How often do you weigh yourself?



  • Once a day. And as if that wasn't enough, I sometimes weigh myself using 2-3 different scales in one day (I work at a hospital and there are plenty of scales here).
  • I am probably not the best person to base how often you should weigh yourself. I always weigh in the morning and sometimes at night before I go to bed. I'm type A, very busy working a full time professional job, a part time professional job and work out daily if not twice a day early in AM and at night. I'm two years post losing 100lb and very alert to what I eat and maintaining my weight.
  • I weight myself once a month. I found I am a prisoner to the scale if I weight to often. Everytime I do this it just depresses me and it sets me up for failure. If you are eating what your suppose to be eating and counting your calories then why would you weight yourself everyday or even every week. The weight goes up and down on a daily basis and its really easy to feel that your not making progress if you keep weighing everyday.
  • lauries3
    lauries3 Posts: 68 Member
    Every morning faithfully. Sometimes in the evening just to check what the numbers look like. I do not let the scale determine my mood however, it helps me to stay on track. What does determine my mood is the measurements and I do that once a week or try to at least
  • sweetkeys
    sweetkeys Posts: 81 Member
    I'm a WW member and only weigh myself when I attend meetings which I try to do every week. But if I miss a meeting, I just wait to weigh at my next meeting. I'm not trying to lose - just want to make sure I maintain, which I've been able to do for close to 3 years now. When I was working on losing, I only weighed myself at the weekly meetings - otherwise I drove myself crazy!!!!:tongue:
  • fearlesskcl
    fearlesskcl Posts: 159 Member
    I weigh myself almost everyday but only log my weight into MFP on Mondays. I'm gradually trying to move away from weighing myself too regularly as a bad weigh in can negatively effect me. So I'm trying to weigh myself only twice a week, on Monday and Saturday. Monday to keep me on track over the weekend and Saturday because i'm in a MFP challenge. Eventually I would like to get to weighing in once a week!
  • stacyll
    stacyll Posts: 43 Member
    trying friday and monday mornings. have weighed myself more and less. i think twice a week feel s okay for now.
  • For me its one time a day I fill it will help me be accountable ,but also tells me what works for me more of one less of that ..more exercise and less food or less exercise more food kinda thing if that makes since.
  • Once a week. Weight can vary so much day to day. And I find it affects my mood too much to weigh everyday. Too many ups and downs during the week.
  • I was a daily weigh-in kind of girl, but now that I'm attempting ED recovery, I promised myself once a week. On Fridays. Sometimes I slip up (like this morning) and weigh myself more often.
  • 62 times a day.
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    Weigh-in and tape measurements once a week second thing in the morning :)

    I feel like a once-a-week check-in gives me the chance to look at what I'd been doing the week before and evaluate or think about how that might be affecting the scale and the tape and try to see how those results will shape what I'll be doing for the current week.

    CONFESSION: Sometimes I do hop on the scale more than that, but just out of curiosity and I try to be very firm with myself that there are so many factors that can affect daily weight. I only record once a week though, on the specific check-in day that I chose, not just the weight that I like the best :P
  • I weigh myself every single time I walk into the bathroom and see the scale. However, I am just jumping on it out of habit. I like to see how my weight changes throughout the day. I do my official weigh ins every Sunday morning right when I wake up after I use the bathroom. That is the weight I update on MFP every week. The other times I am just curious. It doesn't affect my mood. I used to let ir bother me a lot, but then I learned your weight can range from 0-10 pounds over by the end of the day from water, exercise, etc! Sometimes I weigh 144 in the morning and 149 at night! I don't let it discourage me.
  • I can gain or loss weight quickly so I weigh myslef daily. If I am doing something wrong then I can catch it before I gain too much weight.
  • hdjjones
    hdjjones Posts: 130 Member
    Once a week at a weight management class I am taking. I also record waist, neck and hip measurements.
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    Once a day in the morning. I only record if I see a stable trend over a few days time.
  • I started this program on a Sunday. I will only weigh on Sunday mornings before breakfast..thats honest for me.
  • WendyBlendy
    WendyBlendy Posts: 124 Member
    I think the best way to keep track of you weight is weekly. I check every Sunday morning as soon as I wake up. I dont think checking everyday is a good idea because your weight changes everyday and sometimes when you "gain" weight you get discouraged even though it could be water weight or food you just ate.

    ^^^^^Same with me!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I weigh every morning (and usually groan). You see, I too am big on measurements - But in my case I am bigger than I want to be on measurements
  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    Every day. But nothing counts until Friday Morning Weigh/Check In. Also take measurements first Check In every month. Weighing everyday with a Tanita scale gives me a fair idea of 'Actions vs Consequesnces'. I think it is another tool in the learning to eat healthy process. It is not the judge, it is reality. Regardless of all the pros & cons of weighing and frequency, it is just that, a tool. Water retention, salt in processed and cured foods, fats, proteins, starches, sugars. If you are aware, you can use the knowledge. Knowledge is power. Power to be aware of what your body is doing. And I think that is a good thing. My 2 cents.