How can i get motivated and stay motivated?

Fall is here which is the time for nice smelling baked goods/pumpkin scents... how do i get on track and stay on track? i've gained 10 pounds back since January and i wanna put a stop to it... i need to come up with ways to work out & keep on a sechedule... i feel like everytime i do great i fall back down again.... i lost 75 pounds a year ago and now i feel like im just gaining and gaining... any tips?


  • vsourceone
    vsourceone Posts: 2 Member
    I have notice that you really have to know when you are ready to make a change in your lifestyle and habits. Weight loss is hard just like anything else in life, what do you like doing? I know this, I have one body, and I take care of everything around me, I clean the house I wash the clothes because I want my house to look nice and clothes to be clean, Well same as your body, take care of it have pride clean your house which is the body that God has given you. I had to ask God to forgive me, for not taking care of my body that he has blessed me with, I am making a change, and you can too, if you are not seeing results weight lose works from the inside out. Yes, inside out are organs are reshaping and getting fit and stronger, then later you will see the outside transforming, you can do it.
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    Thanks - IT MAKES SENSE!! :)