shin splints

ractayjon Posts: 365
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Shin splints - run through them or stop when you feel them?
back in high school track they made me run through them - i remember (oh so well) but at 41 not sure if thta is such a good idea...???


  • Wow..I had shin splints...Its all in the shoes. NOT age. So go to a really great running store and be willing to invest. I had them until I did that. Haven't had them since then. Good luck!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    You probably need better shoes. Shoes that are worn passed their prime can result in shin splints. Also if you are just starting running again, that could be why too. If you're getting them while you're running I would take a break.

    Here are some stretches that may help:
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    I say definitely DON'T run through them. I've had shin splints all of my life, and recently started running on the treadmil with different inclines and speed. My shin splints were really bad, and I ran through them anyway because I figured "I always have them, so what's the difference?" Boy was I wrong. It turns out that I was subconsiously altering the way I was running because of the shin splints, and I ended up spraining my ankle! It was a very mild sprain, but it definitely taught me a lesson.

    Good luck!
  • greeneyes82
    greeneyes82 Posts: 315 Member
    Wow..I had shin splints...Its all in the shoes. NOT age. So go to a really great running store and be willing to invest. I had them until I did that. Haven't had them since then. Good luck!

    That's me too - once I invested in some good running shoes, I no longer got them. Also, I would keep walking, maybe jog, but don't do any hills for now. Stay on the flats & definately get some good shoes that are specifially for running. Asics are great!
  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    Some sporting good stores have neoprene sleeves that you can place over your shin to help reduce the pain. Another good idea would be to take a paper cup fill it with water and freeze it. Then peel back the cup part and rub your shins with the ice after workouts. It gives it a nice ice massage. Just make sure the edges of the ice are not sharp when you start out and place a towel under your legs.
  • Minerva
    Minerva Posts: 79 Member
    I haven't had shin splints since I started stretching properly. I'm 51 and have been running 4 miles/ 3 X week for a few years now.

    3 stretches and it works a charm!

    1st- drop your heels- stand on a step with your heels hanging off the edge and let them drop below the level of the step- hold this stretch for 30 seconds (hang onto the rail if you need to).-

    2nd- classic runners stretch- prop your foot up on a wall and lean in, bending at the knee. Do each leg for 30 second stretch

    3rd- while standing near something you can use for support, grab your right foot from behind you with your right hand. Pull the top of your foot towards your rear as if you were trying to touch your whole foot to your rear.

    That's it- and I've worn lots of different shoes- good shoes are important, but I'll get shin splints if I don't do these stretches.

    Good luck and see ya on the trail! :flowerforyou:
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Find out if they are true shin splints or if it's just the muscles being overly tight. If it's the muscles, stop, stretch when you feel it, then keep running. If it's really shin splints then you need rest to heal.

    Good luck.
  • I ran cross country for 8 years and my shins always gave me trouble. I would get shin splints, have to do the elliptical for all my workouts, but then run in our race on Saturday. I always felt unprepared for Saturday if I didn't run through the week though, so my junior year when I got shin splints I just decided to keep quiet and keep running. BIG MISTAKE. It got to the point where I had to take ibuprofen every few hours just to be able to walk from class to class. I couldn't run at all, and going up and down stairs was unbearable pain. I went to an orthopedist who gave me an MRI and an X-ray, and I had cracks all through both of my tibias. I wasn't allowed to run for 6-8 weeks, and it was awful. If they are legit shin splints, bike, do the elliptical, and strength train. DON'T RUN! not worth it.

    also: i will definitely vouch for the shoe thing. I wore Asics religiously when I had all my shin problems. I went to a really good running store, they looked at my feet, watched me run, and told me to switch to New Balance Supernova Control. Best switch of my life :)
  • Shin Splints are caused by various things. I think this article will help you.
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