How to get back on the wagon?

So I've fallen off the wagon again. From October-December 25th, I lost about 24 lbs, and then stopped. Now I'm back in school and eat at the dining courts because I have no other option. I've gained some weight back, but I can't seem to drive myself to go to the gym.

How can I get myself back on the wagon? :/


  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    there's really no easy way to do it. it can be just as hard as it was to start the first time. you just have to make up the mind that this is what you want to do. and do it. no easy fix.
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    Sometimes it takes a step ladder to get back on :tongue: . I actually just went through this. Start by making healthy choices at the dining hall. They probably have a salad bar and fresh fruit, chicken breasts, etc. If you start making the healthy choices in your diet, then maybe something will click for you as far as working out goes. I went on vacation in January and tried to make good choices then. I hadn't been on MFP for about 3 months, some sort of Hiatus i was having. When I got back from vacation, it was almost like "why am I making these great choices if I'm not working out too!?" and that got me into the gym. That was Jan 22, and I've lost 5lbs since being back.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    :flowerforyou: You're back on! Remember that life style changes do take time. It's okay to be loosy goosey and come back, for some, this is how it happens. Stay consistent, it can be hard but don't be too hard on yourself and leave room for fluff ups! Your motivation and will power will help you reach your goal. You're doing this for you. Self health is what you're after! And... you're already doing a great job! Recognizing the need to get on it again is HUGE!!!! Well wishes to you on your journey. Smile your way through your days :)
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    There's no WAY to get back on. Just do it.
    We all make mistakes and life continues to go on. :flowerforyou:
  • emoodze
    emoodze Posts: 15 Member
    Gosh, this is a life battle isn't it?? I took a hiatus myself, but more like a year's worth. I was working out occasionally, but wasn't really committed to eating right or exercising consistently. It was very bad for a while. And I kept feeling guilty about it. Which led me to eat more. And then I felt guiltier. And then I ate even more.... you get the idea. For me, I needed to find an eating plan that was right for me, and I needed a deadline.

    I've done every diet on the planet, all to some level of success. I even thought I'd accomplished that "lifestyle change" everyone talks about, but apparently I didn't. So I had to forgive myself my mistakes, commit myself to an eating plan that was reasonable, easy, and allowed for the occasional treat, and then give myself a deadline to get started again.

    I found the 400 calorie fix at (it's a great tool to get you started again), and picked a date. It's now been about 7 weeks, and I've lost 14 pounds. And the best part is that the guilt is gone.

    I wish you luck. But this is the hardest part. Once you get started, you'll start to feel better, and you'll inspire yourself to keep going.
  • BoilerMaker22
    BoilerMaker22 Posts: 53 Member
    Yeah, I guess it's just best to just get at it again. Thanks for all the encouragement and replies you all, I appreciate it.