Trying To Get 8 Glasses H2O...Any Suggestions?



  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    I have a 16oz bottle. I drink one with each meal - that's 6 glasses right there. Then I drink a minimum of 2-4 glasses while working out, and at least one more bottle (2 glasses in between meals). If you keep the bottle on hand all day, it's actually a lot easier than one might think. Also, if you add lemon, lime, cucumber, or another fruit to your water, it makes it easier too because it's so yummy!
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    It may sound crazy, but I drink mine in a cup with a straw. I drink more that way. On ice and in an insulated cup.

    this. i have an insulated cup with a straw at work, home, next to my bed, in my car....they end up rotating as i fill them, but there is always a cup for me to grab and fill.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I sip from a 24 oz insulated cup with a straw ALL DAY long. Seriously. Just keep it with you and keep filling it up. Sip constantly. The only time I ever just gulp a full cup is after exercise, or if I'm off my routine and let myself get really thirsty (that doesn't happen a lot). Yes, I"m also in the bathroom a lot. At least I have to walk a bit to ge there. :laugh:
  • dcat4563
    dcat4563 Posts: 33 Member
    I take a bottle to work with me every morning - holds 16.9 oz. I fill it up 2x while i am at work. drink that throughout the workday. then i usually drink a full bottle during/after workout, then try to drink another bottle between then and bedtime. it really helps to have it during the workday. i just don't drink as much when i am away from my desk. I also add lemon sometimes to help add some flavor. there are even pitchers that have inserts for infusing water with lemon/melon/berries. i carry a bottle in my purse and order it on occasion at restaurants.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I keep a 32oz (4 cups) bottle at my desk for water and drink at least one of those every day along with 2 cups of tea, 2 cups at the gym and at least 4 more cups at home in the evening.

    At home I mix pitchers of sugar free drink mixes (like Crystal Light but I use the Great Value brand) and just put a 1-2 TBSP worth in each cup of water. Our tap water isn't all that tasty but this little bit of flavor helps a lot!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    i work for starbucks so pretty much 5 days a week my life revolves around work. i fill up a trenta cup of H2O and drink it, then refill it. bam, done. 2 trenta H2O's is your daily goal for water.
  • I drink 3 to 4 water bottles a day. One with each.....Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack
  • bet3120
    bet3120 Posts: 125
    I love water, so I don't have a problem getting enough, but one thing I do that might help you is I chug a whole large glass of water right before I go to bed and right after I wake up.

    is the same thing i do, and i usually drink 1 glass (8oz) one hour before meal and one hour later 1 glass more.
    on the top in my office i keep a bottle of water 36 oz (1L).
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    I have a 1.5 liter water bottle: holds 6 - 8oz cups. I fill it twice a day. It's the easiest way to have water around me all the time and be able to just gulp down as much as possible at once.
  • Meghansmotivqte
    Meghansmotivqte Posts: 4 Member
    Chug, chug, chug!!! It gets easier, I used to hate drinking water but now I am drink 8-12 cups a day. But I believe its important to drink the water fast, if you get tired of it and crystal light drink mixers, only 5 calories for half a pack. And its delicious!
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I have a 32 oz. "coffee" insulated mug that I carry around with me all day. It starts off filled with unsweet iced tea and then when that's gone, I fill it up with water for the rest of the day (until I get home and then it is back to unsweet iced tea ~ Im trying to give up Coke). I carry it with me everywhere and it fits in my bag/purse ~ and Im at the point where I can't leave the house without it or I feel "naked". Lol
  • if I don't buy other drinks then I'll have a tall glass of water (probably about 16oz) with my breakfast, then I have a 32oz bottle that I keep at my desk and I keep it full of water, usually manage to drink 32oz before lunch, then I refill it and get it most of the way gone before I leave, then will drink a couple more glasses at night... 8 glasses is just a recommendation, like everything else... there is no real reason to say you have to drink 8 glasses a day, its just recommended because the more you drink the more you'll flush sodium / sugar / toxins etc. out of your system.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    I drink a glass first thing in morning, 1 at 10-ish (if able) 2 with lunch, 1 at 2-ish, 2 with dinner, one about 2hrs before bed at a minimum. If I am working, it changes up a bit, of course, since I am on the go for my job. I have been counseled by 2 different doctors about drinking Less water, since my sodium levels get low (via urinalysis)

    I've certainly never noticed my thirst mechanism being broken. 'Though If I catch myself wandering around my kitchen looking for something to eat and not knowing what I want I will have a glass of water.
  • I use a 30oz cup at work. I fill it up at least 3x each day and continue to drink water or unsweet iced tea when I get home. Using a large cup and straw has helped me.
  • I also always fill my water bottle at the water cooler the furthest from my desk, adds a few extra steps to my day and its always the coldest water because hardly anyone wants to walk that far to get water, they go to the one closest to us...
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    Did you see the post under the recipe board for apple cinnamon water? I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going sounds delicious and I'm hoping it will help me increase my water intake in a yummy way ;)
  • i get the 24 case of spring water and a measuing cup and drink it three times a day with meals and my last one before i go to bed
  • marysue1965
    marysue1965 Posts: 63 Member
    i bought a 32 oz. water bottle that i fill up at night & put in the fridge, i take it everywhere w/ me. One bottle is half of my daily water needs. Just refill it when it gets empty. It has a cool handle i can hold onto when i go for my walks, & only cost me $5.oo
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Eat spicy foods.

    I had 4 cups of water with my dinner alone last night (homemade pizza with chicken, ranch, salsa and jalapenos).
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I drink mine with lemon and lime slices, and at room temp. I keep it on my desk all day and mindlessly sip it. I can fit in alot of water when it has a bit of flavor!