new to fitness, in training for the usaf

Hi- I'm Nicole, and I've never really bothered with being healthy. Now I'm desperately trying to get into shape to graduate basic: 10 min mile, 27 push ups in a minute, and 50 sit ups. I'd love to meet people trying to get in shape for basic, or any reason :D


  • ms_rayzd
    Hi Nicole! When do you leave? What is your job? Sorry, proir AF, 12 years. Where are you at right now with the training? Do you have access to a base right now?
  • nicoleavans
    I leave December 17th, and I'm a med lab apprentice. That's amazing! Right now I'm at a 14 min mile, 32 situps per minute, and zero push ups. :( I have to work on that. And, no, not yet.
  • FutureMASailor
    FutureMASailor Posts: 22 Member
    Hey! I'm Liz and I'm in training for the usn and I'm also desperately trying to get in shape. I need to have a 15 min mile and a half, 20 pushups and 50 situps. I leave March 5th
  • nicoleavans
    Hi, Liz! One of my best friends just left for Navy basic. Good luck!