Social drinking

Does anyone out there hit a road block on the weekends with social drinking? It's killing me!


  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Nope, I just don't do it. There's no rule that says that because everyone else is drinking alcohol that you must do so as well. Just choose something else. Or, alternatively, if you choose to drink alcohol, just make sure it fits into your calorie limits for the day. If you know you're going to drink, then plan ahead and know how much you can have. I've read on here that alcohol can cause your body to retain water more, so if you do your drinking on the weekends you might want to make your weigh-in day Friday rather than Monday. THat is if you're a weekly weigher. :)

  • dynad
    dynad Posts: 87 Member
    thanks that what I need is someone like you to tell me like it is, I was doing so well and then my mom suddenly passed away and ever since April everyone has been trying to keep me shall I say numb? I will reach out to you again if I may!
  • rockinme6
    Stop drinking beer. Choose different alternative like i love to drink raspberry vodka with crystal light lemonade! I think vodka only has 70 calories per ounce. Another one i really like is Grape Vodka and Sprite Zero. I know diet soda isnt the best but it has no calories. See if that helps and maybe the quanity of how many drinks you have.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Stopped drinking, I find that it's too many empty calories but it is still possible to lose and have a drink
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    Yes! This was a huge problem during the summer when it seemed like weekends were an endless parade of weddings and backyard barbecues. One easy way of dealing with this for me was to volunteer to be the designated driver for my husband. The big thing for me was realizing just how calorie-laden beer is. It's truly liquid bread, so since I rarely *eat* bread, I really shouldn't be *drinking* it! Now if I have a drink, it's generally a single gin and diet tonic, or else a small glass of wine and I make sure it fits within my calorie goals for the week. Part of it is just recognizing that alcohol is mostly empty calories and feeling like if I'm going to splurge I'd rather it be with something else rather than a second glass of wine.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Does anyone out there hit a road block on the weekends with social drinking? It's killing me!

    Too many calories is too many calories...whether it's alcohol or some other indulgence. Bottom line - you have to limit your consumption or you will sabotage all your efforts. And it helps to choose lower calorie options. I lOVE chocolate martinis and mudslides but my drink of choice now is captain morgan spiced rum and diet coke or a glass or two of wine:drinker:
  • jennetters
    jennetters Posts: 16 Member
    i like wine and if i'm with friends i'll mix seltzer water in it. so it makes it last longer and stretches the calories. i'll also switch between an alcoholic beverage and water. i try to save my calories for the weekend during the week. i look at the week rather than the day.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Fortunately, I have never touched alcohol... so I do not have this problem. I've seen too much of what alcohol can do when overindulgence is involved. I stay away from it altogether.

    I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I pray you find comfort.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    No, not at all! Everything in moderation! I will usually fit in a glass or two of wine or opt for rum & diet cokes or skinny margaritas vs. the real ones & have constantly lost 1-2 pounds for over 23 weeks straight. I would save the full calorie version for a special occasion. Maybe opt for a better choice. Are you drinking creamy or sugary sweet drinks or yeast drinks etc. ~ you didn’t specify? You would have to be consuming quite a bit for a stall &/or should be looking at your diet as a whole or considering limiting your intake. I log it to see if it fits in. I don’t think if you chose a lighter version drink or limit your drinks & sip them that your friends (if real friends) will think you’re less social! Just saying… And drink water for hydration as drinking does dehydrate.
  • ksnegirl
    ksnegirl Posts: 85 Member
    I also struggle because when I drink I want to eat greasy yummy things. Then the hangover munchies. Neither is good. I decided last weekend not to drink and it was the first time I wasn't up on weight Monday. Go figure.
  • Krissyjean72
    Cutting down on drinking is much healthier, but I actually like a drink and the buzz every now and again so usually have a blow out once a month. I found if I exercised and saved those extra calories up (over the 1200 per day allowance), I could go out drinking every now and again and still lose lbs. This would usually entail 30-45 minutes of good cardio 3-4 times in a week prior to the weekend out and not eating those extra calories MFP says you can from doing exercise.

    Also switched from beer to vodka and diet coke. Beer's a killer - you simply can't drink much of it if you're trying to lose weight. So either switch what you're drinking, start saying no to people, get more active or do all three and the weight will drop off big time :-) You'll make the changes when the time's right for you. Sorry about your mom x
  • dynad
    dynad Posts: 87 Member
    It's the Beer ::sad:
  • fp64
    fp64 Posts: 128 Member
    no social life, no social drinking!
  • dynad
    dynad Posts: 87 Member
    This is my weekend of not drinking. Everything everyone has posted I know but, what makes it seem ok once i get to the weekend? It's not like I drink all weekend but its usually a Sat night.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    no social life, no social drinking!

    No social drinking for me..... but, at least this past week, I've had a get-together almost every day. So... I've had a social life. And, it's sent me WAY OVER on calories -- every day. Well, not every day... but some of them. But... it's a process. You've gotta learn how to handle the time out.
  • dynad
    dynad Posts: 87 Member
    please add me as a friend to help me stay away from the booze and on track of my 30lb goal, Thanks
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I also like to drink, usually on Friday nights. I would gain a couple pounds then lose it during the week, the same roller coaster for a long time. Now I just drink on Friday nights, usually I drink Bacardi and water with a lemon. I exercise for about an hour on Saturday and Sunday mornings to counteract the calories from drinking and I sometimes don't eat that great on the weekends. Getting better about the eating, but I have managed for two weeks now, to not gain weight over the weekend and have actually lost a couple pounds
  • apachetear1710
    Firstly sorry about your Mum!

    I'm going to have my first real test re: drinking this weekend - not been out on the town for a while and not really had a drink at home either - this will also be my first meal out since I started my weightloss campaign about a month ago as well

    Think I may stick to vodka & diet coke or white wine spritzers and then pray on Monday lol!! I did look up Sourz (one of my favourites) and was shocked to find a shot was over 100 cals so will leave that for special blowout mesthinks!!