so frustrated, need some advice/ encouragement and to know I

rosalie_g Posts: 71
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so for the past 2-2 1/2 weeks i have been eating perfectly and yet my scale has not gone lower than 220 pounds. I have been using weight watchers and MFP to help me track what I am eating and I am breastfeeding. I started out great and lost 20 pounds the first month which I didnt expect at all. But then I stalled at 220 and I thought maybe I was breastfeeding too much and not eating enough so I started to allow myself my extra breastfeeding calories which I hadnt been doing initially. Nothing happened, I am still stuck at 220. I am not working out yet but I am not sedentary either. I clean my house daily and work up a good sweat doing so (running up and downstairs, vacuuming, mopping etc.). I walk quite a bit during the day between grocery stores, errands and laundry and chasing my 2 daughters around. What could be my problem? I am getting so frustrated. I'm gonna start taking a brisk walk in the afternoon once my husband gets home. Is there something I am missing maybe???


  • Hang in there! When I lost about 60 lbs after each of my kids there were inexplicable plateaus... so frustrating! Not sure how low you were going on calories... for me personally the breastfeeding didn't seem to change my weight loss/calorie needs by too much (maybe one extra snack per day.)
    Good luck!
  • Oh my goodness! When I read this I thought I typed it. EXACTLY word for word (well, except fo the breastfeeding-- my kids are 2 & 4) but everything else, the timing, the numbers, the excercise, EVERYTHING is the same. DOn't know what to do either except that I'm in the exact same boat and I'm getting frustrated too. I'm just going to hang in there because really, I have no other options. I posted somewhere else that I might try and go see a nutritionist but I feel like if I'm following WW I should be ok?!?! I know how you feel.
  • I know just how you feel. I have hit a plateau too:angry: . But in the past, I have stuck with it, despite the scale frustration and eventually the pounds start falling again. My last plateau lasted nearly three months. I tried everything, but my body didn't budge. I just kept with my routine and finally the pounds started coming off again. Now, however, I've hit another plateau. I don't know why this happens but it is frustrating. Just got to stick with it.Good luck and keep up the hard work, it'll happen!!:happy:
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    I would like to know who started the rumor that breastfeeding helps a mother loose weight!? It didn't help me loose not ONE POUND. The benefits are wonderful to my baby, it's great for bonding and creates a special relationship....but not a pound did it help shred for me.

    My weightloss as seemed to come in "fits". I'll be on a roll, and then I'll plateau. I don't know what I did other than stick with it and see it through, but it is very frustrating; I love instant gratification as well.

    I did however read an article somewhere that breastfeeding in some women seemed to make the body work harder at homeostasis (in terms of weight). I'm apparently one of those women. Just continue to do right by your body and your baby and it will eventually pay off for the both of you.
  • Thank you all for replying! I will stick with what i am doing as far as eating well because there are so many benefits than just losing the weight. I notice that I feel better in general. I sleep better, I have more energy and I just feel good all around. I just really want those numbers on the scale to drop. I'm just gonna really step up my exercise this week and see what happens. Wish me luck :smile:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I challenge everyone who is dealing with this situation.... Do Not Weigh yourself for 3 months :noway: :bigsmile: Just go by how your clothes fit... I dare you! :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I had a terrible time losing weight, while breastfeeding, all 3 times.

    You may have to kick up the exercise so that your heart rate is really getting up there.

    After i lost 20 pounds, i was stuck around the same # for weeks. But the inches then began to come off during that time, though the scale didn't move. Expect a plateau after a sudden loss. Keep up your water too!

    Good luck!
  • The good news is that everybody hits a place where it seems no matter what you do the weight is not going to come off and as most people said eventually it will. This comes from this internal device in your body per say that sets a certain weight for you. For example if your body wants to be at 220 and you lose 3lbs and your happy. Then the first time you cheat it seems like you gained 3lbs just like that, this is your body maintaiing that 220. On the flip side if you gain 3lbs and you put no real effort into losing it you feel lose 3lbs just like that and it felt so effortless. The real challenge is to get your body's internal weight to drop and it just takes time but it will happen by excercising and eating less calories. Just remember you didn't gain the weight in a month so you can't expect to lose it all in a month.
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