What Carbs DO You Eat? / Bread Head's Lament

What carbs DO you eat? I comprehend bread = bad (though I don't fully comprehend why, other than the fact I often feel bloated afterward, its consumption can impede or seem even to reverse weight loss, and numerous studies show the body easily converts bread to sugar ― its high glycemic index triggers fat storage, inflammation, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera) ― but to eliminate carbs entirely would be to eliminate fruits and vegetables as well, which obviously indicates not all carbs = bad. By "low-carb" is it mainly GRAINS we should avoid, even whole grains?

If you're a bread head like me, in what bread products do you occasionally indulge? And what do you define as "occasionally"? I partake in the "occasional" (every few days) slice of homemade 100% whole wheat bread or the "occasional" (1-2 x/mo.) slice of whole wheat banana bread. I'm also somewhat lenient when eating out, e.g, Friday night I snarfed a quarter of a Vietnamese "bao" or steamed bun (...in addition to a generous serving of rice, to be completely transparent). Saturday I broke down and bought a loaf of Sara Lee's multi-grain 45-calorie bread, which last night I sampled, toasted and plain with my acorn squash bisque, and found rather wanting under the label of "multi-grain" bread; rather light and tasteless compared to the flavor and density I associate with multi-grain bread; certainly no low-calorie bread one could achieve at home (hello, major processing).


  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I eat 2-3 sandwiches a day. Natures own whole grain sugar free bread, mostly because its only 50 calories a slice. Plus I also eat about two whole cans of vegetables a day. My average carb intake is ~150 per day, not super low carb but it works for me.eliminating a whole group of food, other then medical reasons or intolerances doesn't make much sense.
  • krisalexine
    krisalexine Posts: 78 Member
    Sweet potatoes and bananas. If I get a craving for bread, I eat Coconut Flour Bread from Julian Bakery. If you want the link, message me. I'd post it here but I'm not sure what counts as advertising and what doesn't.
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    Try some Sprouted grain bread. its made with all grains no flower. pretty good too
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    fruits, vegetables, sugar from dairy, legumes, and whole grains.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Don't carbs include starchy vegetables and fruit? I definitely eat those, also whole grain rice, oats, and breads. I do my best to keep everything balanced according to my food diary but will often end up short in the carbs column and a little over the limit in protein or fat. I avoid the refined stuff.
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    I have the odd slice of white as in French or Italian when I eat out at a nice place but at home and in general I do not eat bread I am diabetic and find I get more carb buck for the bang out of veggies. LOL

    I have low carb pasta about every 2 weeks and eat Ole hig fiber low cartb tortillas when I need a sandwich or Fajitas. If eat rice is is batsmati thern only 1/4-1/2 cup cooked.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I eat this way:

    A low carb, high fat whole foods diet and I keep my carbs around 50g a day -- that's not a hard and fast rule, just where my carbs fall naturally eating what I want and at the limit I feel best. Which means I eat a couple servings of berries most days and all of the non-starchy vegetables I want and since I like vegetables that's a lot.

    I honestly don't even have to think about it anymore. I just eat good food with as much added natural fats as will make it taste good (think butter, heavy cream, sour cream, olive oil based salad dressings, full fat cheeses and I cook in lard and coconut oil). I don't even log my calories anymore and I'm still losing weight even though I never scrimp on the fat and I know my meals average around 600 - 800 calories each. I eat until I'm full, sometimes until I'm past full just because it tastes so good, and then I eat again when I'm hungry which usually isn't for another 5 - 7 hours so I end up eating twice a day with a snack at night just because I like to eat.

    The only exceptions to the above are an Italian hoagie made on freshly baked bread about once a month (so delicious!) and sometimes I splurge on fruit so instead of my usual strawberries and blueberries I might get crazy and have bananas and cantaloupe. Oh, yeah, and microwaved popcorn drenched in melted butter but that's just because I can't make myself throw away the popcorn but once it's gone that's it. I'd bet even when I do eat that stuff my carbs for the day are what most people would still consider low. But that stuff isn't often because I start to feel hungry more than what I should when my carbs are much over 50g and I hate feeling like I NEED to eat all the time (instead of being physically hungry which actually feels good to me) so I avoid it for the most part and make sure it really is only an occasional thing.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Any carb that I want to eat. If you have an intolerance or medical condition that requires you to limit carbs, by all means do so. But assuming you can get in adequate amounts of proteins and fats each day and have no such reasons to limit them, the types of carbs you eat shouldn't have a significant impact on your weight loss
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Oooh, boy, better to ask which breads that I don't eat..... I don't like rye or sourdough or pumpernickel.

    I had cornbread last night. (super yummy) I also had pancakes for breakfast yesterday, with syrup. I had baked oatmeal this morning. I will have some French bread this week at some point. French and Italian breads are my favorite, at least for now. Cornbread also ranks pretty high up on the list. Pumpkin bread, banana bread are favorites. (most of the "dessert" breads, lol)

    ETA: and I don't like nuts in my bread.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Try some Sprouted grain bread. its made with all grains no flower. pretty good too

    No flowers in it? Not even dandelions? :explode:
  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,214 Member
    Any carb that I want to eat. If you have an intolerance or medical condition that requires you to limit carbs, by all means do so. But assuming you can get in adequate amounts of proteins and fats each day and have no such reasons to limit them, the types of carbs you eat shouldn't have a significant impact on your weight loss

    Voice of reason.
  • the carbs I seem to eat is pasta, porriage,and potatoes I also eat muller light yogurts a lot helps with the sweet crave and is fat free. but it doe's have carbs.

    I find it hard to stay within the carbs a few times I go over. what do you think is it better to go over carbs or fat.?

    I find it sometimes hard, The foods I choose to eat it has high fats or high carbs never low carbs and fats at the same time.

    I eat mostly carbs because they are more filling. do you find that too?

    What do others think?
  • I eat a lot of beans, rice (especially jasmine), and quinoa. I have a weakness for potato bread, but we typically will buy whole wheat. I try to also stick to eating whole wheat pasta.
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    It's all personal preference and what you find works for you in the long run. I have lost nearly 50lbs, WW at first now MFP. According to the Macronutrient tracking I still get about 50% or better from carbs. I just cannot do High protein..I tried it once with some co-workers and all it did was leave me stopped up, cranky, and gaining weight, despite only about 1200-1400 calories a day. I feel much more energetic with carbs. I did reduce greatly processed carbs like sugar and white breads( treats only) It works better for me. I like fruits and veggies way to much to limit them. Everybody is different though, one of my co-workers can't lose weight eating carbs, but high-protein makes it just drop off her and she feels more energetic and happy when she eats higher protein.
  • Pretty sure i'd die without Bread/carbs. Toast/ bagel for breakfast (usually white bread) wheat bread on sandwich for lunch or something with white rice. Rice and noodles for dinner. Yeah Carbs are like the main thing I eat although somehow i'm usually under carbs with my food log.
  • BH_Holl
    BH_Holl Posts: 55 Member
    Any carb that I want to eat. If you have an intolerance or medical condition that requires you to limit carbs, by all means do so. But assuming you can get in adequate amounts of proteins and fats each day and have no such reasons to limit them, the types of carbs you eat shouldn't have a significant impact on your weight loss

    ^^^ This.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I chose South Beach to help me. Lose the weight and then to keep it off. That means no sugar, white four, white rice, white pasta, or white potatoes (plus a few high sugar fruits). So I eat allowed fruits, and whole grain pastas, and brown rice. I also eat Ezekiel bread which is made of spouted grains and contains no flour. I have also tried my hand at whole wheat muffins.
  • acawle00
    acawle00 Posts: 28 Member
    Try some Sprouted grain bread. its made with all grains no flower. pretty good too

    This was my suggestion. It's pricey but extremely filling. From what I can figure, and I may be wrong, humans have a hard time digesting the wheat and whatever they do to the sprouted grain bread makes it easier to digest