Mother of 5..join me in my journey to lose 132 lbs.

I have been on mfp and lost 25 pounds so far and I am just looking around to see if anyone else wants to join me on my journey to lose 132 pounds. My goal is to be 132 pounds from 264 pounds and it is always nice to have others with simiular goals. I also am doing a exercise challenge to workout for 30 days straight a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Just to encourage more movement. Who knows I may make it a 6 month challenge but one step at a time. The idea is to log in and log exercise for 30 days and at the end of 30 days take your weight and measurements. I am going to reward myself with a new shirt and take pictures.


  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I would be happy to support you! I'm a mother of two. =)

    Sending a friend request!~
  • goddessdani
    goddessdani Posts: 12 Member
    You are on your way. Working out thirty days straight will definitely help. I always get lazy on days I don't work but I will try to do the 30day challenge with you. Sending friend request
  • KathyPS1
    Hi! I saw your post and wanted to let you know that I, too, am in a similar boat. I weigh 245 and looking forward to being at least hundred pounds lighter. If we all join together and use each other as support - I do believe we will make it. I am 44 years old and 5'2. We have to start somewhere. Here is to living happier and healthier!
  • mjoemomma
    I'm a working mom of 2 who is re-starting for the last time, looking for support and would love to give support as well....:D
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    I just hit 25 pounds lost as well! I have 110 pounds to lose. I am a SAHM to our darling 15 month old daughter. I go to the gym 6 days a week and try to find ways to challenge myself during the week. I will send you a friend request. Maybe we can help each other!
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm a mom to 3 almost grown boys. Anyone can add me as a friend!
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    Thank you all for responding. I love challenging myself and helping others. I go through my posts at least once a day and comment and try to help those along this weight loss journey. WE CAN DO IT!!!