5'8" ladies, what is your goal weight???

I am 5'8" and trying to figure out a reasonable goal for myself... Right now I am shooting for 150-160, at my fittest I was at 140 but I had no boobs or butt! But who knows, this goal can definitely change as I get closer :) What are your ultimate goal weights??


    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    I'm at 160 right now and I actually love the way I look!
  • I'm about 137 lbs right now but I have very small bones so I'm aiming for about 130 lbs!
  • becca_21
    becca_21 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm almost 5'8" and was 178lbs when I started on MFP. My original goal weight was around 135, but I got down to 141lbs last summer, and realized that I was losing all of my curves. I think I look the best around 148-150lbs. I'm not really concerned with losing weight right now though- I just want to strengthen and tone my figure.

    As you start losing weight, and adjusting your diet, you might need to adjust your goals as well.
  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    I've set my goal for 140. I've been there before, but think it might be a bit too skinny now (I'm a few years older). I'd like to get under 150, and I'll revise once I get there.
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    I agree with everyone on this thread. My original goal was 150, I am sitting at 143 (size 2 or 4) right now and like 150 (size 4 or 6) better. My rear and boobs are gone :( Now I'm working hard at the gym and eating a bit more.
  • jjj1988
    jjj1988 Posts: 97 Member
    Right now I'm at 153, aiming for 120-125, about 15% BF. More concerned with being toned and healthy, not 'skinny'
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I started at 175lbs. I'm 159lbs now. Goal is set for 145lbs. Like a bunch of other people said, this may change as I get closer. I'm leaning more towards 140lbs as of now.
  • mrskt20
    mrskt20 Posts: 6 Member
    I think it depends on your body type. I am 190 my goal is 150. I am curvy and pretty toned (despite my extra weight). I pretty much stayed in the 140's and 150's after having my first child and I loved the way my body looked then. I no longer want to be stick thin like I was before having my babies (120-130's). I think my curves help balance me out.
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    I think 145 is where I am super happy but its been a long time since I have been there. I am 50 pounds from that goal so if I find my happy place before I get there, I am willing to reevaluate.
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    I am going for 145.

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  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    My goal weight is 63kg or 138lbs. My starting weight last summer was 75kg or 165lbs.
    I am just at arm reach - I am almost at my goal! :D

    I was thinking of 61kg or 135lbs but I altered my goal since I dont want risking losing my curves ;)

    By the way I am 174cm or 5"8 and a half.
  • I was at 150 a few months ago and went up to 155 after backing off exercise for a medical reason. I'd love to be 145-150! It's tough being so close to your goal!
  • iheartredsox80
    iheartredsox80 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm going for 160
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    I'm at 140. I was at 125-130 at my fittest. I think somewhere around 130-135 is good for me since I've got a larger chest that I don't want to lose.
  • lynnie_6084
    lynnie_6084 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'8" and I'm currently at 169 lbs... I've been at this for a while, but find that I keep losing my motivation and coming up with excuses to go off plan or stop exercising.

    I have my goal set at 135 right now, but at my lightest, post-babies, weight I was 145 and I was pretty happy there, but like a lot of others I'm afraid to lose my curves so I'll look and see what happends when I get there.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    I started at 163 on my own and 153 with MFP. I initially wanted to be around 135, but I am at 141-143 and I am pretty happy right here! Now that I lost the weight I am working on toning.