Low Carb Diet


I joined up to MFP about 3 years ago (I think) and I was somewhere in the region of 22 or 23 stone. At my heaviest I think I was over 24 stone !! Thats 330+lbs in 'American' :-)

Using MFP to monitor calories and exercise etc I got down to about 18 stone 7lbs, but then just seemed to get stuck at this weight for about a year - lost a bit of motivation and had a case of the 'cant be arsed', but managed to stay at the same weight which was good news.

Then a couple of months ago I gave myself a bit of a kick up the *kitten* and got back to gym, now going every morning before work, and decided to have a go at the low carb diet. Still using MFP to track food and keep count of calories and more importantly the carbs. Managing to keep my carb intake to around 20g per day, and so far dropped nearly 2 stone (in 7 weeks !!!)

Has anyone else tried the low-carb route ?? the food can be a bit boring at times, especially as a vegetarian !! but so far so good !

I've got some pictures that I must upload showing the progress made.....I'm really pleased with the results so far !



  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I cycle my carbs and only eat them at certain times throughout the week basically.
    Works well for me. I can't stay low carb because it craps on my lifts, so I refuel on a regular basis.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    For nearly 10 months, I kept my net carbs to 20 or less, and lost over 100 lbs. Now I'm on a more balanced diet to compliment my lifting routine, but I'm a huge fan of lc for dropping massive weight.
  • hugh_rynal
    hugh_rynal Posts: 19 Member
    This is what I'm aiming to do too......get down to a certain weight, and then slowly re-introduce the carbs into a more balanced diet. In the past (at my heaviest) 12 pints of lager and then either a Chinese take away, pizza, or a kebab late at night, was a big part of my trouble !

    No exercise was also a problem, cant really count the walk to the pub. As you can see from my photo's......I was a mess !!
  • hugh_rynal
    hugh_rynal Posts: 19 Member
    My exercise at the moment is mostly aerobic, lots of walking, running, rowing, cycling etc......but once I get down to the weight I want to be, I'll then be doing more in the toning area of the gym......this is when I think I will also be introducing the carbs more ? is that the right thing to do ?