Weight gain despite being good

I seem to have got heavier this week, despite exercising more and eating like a saintly mouse. I'm always telling people on hear not to worry about this, so today i need it back Pleeease. I'm 5'10 for goodness sakes and i feel like if i cut down any more it will make me feel ill, but progress is so slow! tell me if i do the shred every day i WILL be a lean mean fitness machine! ......Rant Over.....for today.......


  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    If you exercise more and eat like a mouse then why would the body want to give up fat? It wants to survive.

    Don't exercise at all for a week and eat well forgetting the calories is my seemingly bizarre advice.

    G'wan, do it for a week, I dare ya ;)
  • DaveCollinsgsy
    DaveCollinsgsy Posts: 6 Member
    always eat all your calories you are allowed to eat, if you are exerciseing a lot and havnt eaten enough your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto body weight because it notices that food consumption has dropped too low and exercise has increased greatly. i am sure if you put enough calories in to help you last that litte longer in the gym the weight will start to come off again. i wish you the very best of luck keep that good exericse work :-)
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    If you work out more, especially doing something like the shed, you should also eat more. Your body will thank you for it, and will also be more likely to let go of that extra fat.

    Also, read this: https://www.turbokick.com/wblog/?p=709
    It's common to not lose weight or even gain weight when starting a new exercise routine, since the body retains water to repair your muscles. Take rest days to give your body a chance to heal.

    last but not least: take your measurements. Sometimes our progress doesn't show in pounds but in inches instead.

    Good luck, you can do this! :)
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    always eat all your calories you are allowed to eat, if you are exerciseing a lot and havnt eaten enough your body will go into starvation mode

    I don't think that's strictly true...body will slow down metabolism....but won't go into ' starvation' mode.

    That term is bandied around here too often.
  • susiemou
    susiemou Posts: 47 Member
    Can't! (shocked face) I am too deep in control freak, weighing bread, counting raisins territory to give up now. And it's because i am such a slacker on the exercise front that i have decided to go for it now with a commitment to do my shred DVD and walking to work every day. I just need to take my own advice and keep going i guess. But thanks anyway, if all else fails.....
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    You CAN DO IT!!!!
  • susiemou
    susiemou Posts: 47 Member
    Yeah, i don't buy into the starvation mode thing either, but i didn't think weight gain from exercise would be so rapid, and disheartening...
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    Yes, don't stop exercising and counting calories. Just give it time, you are on the right track :)
  • cheryl_hanna
    cheryl_hanna Posts: 2 Member
    We all have those weeks... Sometimes more weeks than we want :0). Just keep your long term goal in mind during the challenging weeks. It's about overall health and since you exercised daily your body and mind is healthier! Keep up the good work!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Measure yourself with a tape measure, write them down then do it a gain in a month......:wink:
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    Yeah, i don't buy into the starvation mode thing either, but i didn't think weight gain from exercise would be so rapid, and disheartening...

    It can quite easily!, from what i can gather you've only just started JM's DVD's, and so your convcerned about the immediate weight gain?! That is normal, if your not an exersize junkie, than any new routine will cause you to put on weight when you start, but it's water... just good old H2O, where you've worked those muscles you've put little micro tears in them and each one of those is repaired by 1g of glycogen and 4g water!

    I exersize a fair ammout already and i started p90x and gained 4lbs overnight!.... you'll drop as quickly as you gained so dont sweat it!....

    Also can people stop banding around 'starvation mode' and explain what it is clearly, not that your body will hold onto all of its fat or start producing fat... for those who are still unsure, it's the ration of fat to muscle loss... if your pushing yourself too hard your body will make up the difference and instead of consume fat, consume muscle and lean tissue (as it's easier and releases the energy it needs more quickly), and you want to preserve muscle as this is what fuels your metabolism (to over simplify)... so in a week your 2lbs of loss could be 1.8lbs of fat 0.2lbs of good muscle or 1.8lbs of muscle and 0.2lbs of fat... we all know which we'd prefer!

    Hope that helps!

    Simon x
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    No public diary to verify statement? Girl bai.
  • leianno
    leianno Posts: 21
    This sounds so familiar to me, because I had the exact same issues for months! You're probably eating too few calories and your body is holding on to it. Eat more calories (in good food!), and kick *kitten* on your workouts! Don't just "do more", I mean really give it all you got. You CAN do this!
  • susiemou
    susiemou Posts: 47 Member
    Yeah, i don't buy into the starvation mode thing either, but i didn't think weight gain from exercise would be so rapid, and disheartening...

    It can quite easily!, from what i can gather you've only just started JM's DVD's, and so your convcerned about the immediate weight gain?! That is normal, if your not an exersize junkie, than any new routine will cause you to put on weight when you start, but it's water... just good old H2O, where you've worked those muscles you've put little micro tears in them and each one of those is repaired by 1g of glycogen and 4g water!

    I exersize a fair ammout already and i started p90x and gained 4lbs overnight!.... you'll drop as quickly as you gained so dont sweat it!....

    Also can people stop banding around 'starvation mode' and explain what it is clearly, not that your body will hold onto all of its fat or start producing fat... for those who are still unsure, it's the ration of fat to muscle loss... if your pushing yourself too hard your body will make up the difference and instead of consume fat, consume muscle and lean tissue (as it's easier and releases the energy it needs more quickly), and you want to preserve muscle as this is what fuels your metabolism (to over simplify)... so in a week your 2lbs of loss could be 1.8lbs of fat 0.2lbs of good muscle or 1.8lbs of muscle and 0.2lbs of fat... we all know which we'd prefer!

    Hope that helps!

    Simon x
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    Again, quit worrying so much about the scale. It could just be water...maybe you are due for a poop...a few pounds over a weekend is nothing. Keep the intake within the right parameters, get your exercise in, you will be fine.
  • susiemou
    susiemou Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you SIMON, very helpful.
  • susiemou
    susiemou Posts: 47 Member
    No public diary to verify statement? Girl bai.
    What???? Did i ask to be called a liar because i thought that might be fun today?
    My friends can see my diary. Just ask......
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    What's your standard calorie intake and macros, and what's your exercise regime?
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    No public diary to verify statement? Girl bai.
    What???? Did i ask to be called a liar because i thought that might be fun today?
    My friends can see my diary. Just ask......

    Who called you a liar?
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Can't! (shocked face) I am too deep in control freak, weighing bread, counting raisins territory to give up now. And it's because i am such a slacker on the exercise front that i have decided to go for it now with a commitment to do my shred DVD and walking to work every day. I just need to take my own advice and keep going i guess. But thanks anyway, if all else fails.....

    Most of dieting is what you eat (or don't). If you do cardio for three 30 minutes session a week, that's like an extra slice of pizza, and 2 Girl Scout cookies.

    Counting calories is not very scientific because we don't really know how much we burn, and because most folks over estimate what they eat (not so much you based on the above) and they under estimate workout calories.

    I suggest setting MFP to lose 1 pound a week, make sure you are sweating for your three 30 minute sessions and eat back your exercise calories. If you are not going to work out, set your diet up for the 1200-1500 calories a day and make sure you hit it. If that is working, I will pass along this tip from my trainer, if you are not losing weight, you are eating too much. If you have time, I would add some simple strength training like crunches, planks, squats, lunges and push-ups which you can do at home.