Adrenal Fatigue

Has anyone or is anyone suffering from Adrenal Fatigue?
I have been so exhausted the last couple weeks. No matter if I get 6hrs or 10 hrs of sleep I feel so exhausted. I usually am the first person to go out and have fun, but being tired has left me so un-motivated.
I looked up some symptoms online and I have every symptom of adrenal fatigue.
Especially when it talks about long periods of stress. I am in full time college and working and living on my own. I had to take in my 4yr old nephew for almost a year last summer, and my mom passed away in february. I have been constantly stressed and worried. But lately my depression and everything has hit me hard.
I can't afford to go to the doctor right now, so I wasn't sure if anyone here has had it and would know some simple ways to help it.


  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    My sister has this. She has been told to cut way back on her sugar.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Has anyone or is anyone suffering from Adrenal Fatigue?
    I have been so exhausted the last couple weeks. No matter if I get 6hrs or 10 hrs of sleep I feel so exhausted. I usually am the first person to go out and have fun, but being tired has left me so un-motivated.
    I looked up some symptoms online and I have every symptom of adrenal fatigue.
    Especially when it talks about long periods of stress. I am in full time college and working and living on my own. I had to take in my 4yr old nephew for almost a year last summer, and my mom passed away in february. I have been constantly stressed and worried. But lately my depression and everything has hit me hard.
    I can't afford to go to the doctor right now, so I wasn't sure if anyone here has had it and would know some simple ways to help it.

    Might it be depression and not adrenal fatigue or something like CFS
  • alisha1321
    alisha1321 Posts: 39 Member
    I am not ruling out other things such as CFS. Or depression, but when researching it seemed that Adrenal Fatigue best suit what I was feeling. But I suppose CFS could also be the case, or even depression.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Read the book Adrenal Fatigue by Dr. James Wilson - it's amazing and will answer so many of your questions.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I have been told have over-active adrenal glands (not sure if I do or not, it was my acupuncturist- he does do a good jjob with explaining things and helping me.. I dunno)

    and I have Chronic Fatigue- that is exasperated by stress-- which there has been a lot of this year.

    I hope you get to feeling better soon.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Great video of a girl that suffered from adrenal fatigue
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Overtraining caused me to develop insomnia. I was only get 2-3 hours of sleep. After reducing my training volume, I'm back to getting about 6 hours of sleep on a good night.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    Has anyone or is anyone suffering from Adrenal Fatigue?
    I have been so exhausted the last couple weeks. No matter if I get 6hrs or 10 hrs of sleep I feel so exhausted. I usually am the first person to go out and have fun, but being tired has left me so un-motivated.
    I looked up some symptoms online and I have every symptom of adrenal fatigue.
    Especially when it talks about long periods of stress. I am in full time college and working and living on my own. I had to take in my 4yr old nephew for almost a year last summer, and my mom passed away in february. I have been constantly stressed and worried. But lately my depression and everything has hit me hard.
    I can't afford to go to the doctor right now, so I wasn't sure if anyone here has had it and would know some simple ways to help it.

    I don't know if I have adrenal fartigue or not...I am also very fatigued as well as having all my medications interacting with each other...this has been going on for about 7-8 months...all tests my doctor has ordered has come back normal...I have a high stress job also...when I get home from work, I just vegetate...I rest everytime I have a chance, and push, push when I'm at work...I have not had a vacation in 3 years and have set up a 1 month vacation this Dec.....I also have researched online and my symptoms match quite a few conditions including adrenal fatigue....I did, however, find when I was at my worst, that if I ate carbs, (breakfast burito with potatoes, eggs, and spam) (or MInute Maid ORIGINAL orange juice...HAS to be MINUTE MAID)... I felt better, in fact, the fatigue actually left me...also, when I ate liver, not only did I feel better after eating it, but the next day I felt good too)....My doctor gave me folic acid which did help...and is still doing tests......are you taking a good multivitamin?
  • alisha1321
    alisha1321 Posts: 39 Member
    It is nice to know that even if you may not be diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, that some of you share similar symptoms as me. All though non of them are good, but it's nice to know that I am not alone.
  • Luciabella07
    Luciabella07 Posts: 205 Member
    I just recently have been dealing with this as sister is a nurse and told me that this is what i have. Ive been taking Adrenal Health pills by Gaia (I got them from Whole Foods, they are all natural) they have helped out a ton!! Make sure you take them about 15 minutes before you eat on an empty stomach. Another book that I would recommend which my sister recommended was Adaptogens by David Winston.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Overtraining caused me to develop insomnia. I was only get 2-3 hours of sleep. After reducing my training volume, I'm back to getting about 6 hours of sleep on a good night.

    Yep. This happened to me too. I took a week off of exercise. Upped my calorie intake to maintenance and adjusted my training program accordingly. All symptoms were gone by the end of the week and haven't been back since.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I don't know about the adrenal part, but the fatigue part is 100% me! To the point that I had a sleep study because they thought I might have apnea. I don't. Since I've been back to a more normal gym schedule over the past few months, my sleep is MUCH better, but by the weekend, I can sleep for 10 hours or more Friday night & Saturday night - and still get to bed and sleep Sunday night. I did literally nothing yesterday and still slept soundly and did NOT want to get up this morning! Maybe it's the change of season and the shorter days...

    But that's me. I hope you find out what is causing your extreme fatigue!
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    Adrenals are only part of the picture, but if you can improve function by not pulling on the adrenals with medications, stimulants, or sleep deprivation (caffeine, sugar, what you want to push up your energy levels with). Low thyroid can throw off the adrenals, even if it tests normal range. We have so many stresses it's difficult not to try pushing through the fatigue, but don't do it. Also high cortisol (stress hormone) can impact you. I think some people are more prone to this so if it's in your personality, cognitive behavior techniques may help. Good luck and good health to you.
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    I have battled Adrenal fatigue for years. The good news is you can get better, I use Isocort off of amazon that my Naturopath recommended. I would just take 1 or 2 in the morning and then again in the afternoon. You probably don't need the full dose. Another thing is try and cut way back on any caffeine or stimulant as they stress the adrenals. I also take it easy on exercise. Just do walking for a while and sleep when you are tired I take a walk and a short nap at lunch time (when I am at work). Also, stay away from the processed foods if you can. I also drink Yerba Mate tea instead of coffee it is much easier on the body. Be kind to your self and be patient and learn to relax it is key to getting better
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    How do you know its adrenal fatigue? You don't know unless you've had a blood test and your hormone is low and that's pretty rare. I know someone wrote a book about it and suddenly, everyone has it. I have (had) chronic fatigue for years. Never knew what it was caused by. Read every book written but then I decided to try elimination of certain foods. You have to figure out what the cause is for you. Believe me, there's something and the tough thing is, figuring out what it is because its different for different people. For me, it was faulty carb metabolism and gluten intolerance. But I tried a million different things before i tried cutting the glutens and carbs. When I did figure out what it was, my life completely changed. That brain fog was gone. i still have joint pain, but its much less. All in all, the less I eat, the better I tend to feel. Food allergies and intolerances are huge in a lot of people. Some have problems with dairy. Chances are, if it gives you other symptoms like gas or heartburn, its also contributing to your fatigue. Get rid of it.

    And of course, exercise is paramount in getting rid of fatigue. The right amount. Too much will overstress you so make sure you're not pushing too hard, or not at all. That's really all.

    My best advise is to do a food challenge. Start with whatever you eat a lot of. With most people, its dairy, glutens or sugar. Get rid of it and when you start to feel better, you'll know what it is that does you in.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I don't think you can be officially diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. It's not recognised in the medical world, as it's just based on speculation rather than science. The symptoms are rather vague and could apply to quite a variety of conditions. For instance, I get fatigue from having Asperger Syndrome, and my symptoms fit the 'adrenal fatigue' symptoms. Also, it's very normal to get those symptoms after a bereavement or other major life stress - it's your body's way of dealing with it.

    I have a whole variety of strategies for dealing with my own fatigue. I walk several miles a day - which might sound counter-intuitive, but the tiredness one gets from exercise is a completely different sort of tiredness, and counterbalances the fatigue that you call 'adrenal fatigue'. I do a lot of sensory things - this is very specific to the autism spectrum, but I have found a lot of non-autistic people benefit from these things too - scented candles, massage, bubble baths, jumping on a trampoline, wrapping myself up in a blanket, using heated wheatbags, listening to relaxing music, and also using a sauna and steam room. I keep a journal to process my feelings. I make sure to have some quiet alone time each day, where I do nothing in particular.

    Hope that helps.

    Oh, and I almost forgot - diet makes a huge difference. Eat more simple, natural foods, and less processed foods. And don't overeat. It sounds simple, but it's amazing the difference it makes.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    Has anyone or is anyone suffering from Adrenal Fatigue?
    I have been so exhausted the last couple weeks. No matter if I get 6hrs or 10 hrs of sleep I feel so exhausted. I usually am the first person to go out and have fun, but being tired has left me so un-motivated.
    I looked up some symptoms online and I have every symptom of adrenal fatigue.
    Especially when it talks about long periods of stress. I am in full time college and working and living on my own. I had to take in my 4yr old nephew for almost a year last summer, and my mom passed away in february. I have been constantly stressed and worried. But lately my depression and everything has hit me hard.
    I can't afford to go to the doctor right now, so I wasn't sure if anyone here has had it and would know some simple ways to help it.

    I don't know if I have adrenal fartigue or not...I am also very fatigued as well as having all my medications interacting with each other...this has been going on for about 7-8 months...all tests my doctor has ordered has come back normal...I have a high stress job also...when I get home from work, I just vegetate...I rest everytime I have a chance, and push, push when I'm at work...I have not had a vacation in 3 years and have set up a 1 month vacation this Dec.....I also have researched online and my symptoms match quite a few conditions including adrenal fatigue....I did, however, find when I was at my worst, that if I ate carbs, (breakfast burito with potatoes, eggs, and spam) (or MInute Maid ORIGINAL orange juice...HAS to be MINUTE MAID)... I felt better, in fact, the fatigue actually left me...also, when I ate liver, not only did I feel better after eating it, but the next day I felt good too)....My doctor gave me folic acid which did help...and is still doing tests......are you taking a good multivitamin?

    this is an update...I have been diagnosed with overactive gallbladder....maybe caused ALL my issues...we are looking at doing more tests to rule out other issues....but I did discover that when I doubled my multi-vitamin that was extra high in B-vits, that I wasn't as tired...maybe I'm not assimulating my vitamins from what I eat or suppliment...try that, and see if it helps