My Sickness Rant

I am tired of being sick. Came down with this stuff last Wednesday. Thought I was getting better by Friday, but that was just a cruel joke on me. Now it has moved down into my chest. Making it impossible for me to workout. I am constantly coughing. I am going to see if I can get an appointment to the doctor today. But, this is ridiculous. I want to workout. I want to be able to play with my kids. I can't do anything right now and it is frustrating.

My rant is over. Thank you for listening, or reading I should say.


  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    The cold that's going around (which my boss referred to as 'that 48 hour thing') lasted 10 days for me. I barely moved during that time, all I could think about was going out running.

    I did finally feel healthy enough to run yesterday, and I don't feel hideous for it today. Just rest up and get it out of your system.

    Then as soon as you can work out, you won't send yourself into a relapse.