method...I've lost 11 lbs. since June and still losing. :)
  • hunter624
    hunter624 Posts: 252
    Not logging what you actually consume, simple. Log it and it's not cheating.

  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I don't use the word "cheat" when referring to food. In 161 days here I've had maybe 5 days where I was doing something fun that was food centered (anniversary getaway, parties...) and decided not to worry about it or really keep track (as close as down to the calorie/measurement.) Yesterday happened to be one of those days. I ran my first 5k (woohoo!) and gave myself a day of fun/rest. I logged as closely as I could remember at night rather than logging before eating or as I go like I usually do. So I suppose to some that is "cheating", but to me it's being reasonable.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i try to not eliminate foods i love because i believe this is a lifelong thing for me, that being said i consider it a cheat if its gonna totally throw my macros off or if it'll make me be over for the day. or if its one of those days where i only eat 2 meals and one of them is huge and disgusting and i know i should have eaten better. haha
  • emilyhbroyles
    Sometimes I exercise only so I can have a light vanilla frappuchino from starbucks. haha. If I'm having one of those days when all I can think about is some food that I really love that I really shouldn't eat, I just exercise and then have it, or I just have a little bite of it. Sometimes a bite of it is all it takes to kill that craving
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member

    Oh wait...
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    eating anything that I dont log into myfitnesspal app:glasses:
  • MzStarrQueenB
    MzStarrQueenB Posts: 194 Member
    My definition of "cheating" is when people don't honestly log what they actually eat. Otherwise it isn't cheating - it's making good or bad decisions about what you eat.

    I agree

  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    You only have to be honest to yourself (and logging as accurately as possible onto MFP is merely a manifestation of it).

    Cheating oneself is, well, just not very smart :noway:

    Even if you (sometimes) go well over your calorie goal, it is a good idea to record it as it allows you to meaningfully analyse your progress. I don't understand the reasoning behind cheating...
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    Cheating is not logging it, or accounting for it. Life happens and I want to enjoy life so occasionally there will be times when I go over or don't get all my exercise. This isn't a DIET (nasty 4 letter word, grr, grumble) it's about choosing a healthy lifestyle and living to feel good and sometimes that means something less physically healthy but emotionally satisfying. Most days I try to find substitues for old emotion foods, that are equally satisfying but healthy as well. But sometimes, you've just got to have that donut or fries:-P
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks for responding, everyone! I didn't get the answer I expected. I assumed everyone would say that cheating was just eating unhealthy foods. Saying that it's not logging what you eat that counts as cheating makes WAY more sense.
  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    I had a lovely chocolate ice cream today. It doesn't exactly count as 'healthy' food, but it enhanced my happiness levels. I did log it in AND the calories consumed did not even amount to half of my exercise calories and I was still very nicely within my calorie limit.

    I eat very healthily most days (and always have). In my view, a small indulgence every now and then reinforces the 'this is for life' philosophy as it is quite the opposite to the short-term dieting approach of 'I cannot wait for my diet to be over so I can have my favourite indulgences'.
  • ThePilotsGirl
    ThePilotsGirl Posts: 30 Member
    For my own personal goals, cheating is not logging (Ive never done that and never will), eating non-clean foods (it happens), and eating empty calories.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I'm kind of neurotic perfectionist, so anything off my plan would be cheating for me. I've made it nearly seven weeks without a single cheat:)
  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    For me, cheating is anything I feel guilty about eating. On some days I can more than afford a piece of cake or a burger and safely stay in range on all of my goals. Other times, I could have a smashed potatoes with my chicken and that throws me way over. So in short, it's anything that tips the scales :)